Saturday, February 5, 2011

IT ALL - an oldie but a goodie

We live in a society where we have to fit into a social norm and anyone straying outside of that social norm is considered a heretic.  Just consider this… What if everyone who was diagnosed with some medically misunderstood ailment was simply reacting in crisis to being forcibly placed in a box that they were not meant to ever fit into?

What if bi-polar dis-ease were simply our own human bodies innately reacting to the push and pull of the energies of the earth, the moon, the solar system, or the universe at large?  There seem to be so many people diagnosed with this that the numbers are astounding today.  Is this a dis-ease or merely a human reaction to the ascension energies going on our planet and the rest of the universe?  

Even all the self-medicating with street drugs for years can be attributed to this change taking place as well.  People just don’t know what to do with the energy.  They have to open to it, flow with it or go down screaming… medicated by doctors who don’t understand energy anyway and have been taught that if a pill cant ‘fix’ it its unfixable. 

What kind of world are we building here?  One of tolerance, compassion, love and kindness or one of control, fear, death and backwards thinking?  Haven’t any of them watched Star Trek?  Haven’t they seen the possibilities?  We have everything we need right here on this beautiful blue planet for healing ourselves, saving ourselves and becoming creatures of the light for which we were intended and instructed by beings of light of whom we know of well.

Before Jesus there were many, but he is, here in America, the most famous.  Surely we cannot be so ignorant and blatantly blind to the instructions and guidance left here by them?

It is time to wake up… to awaken others.  The truth lies at our feet.  We simply have to pick it up and walk.  Trust ourselves and love one another.  There have been so many who have said what I am saying before.  What makes this different right now is that this is being channeled right now through me.  I am a messenger of the light and I am here to say that you are too.  It is time to stand up and be counted, peacefully.

Be with me on this… LOVE… honoring the earth… all of her systems and our own systems of our bodies as light carriers and rainbow bridges.  Our chakra system is a musically based codex initiated by light and sound codes… we have simply to dance and we can change everything… Why do you think music is so popular… It changes us cellularly… we cry when we hear sad songs and feel love when we hear love songs… it goes on.  

Listen to the music play with your heart… but also your soul.  We ‘resonate’ with sound vibrations. Use the music to send the light out.  Envision a new world emerging in light.  See healers all around you.  We are all healers.  Your body heals itself when it gets hurt so you are a healer.  It’s a fact.

Science or no science we know this.  We are amazing.  We can do anything.  We are in space and space is us.  The animals know this.  We can learn from them.  We have to now.  Many cultures already know this.  We lock ours up in zoos and look at them in fear and admiration through cages; separated.  Have you ever sensed a lion’s energy?  You have.  It is not like ours.

Start to attune this and you will see what I mean.  We are not separate. We need to start living this thought.  We need to start and continue to be in the presence of the divine knowing; the knowing that we are conduits and conductors of the light energy.  Through our intention lie the answers to all the questions.  We create this reality.  When you look around you, see that everything made here comes from here.  All the ‘man-made’ things come from earth made things.  Know this.  Feel this.  See it and be it.  Everything we touch becomes light because we are light.  Everything we see and look at gets fed with light through our eyes.  It is said that “the eyes are the windows to the soul”.  Well, the soul is light.  When we look at something, light comes out of our eyes from our soul and sends this light energy toward and on the thing we are looking at.  With intention we can direct this light love force energy towards anything.  It is said “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” because when we behold something in beauty we are sending admiration and love and kindness toward that thing or person and we are actually making that thing more beautiful by our positive attention on it.  This has been proven scientifically through infrared studies.  

What I am saying is this – GET OUT OF THE BOX.  YOU ARE A CIRCLE.  You were never meant to fit in a box. Start getting to know the cycles of this wondrous place we call earth and start to see the magic again.  Remember when you were a child and everything was new?  Imagine it is and it will be again.  Try it!  Trees will light up for you.  Admire the hills and the mountains… look at the tiny rocks.  They matter as much as you do… much more than that paper with green ink on it bearing the image of a disappointed bald guy.  See the world again.  Wake up.  Look at the flowers.  Look at the stars.  I mean really look at them… they are amazing!

All this and we have done this to her.  Gaia is crying out for help!  Start with you and you and you… and we can.  One by one – awakening… to this new earth… the light is coming… 

Actually…It is here… right now… we just have to open to it *

Namaste ///*~|(*)|~*\\\


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