Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February has 28 days & the rest of the months have 30 or 31 days. 28 is the real number but as we know that would give us 13 months / moon ths .
They chose the month of 2 duality in Aquarius to own the third 33% top angle Angel cabal labac lsy back and relax. Why is the water bearer the leader of the true month days. 

30 is 3 trinity 👁 on top and 31 is 13 backwards - those are the other choices. 

7 have 31 days
1 January 
3 March 
5 May
7 July
8 August 
10 October 
12 December 
4 odd and 3 even

4 have 30 days
4 April
6 June
9 September 
11 November 
2 even and two very odd: 9/11 

Interesting hey? In light of what we know about code numbers

12 months all 30/31 days except February is 28. 28 is the proper amount each month should be as each moon cycle is 28 days. 

28 is 2+8=10, the missing number in 9/11 - 9,10,11 ten is one is Leo 🦁 leader - unity through the law of ONE / aka WON past tense so done already accomplished reverse of NOW. Get it? Good. 

13 moons 13 months. 1+3 =4 — four corners/ directions. 11 +1 =12 — 1+2 =3 triad trinity (FSHG father son holy ghost and mother daughter holy ghost.)

February is Aquarius ♒️ 👁 third eye I KNOW: knowledge wisdom highest thoughts governing mind governments and most of all connections to crown which links all to the higher minded presence of God. 

It is the top and the symbol on illuminati mind pyramid thinking and ascension bodyless mentality. 

It runs 111% in a triangle trinity three mode magic. The body the other eleven (lovin) two ones (twin souls) we all are two or more and the body constitution of the people the we of it all with the one head (General Electric ⚡️ President present now gift precedent before the Act) guiding the two armies (arms) protection feeding keeping the body (constitution) alive while the lengths (the legs) carry the body (we are walking trees) to travel and hold the head on top balancing while our souls (our feet) (a great 🦁 feat) wok walk work war K on the G-round (ground gods round earth) through our lives L 👁 Victory of the Snake 🐍 (our spines kundalini spirit risen he/she has risen 💫) and debts deaths our dark nights of our light sol sun son male malevolent or Valiant violent or valiant. Two wolves again. So two in the body and one in the head. Four must be the invisible piece. 4. 
Four D bridges the 3rd and 5th dimensions. 

Light bridges all
Thought is light 
VR is not necessary with imagination and daydreaming 
Night dreaming 



Soak it in 

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