Thursday, October 10, 2013

Senses and Light <<< Gateway 10-10-13 >>> The Tipping Point

 We beings on Earth have 5 physical senses and a 6th nonphysical, but Spiritual sense ~ the sense of knowing/ clairvoyance.  This 6th sense resides deeply seated in our pineal gland/3rd eye.

The 5 physical senses, however, have not been addressed fully enough in the Spiritual vein.  Here I will attempt to convey some of my experiences and visionary insight so that you, the reader, can apply this to your own life and experiences.  I am sure after reading this; you will remember something that happened to you in your experience which will relate to this message.

Happy reading!

Many years ago, I was working at a publishing company in Belmont Ca.  It was a small company of about 30 people, so it was much more of a family atmosphere and the owner liked it that way.  He had even chosen a building that resembled a house to have the business in. 

There were many women working there in various positions and only a few men.  As I was there for some time, I got to experience different things as one does at a workplace that one stays at for any length of time over a year.  Families were made, people brought their children into work, and many things happened over the course of the few years I was there. 

There were particular experiences I remember vividly.  Both were with new mothers and their babies.  The moms had gone on maternity leave and had come back to show their babies to the other workers.   The first experience I had was with a baby who was brought in by the mom.  The baby had red hair just like the mother.  [Mind you, this was way before I knew I had visionary gifts.  I was working as a receptionist.]  We were outside for some reason.  I think she was giving the baby some air, because she worked upstairs in editing on the second floor.   I was walking back toward the building, I think back from lunch/break and I saw them outside.  The baby seemed to light up when he saw me and then I saw it…  A beam of light shot out of the baby’s fingertip!

The mom said ‘Oh! What was that?!’ and quickly took the baby inside.  I saw it.  I know I saw it!!! 

Then only recently I was reminded of that when I was coming into the San Mateo Library parking garage and an Asian mom and her baby were walking toward me as I drove in to look for a parking spot.  She was carrying the baby in front of her so it was facing me.  Then the baby suddenly pointed to a parking spot for me and a beam of white light shot out of the baby’s fingertip toward the parking spot!  I knew I saw it!  It was amazing!

A few days ago, my daughter, who is a crystal child, said to me that she likes to draw pictures with her eyes on cars when we are driving.  She described to me how she does it.  She said she sends light out of her eyes and it draws on the cars.  I have never spoken to her about my experiences with the babies, but it was evident to me that she knew about it and she had the courage to tell me because I teach her about all of the secrets I know relating to metaphysical phenomenon as much as she can understand them.

I have heard that we all can do this.  Drunvalo Malchizedek has written about it in his books about the pineal gland and how humans have suffered years of calcification around this amazing gland. 

The simple idea is this: Wherever we focus, a tiny beam of light comes out of our eyes toward whatever it is we are focusing on.  My question is this…  Are we seeing with this light or are we actually creating the thing we are seeing when we focus on something.  The answer is: BOTH.  How it is that we do this? The answer is:  It is NATURAL.  Our minds are amazingly powerful mechanisms.  We have so much power, more than we are led to believe we have.  We are also suppressed by fluoridated water and chemicals in the air.  But there is a solution.  We CAN BREAK THROUGH and FREE.   Free will is the answer.

So, onward… If we can shoot light out of our fingertips and our eyes, what of the other senses?

When we listen, are we indeed giving an auditory light to whomever we are focusing on?  I think so!  And when we taste and eat things, surely we are giving that same light attention to those delectable tasty treats and whomever created them.

So it’s a two way street.  We give WHEN we receive.  We maybe are giving more than we receive.  We are also being fed and asked silently to focus on certain things, like advertising, to make more and more light go toward certain images and logos so they get imbedded in our minds and this creates neuron pathways and synapses to snap and connect that cannot be undone.

In now knowing this… doesn’t it make you feel victimized by others who do know this and use it against you?  Many of us are mindful now of these things and are trying to create a better programmed planet; one that would benefit the light of us all in a more harmonious and less intrusive way.  Wouldn’t you like to be part of this change; the New Paradigm we are creating?  I bet you would!

This is what we mean by “Waking Up” and being part of the change… being the change.  Because as the 100th monkey theory states… it only takes a tipping point, and that might be YOU.

All of this in incredible if you think about it… the 3rd eye is the center for all of this light coming from there and our heart centers too.  The two are innately connected ~ if you study the kabbalah and Tree of Life, you will see how it is connected.  One cannot exist without the other.

Your choices today and every moment really are determining the fate of the collective.  You really do have that power.  The corporations and ones you have let steal your light and focus, have led you to believe that you are powerless, but really you are not.  You are all powerful. 

Right now, today, October 10, 2013, we are in a Galactic Gateway and as of today, we really have 12 days to create a HUGE WAVEOF LOVE directed at the “establishment” which is not interested in “OUR COLLECTIVE HIGHEST GOOD”.  It does NOT work to HATE them/send nasty messages to each other about them.  We all feel this frustration around what is going on as of late, but that is exactly what they feed off of… the lower rungs of the emotional ladder, JOY being the TOP and HOPELESSNESS being the bottom. 

So, I call on all of you to please focus your intention and energy in any way you can, in any small way you feel to ~ toward the LIGHT, with LOVE directed at these crying screaming babies who think money is love and power is more important than family or people.  We have the power now to create this TIPPING POINT!  It’s up to us!  It’s not going to happen if we don’t focus our LIGHT now towards this SHADOW of our selves… we need to look at where we still feel this need for security and fear loss and failure.  It stems from a fear of disapproval of our parents and a Divine Need for LOVE from God, which we already have… it never left.  This idea that we are separate is FALSE.  WE HAVE NEVER BEEN APART FROM SOURCE LIGHT LOVE.  There is a SACRED CONTRACT between ALL OF US COLLECTIVELY AND INDIVIDUALLY WITH ALL THE DIVINE BEINGS OF LIGHT to reconnect these lost parts of ourselves back into the WHOLE.  





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