Monday, July 23, 2012


As my daughter started her film tonight called THE PRINCE OF EGYPT I had a revelation…

Since Abraham, the Jews and Arabs have been warring.  Step brothers and step sisters as formidable enemies. 
I saw the deeds of both, good and in light.  The Egyptians were brilliant minds.  The Jews, strong of heart.

Doesn’t this smack of another interior battle that each of us face daily and nightly? 

It is the eternal battle between the Heart and the Mind.

No, they are NOT the same.   Yet, they reside in the same body.  There has to be some middle road.
So, this micro macro eternal battle is simply within.  If, each one of us can realize this – that we in fact as a whole, mirror the conflict that persists in us – then surely we can change this paradigm?
To honor the heart and the head and to forge a path of peace between the two is each of our individual responsibilities.  Surely this is possible?

How does one do this then and stay in the Peace.   Buddhists confirm that nothing is ever fully balanced, equal or in stasis.  Science confirms this too.   Everything is in a state of flux.

Maybe accepting this is the key.

The key may lie in the dance of the two…  The Heart and the Mind.  One must respect the other equally, giving time so each can give and receive what is owed and due.  The balance is within each and also symbiotically.

The Mind spins and the Heart beats.   The Minds energy is a spiral and the Heart is a drum.   To know this is crucial so we can eliminate any misconceptions that they are the same force.  Each is vitally necessary as a functioning force in the Body System… the World System… and ultimately the Universal System.
The awareness that we are all individually response-able in this dynamic leads us to be able to make this Peace Bridge between the two inside of our Body System; our Spiritual Dynamic.
Then and only then can we intend the same be mirrored outwardly into the World Dynamic and then to the Universal.

So, please visualize the Peace Bridge…  Create it within YOU!

As the Jewish slaves built the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx, so did the Egyptians design these wonders.  It was a mutual channeling, mind and heart, force, magic and power.  Even though it was not balanced and lives were lost in the many, so much was accomplished and the energy links are still there.

The Peace Bridge is within us… *~*~*

Take this thought to heed the mindset of your daily life.    In it is the Wisdom you seek.
Blessings and namaste

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