Monday, April 25, 2011


There are homeless pirates asking for spare change at the wharf.  There are mermaids working as waitresses serving food at the local restaurants.  There are tiny magic houses where fairy folk live and art galleries with magical dream-time imagery just hanging there for the viewing.  They cost $11,000 each, but you can look for free.  You can get a ride on a glass bottom boat to see the sea life and get grateful for this beautiful earth we love on.

The aquarium houses fish who have personalities. Their eyes look back at you through the glass, if you can put down your camera long enough to see them and absorb their energy.  Taking pictures is an addiction and a form of staying separate from the world.  I have 10's of thousands of photos in my laptop stored safely away never to be seen again.  But there they are!  Saved and ready for when I want to look at them again.  I guess it beats the boxes of badly taken Kodaks in the garage.

When I stopped and looked and felt the fish behind the glass there was something else going on.  Not that they had faces and they looked different than me or you, but rather that each had an energy like people do.  They were not all the same.  Each had distinct vibrations about them.  Some were obviously bored and numbed to the environment - fed daily on a regular basis with no drive for living through the search for food.  Some were aware and one looked at me for a long time - talking with me... spiritually.... it was lovely.  I will never forget that fish.  It was bright orange.   Some swam right up close to me by the glass and we shared energy...

A lot of them were just resting on the bottom, sleeping. 

I did not know fish slept.  

I had many dreams while we stayed there.  I dreamed in 3 layers.  There was a big gap in one segment of the night like the dream weavers had to reload the segment.   They were very profound and cathartic.  Moving vast amounts of emotions through me as I slept and visioned the stories they told me...

I know in my soul that fish are our dreams --- swimming around in the deep subconscious of our souls --- it is told in many dream symbolism books that this is so and Carl Jung refers to this in his writings.  I saw it in action.   To bridge the gap between ideas in books and thoughts we have - information we find and then apply it to everyday living - without the crutches of mind or mood altering drugs to 'get us there' is the trick.

It is totally possible and comes through being fully aware in the moment that we ARE.  In breath... when you find yourself in awe of nature... be it the ocean, the breeze,  a tree...  a bird... whatever!  Find yourself there and become ONE with what it is you are focusing on.  Absorb this energy into you and listen with your heart...  your soul... your FEELINGS... then be grateful and give the focus of your attention to that which you are with... send it LOVE and GRATITUDE for BEING.

You will find a connection in that.

And THAT is..... God, Goddess ---  all that is.

Namaste ~*



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