Saturday, March 26, 2011

~ Patience .....a Virtue ~

They say that 'Patience is a Virtue'.   Meaning it is something learned through practice.  For me it's about remembering to breath when I want to explode.

Some of us are better at it than others, but what I have found in my 41 years on this Earth is that it 'dont come easy'.  One day I might be very good at it and think I have the whole thing figured out, and then the next day... BOOM.

I remember someone telling me that meditation was a key to this mindfulness way of being. [It was my Mom] By meditating every day, I could become more centered and thusly respond better when moments arose where my patience was tested.

I find that breathwork has a lot to do with me remaining calm as well as diet.  When I eat acidic foods, I am much more likely to lose it compared to when I eat alkaline.  Alkaline foods are just more peaceful.  Acidity makes rushed decisions, can't wait for the light to change and is totally off the mark.  If I am going to eat acidic foods, I need to be extra mindful that I can or will react differently than when I am ingesting alkalinity.

Many times I find myself caught in a dance of too fast or too slow.  If I am going too fast, everyone is going too slow.  If I slow down.... vice versa.   It's like I heard someone say about driving on the road...  If someone is going too fast they are a MANIAC and if someone is going too slow then they are an IDIOT.

So,  who would I like to be... a maniac or an idiot?  Neither actually.   I would like to be somewhere in the middle... going with the flow... feeling peaceful and doing things right in time and space.

I have had many of these experiences before so I know what they feel like.  They feel like I am in my body, grounded, happy and in tune with the Universe.  In other words,  they feel great!

I want and desire to be in the flow.  I need to feel centered and grounded.  I need to breath [and drink lots of clean water].  I need to appreciate life around me before it flashes away while I speed by it.  I need to look in the eyes of my daughter and see the Universe there.   I need to turn off the computer, the lights, the TV and light some candles.   I need to sit in front of a fire and drum.   I need to feel my soul from within.

I need to meditate.   I like to meditate.  When I practice this... I am exercising my patience muscle which I can visit again when I know or remember where it is through this practice.

I want to take care of me better.  I am doing and ok job right, but I know I can do better.

It's not what you show the world, but what you are like after your front door closes.

[You will never get this day back...]

...Stay present because you are a gift...

Namaste ~*


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