Sunday, January 2, 2011

Gaia's Message - January 2nd 2011

good morning,

today gaia [earth] wants you to know that she is a living breathing being bathed in sunlight and shadowed in darkness.  she rotates around the sun, a star and get fed by the sun daily as she is bathed in its light while orbiting through the universe.  she has feelings, thoughts and awareness.  she says that she wishes we would know her deeper.  she says that she has special points of energy on her body like chakras and these are sacred sites.  there are many - known and unknown.  she feels everything.  she hears our thoughts as a mass unity of consciousness and she feels our pain, joy, frustration, anger, fear and greed.

she wants us to know that she loves us.  that even though we think we are insignificant at times, that we are not.  we matter and serve a very important purpose in the universal unity.  the most important thing we have is our thoughts and intention.  for with this we create all reality.   as a whole and individually.  she says the great minds of our world knew this.  we must teach the ppl who have forgotten.  the children know.  they are in the direct flow 24/7.  we need to look to the children and be careful not to thwart their flow.

this comes through today loud and clear before the next big astrological event where we will experience a new moon solar eclipse on the 4th of january. <<< see here for more info.

gaia said that this is a very special and intense time.  the energy that is coming through to her from the moon and sun is going to be unlike any energy ever before.  there will be a translucence emitted onto her b/c the energy of the sun is going to shine on a new moon.  thus, making it necessary for her to absorb this new light in a new fantastic way.  the moon will serve as a glass as well as a mirror and the energy/light which gets shone on us and her will be unprecedented.   it will be as if we are under a magnifying glass as well as looking through a microscope.  we will be able to tap into realms that we never had access to before.  we will be in line and aligned with a new portal of god light energy which will be directly focused on our chakras and hers but primarily focused on our heart chakra.  the wisent mind we have...  our hearts.  

at the center of gaia is a great crystal.  it will be activated as well at this time.  there will be no sudden/ apparent movement but there will be an activation taking place where the charged crystal will emit powerful but subtle light beams to all of the points on the crystalline grid or matrix around her body.  one could look at it like the longitude and latitude lines if you will to get a clearer imaginative picture of this.

gaia says its is going to be wonderful, enlightening and it would behoove us to sit quietly in meditation at this time when this solar eclipse is happening to bathe in this translucent light that is coming through.

i & she wish you all a wonderful today ~ she said "we truly are embarking on something special now!"

namaste *

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