Saturday, January 8, 2011

~ Good Timing ~

I was driving home this evening and I saw a bumper sticker which read "I'd rather be here, now".

We live in such a rushed world with everyone on the way somewhere or racing to get home from there.  We think thoughts about everything and everyone at once.  The internet is a vast medium of thoughts where we can have 7 tabs open at the same time and be multitasking while cooking dinner and entertaining the children. 

We have become spiritual octopi.

In yoga we practice mindfulness and meditative ways of being... yet when we leave the class, its back on the treadmill and whoosh!  Up the roller-coaster again...  click click click...  [arms up here please ;o)]

It really is time to breathe...

When I went to see the Grateful Dead for the first few times, I really noticed how the people walked.  I noticed the 'stroll' they had.  They were comfortable in their bodies and they moved differently than say a worker in the city marching to their job or running an errand.  I am well aware that the 'strollers' at Dead shows were definitely under the influence, but they had something I wanted.   Peace.   Inner peace.

I did my fair share of partaking at Dead and shows and the such, and I did not always have the seemingly permanent peace that I saw in so many around that scene.  I truly believe it is an attitude and an inner consciousness where the person who carries themselves in this comfortable fashion has settled this 'peace' into their bones.

The 'stroll' I speak of comes from dance... and I found that dancing gets me there.  Movement of my body, yoga and swimming take me to a space nothing else does.  When I am in the water... I feel more 'me' than usual.   I can feel my essence more in a hot bath too, or a sauna. 

It is being in my body where I find real connection to the spaces between...  These places are where the *Magic* is for me...  I have found I can expand these places with meditation and mindfulness... I can envision anything and everything there.  I can stretch and push my energy from this space... I can travel from here through visioning and projecting my intention.  I can also be seated here and stay here as long as I like ~ fully present in this moment... *

Distraction is a temptation... there are so many of them.  They come in the form of product, people, ideas, sounds and thoughts from within even.  To become mindful of them is to become aware of ourselves...

Being in the space where we can grow space, is a place of "Good Timing".  By being in Good Timing, we can create more Good Timing...  It is like having an inner sunshine we can access at all times... Coming from a place of Good Timing means wherever we go and whatever we do... we are Right on Time.

Regarding Chaos.... because this is a universal and inescapable temporary state of being... if we get distracted and discombobulated ~ we still end up exactly where we are supposed to be.  Chaos is natural also and it allows for the changes between the spaces... things need to connect in new ways that are beyond logic and linear time and space... we have to surrender to this and not try to control it or get angry when it happens.  This just wastes energy and we all know now that resistance is futile... ;o)

It is within the Chaos that the energy finds its way... even if it does drive us bonkers for a while!  Things need to be shook up... and we need to be not so rigid and controlling... without chaos there would be no order.

Music, and especially music like the Grateful Dead,  Widespread Panic, Dave Matthews, etc... makes space  that allows such change to occur and flourish.  I call it "Music I can swim in".  One just needs to open oneself to it... Through free flowing movement... unrequited openness of spirit... and an acceptance of the life force energy, or Prana if you will, we can truly evolve in new and wonderful ways *~*~*

After opening to and becoming one with and initiated into this realm of change, the dance and the life force flow...  we all can, through this movement of the 'dance'...attune to the music within us and around us in the trees, the air and space, like the music of the spheres... and just BE in the flow of that.... right now.... ~

                                                           *~*~*   ONE LOVE   *~*~*

It really is all about Good Timing....


                                                                                        Have a Good Time!    :o)

Namaste *


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