"Where did it go?" The time... that thing... my thought?
We all have this happen... no matter what age we are... 4, 41, 69... [ sounds like a call to hike a football ;o)]
I believe in faeries... and I do believe that these two dimensional beings come through and 'borrow' stuff... or a better way to describe it is that they put an invisibility cloak on something and then we just can's 'see' it. Oftentimes I go to my computer, or leave a room with a thought, and when I get where I am going... ~ Poof! ~ it's gone! Or I find a thing I have been searching for merely to misplace it seconds later...
Sometimes, coyote comes in to play or Mercury as he is otherwise known... The Trickster. It's part of the chaos that makes the magic happen... it drives us crazy, but it's part of the whole big deal.
We can use this to our advantage too... we can choose to disappear when we feel overloaded, overwhelmed, or just plain tired. When we sleep, we disappear into the darkness and night... and we dream...
I personally have witnessed people and things disappear... Forgetting is part of that... There is an innate magic in the Universe that allows for such gaps to occur so that we may move between the spaces inter-dimensionally through space and time. Scientifically they even have proven that light actually bends... so to imagine that things can move and even disappear, is not that far a cry from reality...
Even Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Didn't he mean we can change our reality by imagining it so? Think about it... if you have ever had any mind or mood altering experience, and this includes sleeping or anger, not only drug induced experiences; you would have seen how things gets misplaced when we are angry and energy moves so fast... we do not always remember, when we calm down, what we did or where we placed things. The same for sleeping... in dreams we remember things as if they were so real, what really is the difference other than we wake up. No-one has proven that dreams are not real and we are not dreaming now... Form is a creation of our imagination and everything is porous as proved by Quantum Physics...
We are on the Holo-deck, and what we imagine does become real... to disappear is a reality... and to have things hidden from us is part of this reality... it is not a stretch to think we are merely light moving through a playing field of energy... making our way... picking up things... putting down things... be those things material, thought forms, feelings, emotions or ideas...
To disappear is a trick... of the mind... the Great Unconscious and of the Collective Mind which ties us and all things together... The One Verse ~ the Uni-Verse...
Don't chase it ~ let it go... if it is meant to come back... it will reappear... in mind, then spirit... then form.
And... Dear Ones..... FAITH is the Key.... for truly.... Letting go is Believing... *~*~*
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