I cried today. I let out some old grief... Letting go is good for the soul.
I attended a workshop today called KIDS IN THE MIDDLE. It was very beneficial to my spiritual growth, not only because I am in the middle of a divorce, but also for me as an individual; for I am a child of divorce.
I got to come face to face with an old ghost ~ my dream of a 'Happy Ending'. I lost this dream a long time ago when my own parents divorced. For years afterward, even after my father remarried... I hoped that my parents would somehow magically re-unite and I imagined my own soul would become more complete in their re-union.
Today, I heard parents mourning the loss of the same dream... the dream of a happy ending. Some said their children were wanting their parents to get back together. I admitted to one woman that I did not get over that until only recently. Part of us does not move on until we are really ready on the inside ~ the soul level. It takes a lot of puzzle piece finding and mirror work to have the courage to face loss.
One father admitted to the group that he takes long rides on his motorcycle to cry... I thought that was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. The level of honesty he expressed; and to admit that at group level was honorable and vulnerable to the point of sacredness...
Grief... the great healer. One of them at least... By having these experiences we can look into the mirror and see the micro, macro of what we as individuals face as well as the society as a whole. We truly are all in this together and not just now... but over a course of history and herstory. We are our environment and we can change if willing.
I saw much enlightenment today and I also saw the sacredness of being stuck and in fear ~ for these are also holding places for souls who have yet to find the courage to delve into those dark places, release the ghosts and allow them to impart the gifts hidden for so long. For all ghosts hold gifts... and to be willing and able to receive a gift from a ghost, surely sets that ghost free.
I ate my lunch alone on the bleachers by the baseball field. A homeless man lay sleeping by the upper wall. To me he was symbolic of my ghost that day. If we keep our eyes open, we will see the symbolism and messages from God all around us at every moment for each of us a mirror for the other and what we are seeking is also seeking us.
The gifts of our feelings are guides to our spiritual progression... by moving through them by feeling them and paying them good attention... we then gain the gifts they bring to us and for us. Grief is a great gift bearer in that it can hold a gift for decades and yet after so much time has passed... it still holds it's shine.
When we gather the courage to release and let go of old grief... we truly make a new space for Love to come in and heal us. Crying is releasing and rebirths us with every tear...
Ramtha said "Crying releases the death hormone". What a gift a tear is... to shed salt water out of our eyes... clear our vision and see anew... we walk forth freer than we were before... cleansed of heart and mind... we breathe new life and feel the wings of our hearts once more.
In peace & love *~*~*
Namaste *
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