Sunday, January 23, 2011

|||_Trust your Gut _|||

When we are blind all we have are our feelings... Close your eyes.  What do you feel?  We can hear as well and taste or touch, yes... but truly... deep inside... when we really close our eyes to the distraction then we can feel. 

Sensing is everything.   Today my daughter opened a packet of glow in the dark sticks.  It is day now and she wanted to do it NOW! [lol] ~ So, we decided to make them glow and then she could go into the closet to see them glow.  She said she was writing her name... and asked me to look.  I was resting because I still have this back strain from the ice skating fall and I pretended to see through the door. 

Something amazing happened...  I could see through the door.  I felt through the door... with my senses... and I could see her in a sense... writing her name on the door.  It was amazing and beautiful.  When i let go of my logical mind and allowed myself the freedom to break my own rules of  "No, you can't do that."

I did.

Trust your gut... let go and see what you CAN do... you might be amazed...  Trust your sensing *~*

Namaste *


Friday, January 21, 2011

~ Left vs. Right *

I took my 4 year old daughter ice-skating.  I had not been on ice since I don't remember when, and it was her first time ever.  We were both scared when we first got on and proceeded to slip around right off the bat.  We both clung to the wall pretty tight for the first go round, and by the second, we were more comfortable.  By the third time around we were off the wall and skating carefully.

My daughter had fallen once while we were on our first loop and hurt her cheek a little ~ but she kept going and I told her how proud I was of her.  On the end of the third loop we had positioned ourselves so that I was skating forward and she was in reverse ~ she was leaning forward and I had both of her hands.  She was looking down, lost her balance and slipped right under my open legs; like a move from Greased Lightening.

I was holding her hands and trying to break her fall... and I went down...I knew as I was falling that I was going to land right on her little body, so I twisted my own body to land on my right side, but had to brace myself with my left hand. I did land on her a bit but not as much because I did twist myself to protect her.  I hurt myself more... but that is a mother's instinct.

I hurt my hand pretty bad and she had an egg on her head... we got pretty scared and left after that... She was crying ~ no blood.  Many people saw us and as it was embarrassing as well ~ we were also in pain.  A lady got us some ice and we calmed down in the lobby.

I did not feel the consequences of my injury until later that evening when I got home...  The inflammation came up in the evening and by that time she was fine but I was in utter agony.  I do not take painkillers.  I placed Arnica Gel and Traumeel ointment on my hand and wrist and wrapped an ACE bandage around it to keep it steady.  I went to lay down and rest.

The pain was very bad ~  a 10 on a scale of 1-10 and I just rested and tried to keep very still and breathe.  I did not take anything for the pain.  I became aware that I wanted the lesson that the pain was bringing. I opened my mind and spirit to it...

That night I slept well, but in the morning I was still in pain; however, it was not as bad as the night before.

I began to notice how much I needed my left hand and what jobs it did due to me not being able to perform certain tasks.  My right hand had to pick up the slack, but there were certain things that could not be done without my left hand.

I made a two column list of things my different hands did.  It was very interesting for me to look at this.

It reminded me of when I was 25 years old.  I crashed my bicycle and had a similar experience, but then I had lost the use of both hands.  My life completely changed at that point and I saw similarities to then and now having temporarily lost the use of one hand again.  I was going through a major change and I had let go of a very strong belief system that was not in my highest good.   These realizations did make me more aware back then.  So much so,  that I actually had a major spiritual awakening from this occurring.  This time, the same things was happening, but in a different more deeper way.  I was further along the road and the insight seems stronger now.

Here is the comparative list:

                 LEFT                                                   RIGHT                                
heavy lifting   [worker/slave]                          directs  [boss/leader]
holds things                                                   writes
types                                                            types & clicks mouse
much stronger                                               holds phone
less dexterous                                               more dexterous
more graceful                                                precise
creative receiver                                           creative giver          
slower                                                          faster
retrieves                                                       gives
picks up things                                              puts things back
gives things to right                                       takes things from left
more gentle                                                  more aggressive
helps                                                            does
supports                                                      dominates
braces                                                         busier - works harder
leaned on more [weighted upon]                  pushes, pulls, opens, closes - moves things
rinses dishes                                                washes dishes
monitors                                                      acts/action hand
makes things nice                                         makes things nice
smooths                                                      smooths
uses fork                                                     uses knife/cuts better
carries more                                                opens doors [holds keys]
follows                                                        leads

So... I thought... isn't that interesting...!  If the left side of the body symbolizes the FEMININE... and the right side symbolizes MASCULINE... I am having an interpersonal relationship within myself at every moment.

My hands show me how I am both the man and the woman in me.... ONE.   How these two appendages work together, relate and communicate depicts very clearly to me an partnership and a relationship within myself... my very own male and female within me!  

When I was 13 my parents divorced.  I felt a rift occur in me when they split up.  I felt like I was 2 people in one body and that these 2 parts of me separated... divorced.  I always felt as if they were alien to one another and in this injury I got to see just how alienated they were from each other.    My right hand was completely oblivious to how much the left hand helped it, supported it and gave to it.  Without the help of the left hand - the right hand was pretty limited.

I think that this can be viewed micro/macro ~ interpersonal relationships amongst ourselves ~ individually, as couples and as a society... the world at large.

My right hand had to wake up and take care of my left hand... it no longer had run of the show ~ dictating what was going to happen and when.  It now had to cradle, heal, take care of it's partner.  I found a new caring in my right hand for my left. It had to become the caretaker.  My left needed rest and healing...  and to be taken care of....

I remembered back to when I had my daughter... I always held her in my left arm.    As my daughter grew, I still carried her in my left arm, while my right did things that needed the dexterity.

The left was always weighted down and carried much, much more... I have piled 5 grocery bags on my left arm while the right carried one or two and the keys.

I think it is wise to become mindful of our two halves that make up the unity of one of us.  To see that we have within us this duality ~ shown in our different sides and by what we do with each side ~ can enlighten us to the world we create around us with each other and our children.... imprinting this pattern on our future generations.

With just some basic awareness and a shift toward caring; slowing down enough to take care of the side that works hardest... I can find a new balance in my life.  In my body alone, I do have signs of great stress that show on my left only... so in my mind... my body is not only showing how my masculine side is not caring enough for my feminine, but I also see it as a template for the world we live in where the feminine is disregarded in so many ways.

The whole society and world for that matter is geared for the masculine drive, perfectionism and production aspect to the detriment of the worker.  If you look at the list ~ you will see what I am saying...  When are we all going to realize that it is overdue time we take care of the feminine principles in ourselves, our bodies and our world?  Breast cancer is at its highest case in history... this disease is clearly a red flag to warn us that we are, as a culture/people, not nurturing our women enough.

I don't know how to change myself overnight... but I am hoping that this new awareness... a gift from inside... and from the ICE... will make some kind of dent in my own psyche to where I can shift something in me to better take care of my feminine side... so that I can better balance myself and make peace in me between these two facets which make me one whole and beautiful person... loving, caring and thriving on Earth.

:o)   I sincerely hope this helps you too... *~*~*

Namaste *


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~* It's Just a Synapse *~

Memories, thoughts... reflections.  We think all day and all night.  When do we get a break?  Unless we meditate... never!  Even in dreams ~ our brains are still 'going'!

When I paint or create a piece of artwork, I find I do get into a non-thinking space.  I find a 'zone' where nothing else exists except what I am creating and focusing on.  It is really very nice... :o) ~~~

Our brains are made up of tiny neurons which are constantly sparking off of each other.  There are tiny brain nerve endings, if you will, called synapses which connect and disconnect with each other depending on what we are focusing on.  Experiences and feelings create stronger synapse bonds.  After a while, if we have not used a synapse bond in a while it disconnects, but if we are reminded of something that relates to that memory or feeling, the synapse can reconnect.   Ignored synapses release... the longer a synapse is ignored; the less likely it is to reconnect.

That is why sometimes we cannot remember people from our past ~ say from high school ~ who we haven't see in a long time.  The brain synapse is disconnected.   If we reconnect with them, say on spacebook ;o) ~ then that synapse reconnects... There is more on this in the film ~ "What the Bleep do we Know?".  It is related to the theory of quantum physics and is quite an amazing phenomenon.  Please do check out that film if you have not already... [Also, "The Secret" and "The Living Matrix" ~ I highly recommend viewing]

With drug and alcohol addiction it is a similar deal.  Even cigarettes show us that we have a 3 fold addictive process, one of which is in our mental workings and this relates directly to the synapses.  We 'think' we need a drink, a drug or a cigarette... but that's just our brain firing a memory...  We had it before... we think we want it again... hence "habits".

Our amazing brains and bodies even create more receptor sites to accommodate the extra influx of a chemical ~ when we inundate oursleves with toxins.   Sugar addicts and sex addicts have the same phenomena.  The pleasure center gets expanded so to speak and we 'crave' more more more to accommodate and fill the void.

So? The solution...?  Is to replace the deficit with something else positive.  New healthy energy, positive new ideas, healthy positive  Hope.... Surrender... Prayer... being and remaining open to newness. 

But we have to be sure to remove all surrounding triggers for that synapse to be reignited.  Any possibility of 'reminding' the synapse to fire again and reconnect that unwanted 'thing' ~ be it a person, a drug/drink or just an idea...  has to be quelled by mindfulness and rigorous authenticity to ones own path, self fulfillment and empowerment through this new freedom.

You can ask yourself:  "Is this in my best interest?  Is this for my highest good?  Is this the road to my higher self?"  If you answer YES then go for it!  And remember... anything that is not a YES... is a NO.  [Thanks Jacqueline for that one! ;o)]

So... don't sweat it if you think you will NEVER get this 'whatever it is or whoever it is' out of your head...  The less you think of it/them and the more you replace that thought with something else... a redirection of sorts... that synapse will 'forget' and die ~ wither off ~ and when it is not firing and is ignored ~ it will cease to be.  

There always is a possibility for 'raising the dead'  but really... who wants to do that?  We are here to evolve and he are programmed for that... so lets evolve already ;o)

Movin' on ... *~*~*  into the Light *~*~*

Namaste *


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

~* The Disappearing Trick *~

"Where did it go?"   The time... that thing... my thought?

We all have this happen... no matter what age we are... 4, 41, 69... [ sounds like a call to hike a football ;o)]

I believe in faeries... and I do believe that these two dimensional beings come through and 'borrow' stuff... or a better way to describe it is that they put an invisibility cloak on something and then we just can's 'see' it.   Oftentimes I go to my computer, or leave a room with a thought, and when I get where I am going... ~ Poof! ~  it's gone!  Or I find a thing I have been searching for merely to misplace it seconds later...

Sometimes, coyote comes in to play or Mercury as he is otherwise known... The Trickster.   It's part of the chaos that makes the magic happen... it drives us crazy, but it's part of the whole big deal.

We can use this to our advantage too... we can choose to disappear when we feel overloaded, overwhelmed, or just plain tired.   When we sleep, we disappear into the darkness and night... and we dream...

I personally have witnessed people and things disappear... Forgetting is part of that...  There is an innate magic in the Universe that allows for such gaps to occur so that we may move between the spaces inter-dimensionally through space and time.   Scientifically they even have proven that light actually bends... so to imagine that things can move and even disappear, is not that far a cry from reality...

Even Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge."  Didn't he mean we can change our reality by imagining it so?  Think about it...  if you have ever had any mind or mood altering experience, and this includes sleeping or anger, not only drug induced experiences; you would have seen how things gets misplaced when we are angry and energy moves so fast...  we do not always remember, when we calm down, what we did or where we placed things.   The same for sleeping...  in dreams we remember things as if they were so real, what really is the difference other than we wake up.  No-one has proven that dreams are not real and we are not dreaming now...   Form is a creation of our imagination and everything is porous as proved by Quantum Physics...

We are on the Holo-deck, and what we imagine does become real...  to disappear is a reality...  and to have things hidden from us is part of this reality...  it is not a stretch to think we are merely light moving through a playing field of energy...  making our way... picking up things... putting down things... be those things material, thought forms, feelings, emotions or ideas...

To disappear is a trick... of the mind... the Great Unconscious and of the Collective Mind which ties us and all things together...  The One Verse ~ the Uni-Verse... 

Don't chase it ~ let it go... if it is meant to come back... it will reappear... in mind, then spirit... then form.

And... Dear Ones.....  FAITH is the Key.... for truly.... Letting go is Believing... *~*~*



Saturday, January 8, 2011

~ Good Timing ~

I was driving home this evening and I saw a bumper sticker which read "I'd rather be here, now".

We live in such a rushed world with everyone on the way somewhere or racing to get home from there.  We think thoughts about everything and everyone at once.  The internet is a vast medium of thoughts where we can have 7 tabs open at the same time and be multitasking while cooking dinner and entertaining the children. 

We have become spiritual octopi.

In yoga we practice mindfulness and meditative ways of being... yet when we leave the class, its back on the treadmill and whoosh!  Up the roller-coaster again...  click click click...  [arms up here please ;o)]

It really is time to breathe...

When I went to see the Grateful Dead for the first few times, I really noticed how the people walked.  I noticed the 'stroll' they had.  They were comfortable in their bodies and they moved differently than say a worker in the city marching to their job or running an errand.  I am well aware that the 'strollers' at Dead shows were definitely under the influence, but they had something I wanted.   Peace.   Inner peace.

I did my fair share of partaking at Dead and shows and the such, and I did not always have the seemingly permanent peace that I saw in so many around that scene.  I truly believe it is an attitude and an inner consciousness where the person who carries themselves in this comfortable fashion has settled this 'peace' into their bones.

The 'stroll' I speak of comes from dance... and I found that dancing gets me there.  Movement of my body, yoga and swimming take me to a space nothing else does.  When I am in the water... I feel more 'me' than usual.   I can feel my essence more in a hot bath too, or a sauna. 

It is being in my body where I find real connection to the spaces between...  These places are where the *Magic* is for me...  I have found I can expand these places with meditation and mindfulness... I can envision anything and everything there.  I can stretch and push my energy from this space... I can travel from here through visioning and projecting my intention.  I can also be seated here and stay here as long as I like ~ fully present in this moment... *

Distraction is a temptation... there are so many of them.  They come in the form of product, people, ideas, sounds and thoughts from within even.  To become mindful of them is to become aware of ourselves...

Being in the space where we can grow space, is a place of "Good Timing".  By being in Good Timing, we can create more Good Timing...  It is like having an inner sunshine we can access at all times... Coming from a place of Good Timing means wherever we go and whatever we do... we are Right on Time.

Regarding Chaos.... because this is a universal and inescapable temporary state of being... if we get distracted and discombobulated ~ we still end up exactly where we are supposed to be.  Chaos is natural also and it allows for the changes between the spaces... things need to connect in new ways that are beyond logic and linear time and space... we have to surrender to this and not try to control it or get angry when it happens.  This just wastes energy and we all know now that resistance is futile... ;o)

It is within the Chaos that the energy finds its way... even if it does drive us bonkers for a while!  Things need to be shook up... and we need to be not so rigid and controlling... without chaos there would be no order.

Music, and especially music like the Grateful Dead,  Widespread Panic, Dave Matthews, etc... makes space  that allows such change to occur and flourish.  I call it "Music I can swim in".  One just needs to open oneself to it... Through free flowing movement... unrequited openness of spirit... and an acceptance of the life force energy, or Prana if you will, we can truly evolve in new and wonderful ways *~*~*

After opening to and becoming one with and initiated into this realm of change, the dance and the life force flow...  we all can, through this movement of the 'dance'...attune to the music within us and around us in the trees, the air and space, like the music of the spheres... and just BE in the flow of that.... right now.... ~

                                                           *~*~*   ONE LOVE   *~*~*

It really is all about Good Timing....


                                                                                        Have a Good Time!    :o)

Namaste *


Good Grief *

I cried today. I let out some old grief... Letting go is good for the soul.

I attended a workshop today called KIDS IN THE MIDDLE.  It was very beneficial to my spiritual growth, not only because I am in the middle of a divorce, but also for me as an individual; for I am a child of divorce.

I got to come face to face with an old ghost ~ my dream of a 'Happy Ending'.  I lost this dream a long time ago when my own parents divorced.  For years afterward, even after my father remarried... I hoped that my parents would somehow magically re-unite and I imagined my own soul would become more complete in their re-union.

Today, I heard parents mourning the loss of the same dream... the dream of a happy ending.  Some said their children were wanting their parents to get back together.  I admitted to one woman that I did not get over that until only recently.  Part of us does not move on until we are really ready on the inside ~ the soul level.   It takes a lot of puzzle piece finding and mirror work to have the courage to face loss.

One father admitted to the group that he takes long rides on his motorcycle to cry...  I thought that was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.  The level of honesty he expressed; and to admit that at  group level was honorable and vulnerable to the point of sacredness...

Grief...  the great healer.  One of them at least... By having these experiences we can look into the mirror and see the micro, macro of what we as individuals face as well as the society as a whole.  We truly are all in this together and not just now... but over a course of history and herstory.  We are our environment and we can change if willing.

I saw much enlightenment today and I also saw the sacredness of being stuck and in fear ~ for these are also holding places for souls who have yet to find the courage to delve into those dark places, release the ghosts and allow them to impart the gifts hidden for so long.   For all ghosts hold gifts... and to be willing and able to receive a gift from a ghost, surely sets that ghost free.

I ate my lunch alone on the bleachers by the baseball field.  A homeless man lay sleeping by the upper wall.  To me he was symbolic of my ghost that day.   If we keep our eyes open, we will see the symbolism and messages from God all around us at every moment for each of us a mirror for the other and what we are seeking is also seeking us.

The gifts of our feelings are guides to our spiritual progression... by moving through them by feeling them and paying them good attention... we then gain the gifts they bring to us and for us.   Grief is a great gift bearer in that it can hold a gift for decades and yet after so much time has passed... it still holds it's shine.

When we gather the courage to release and let go of old grief... we truly make a new space for Love to come in and heal us.   Crying is releasing and rebirths us with every tear...

Ramtha said "Crying releases the death hormone".   What a gift a tear is... to shed salt water out of our eyes... clear our vision and see anew... we walk forth freer than we were before... cleansed of heart and mind... we breathe new life and feel the wings of our hearts once more.

In peace & love *~*~*

Namaste *


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sometimes its Crazy *

Greetings on this 6th day of January 2011...

Some days are harder than others... more crying children... makes it harder to enjoy the sunshine... sometimes there's just to much to 'do' and not enough time to 'be'... 

Energy is always moving... and its not always clear when and where and how... we have to roll with it... we have to flow with the 'go'...

The number 6 is a spiral and can be viewed as an outward one or an inward one depending on ones place in time, heart and spirit... it also is two 3's which flipped on their ends facing each other can make an 8... infinity and also unity of two wholes O's ~ so sexual union is the number for six as well ~ spiritually and energetically... So this is more about the union of our own inner masculine and feminine sides... to become one with ourselves as opposed to seeking outside of ourselves for that which can only be supplied from within...

This is an interesting dichotomy when one thinks of relationship to the self, to another and to the whole... We all desire and need contact and touch, yet we are spirits in the flesh and when dreaming we can give much to oursleves.   If you prescribe to the notion that we are dreaming everything ~ then you can see that it is all an illusion and a very large cosmic dance of energy... 

It is all about health and constitution... if we have these in strength then we can give... if we are lacking in these areas then we need...  We take care of ourlseves... We need less.... We can give to the whole....

Breathing in all the negative energy and transforming it in an out breathe into LOVE....  that is KEY.

Many blessings on your journey today and this evening... *~*~*

Namaste *


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Forget the Past... Live for the Future... NOW!

There is only now.  You've heard it 1000 times.   We are all connected .  We breathe the same air... we drink the same water.  Emotions run through us like waves of currents in the air or water...  yet, we have a fire inside... a divine spark of life...which fuels us and keeps our hurt pumping... day in and day out....  We grow, change and become evolved beings on this blue planet orbiting a star in a vast universe.

It is beautiful and it is beauty.

We were given wings to fly... we just have to remember how to use them.  We have vision to see and to see within...  The Dream-time is evidence of this inner seeing.

Which is where I am heading now...  'till next time *~*~*

Namaste  & Good night!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Gaia's Message - January 2nd 2011

good morning,

today gaia [earth] wants you to know that she is a living breathing being bathed in sunlight and shadowed in darkness.  she rotates around the sun, a star and get fed by the sun daily as she is bathed in its light while orbiting through the universe.  she has feelings, thoughts and awareness.  she says that she wishes we would know her deeper.  she says that she has special points of energy on her body like chakras and these are sacred sites.  there are many - known and unknown.  she feels everything.  she hears our thoughts as a mass unity of consciousness and she feels our pain, joy, frustration, anger, fear and greed.

she wants us to know that she loves us.  that even though we think we are insignificant at times, that we are not.  we matter and serve a very important purpose in the universal unity.  the most important thing we have is our thoughts and intention.  for with this we create all reality.   as a whole and individually.  she says the great minds of our world knew this.  we must teach the ppl who have forgotten.  the children know.  they are in the direct flow 24/7.  we need to look to the children and be careful not to thwart their flow.

this comes through today loud and clear before the next big astrological event where we will experience a new moon solar eclipse on the 4th of january. <<< see here for more info.

gaia said that this is a very special and intense time.  the energy that is coming through to her from the moon and sun is going to be unlike any energy ever before.  there will be a translucence emitted onto her b/c the energy of the sun is going to shine on a new moon.  thus, making it necessary for her to absorb this new light in a new fantastic way.  the moon will serve as a glass as well as a mirror and the energy/light which gets shone on us and her will be unprecedented.   it will be as if we are under a magnifying glass as well as looking through a microscope.  we will be able to tap into realms that we never had access to before.  we will be in line and aligned with a new portal of god light energy which will be directly focused on our chakras and hers but primarily focused on our heart chakra.  the wisent mind we have...  our hearts.  

at the center of gaia is a great crystal.  it will be activated as well at this time.  there will be no sudden/ apparent movement but there will be an activation taking place where the charged crystal will emit powerful but subtle light beams to all of the points on the crystalline grid or matrix around her body.  one could look at it like the longitude and latitude lines if you will to get a clearer imaginative picture of this.

gaia says its is going to be wonderful, enlightening and it would behoove us to sit quietly in meditation at this time when this solar eclipse is happening to bathe in this translucent light that is coming through.

i & she wish you all a wonderful today ~ she said "we truly are embarking on something special now!"

namaste *

Saturday, January 1, 2011

live like youre dyin'

well.  we made it.  we're in 2011.  its the year of the indigo... and i am one and so here i am... stepping out... talking.. making my voice heard. 

i want to blurt right in and start by getting mad b/c of all the BS i have seen go down over the past 10 years... but i know i have to enter gently and start at the beginning... or at least one thing at a time.   there is really so much to address!

the times we are in now are crucial.  survival is on the front burner as a planet and as people.  chemtrials, polluted water... bad food... genetically engineered seeds... the works.   WTF does not cover it all.  i feel like while i was sleeping the world went to hell.   fox news, television... economy, environment... it all makes no sense.  the only label i have to slap on it is GREED.   self centered GREED.   if men had babies there'd be more peace in the world thats for sure.   now dont get me wrong i am not a radical feminist.  i see the big picture and i have a lot to share... spiritually.

i am an indigo running rainbow energy and i have been told i must share light and vision instead of complain and point out all the problems.   we know the problems.  lets find some solutions...

some solutions are coming through nicely... they have begun proper recycling now...  but there is still much to do. 

being a highly sensitive individual is a tough job... especially in a society numbed by so many electromagnetic devices constantly bombarding our cellular structure.   meditation, swimming, quiet time is crucial right now to finding that deep inner peaceful space from where the truth comes forth.   for instance right now, my 4 year old daughter, who is a crystal child running rainbow like me, feels me doing this blog and is singing and trying to distract me where she said she was going to do something.  i have to be flexible in these energetic times.   take time... make space.. set a boundary and probably do this blog after shes asleep ;oP

sometimes the downloads come at inordinate times and are not on a schedule... so in this, there is a flexibility too.   for now... i will say that... i will be sharing no hold barred rough and raw truths and not holding back on my vision of what the heck is really going on here.

we have much help right now.  i work with michael the archangel and have had much experience with being a trance medium and facilitator for healing with these energies of light.  he works with raphael and gabriel alot with me and also uzziel.

i am in contact with the faieries and their 2d realm as well as the native american spirits and the sylphs, who deal with the chemtrails.

i will be touching on alot of things in my blog posts and they may not be all connected at the time... but they all do tie together.   there is a grid where we can all communicate telepathically.  cell phones are an external manifestation of this...  we really do not need them.  we will get to a place where we will realize this and trust it.  then we will not need so much.  and less will be destroyed b/c of the mass production capitalistic monster we have created.

we are being killed.  this is why i titled this blog ~ live like youre dying.   i have cancer.  i am healing holistically.  its all an illusion.   the western medicine agenda is geared toward population control.  not keeping ppl alive.  i will be saying much like this and it will anger many.  but this is my path... to tell the truth.  and i will hold fast to it.

brutal honesty... i trust spirit and thats it.

enjoy the blogs...


<3 janzee