Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Week or The Weak

Ever think about the days of the week and why they are the way they are?  Well, tonight I did.  I was telling my daughter [who can’t seem to get them straight yet because we don’t go to work or go to school like regular folks, thank God] the original way they were intended to be read:  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and I realized something.

The week was originally intended to start on a Sunday, a nice place to start in my opinion.  Monday was made the beginning of the “work week” and this made me think.  Why was Monday made this beginning of the work week?  To capture the medicine of the moon would make sense if you were trying to control the Divine Feminine would it not?  To make this Moon-day the day everybody gets grumpy and mad about, wouldn’t that be convenient?

Makes you think huh? 

Sunday is a Sunny Day.  Monday is the Moons Day.  The moon changes, is moody and is the planet for Cancer, a moody, sensitive and especially intuitive, usually psychic sign.  What better way to control and capture the energy of the sensitive side of all of us workers than to enslave the most sensitive day as the beginning of “work”.  Hit ‘em where it hurts is what I say!

We need to think about this differently.  Tuesday is in essence Two’s day and has become the second day of the work week.  [In essence it is the third day of the week and comes from the Old English Tiwesdæg and Middle English Tewesday, meaning "Tīw's Day", the day of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, victory and heroic glory in Norse mythology. Tiw was equated with Mars.]

Wednesday has become hump day when in essence it is the crest of the energy of the week. [The name is derived from Old English Wōdnesdæg and Middle English Wednesdei, "day of Wodanaz", ultimately a calque of dies Mercurii "day of Mercury".] It has become something to overcome/get through, the bridge on the way to Thursday and then Friday – the day of FREEDOM from slavery of the job.  Friday is the day everyone goes out for HAPPY HOUR to celebrate the release from the slavery of the jobs.  Everyone goes nuts, buys alcohol and other escapism tools [drugs] to try and forget that they are indeed slaves to the system and to the pattern in which they have are entrapped.

Makes you think huh?

So the bill of goods we have been sold is false.  The first day of the week is Sunday, not Monday.  Most are so asleep and brainwashed their automatic pilot just blindly accepts the bad vibe Monday blues every freaking week.  Off they go to work, not questioning the entire system at all because they feel utterly powerless at the mercy of the almighty $.  They have to go don’t they?  Or they won’t be taken care of. 

They need money to buy food, housing, necessities.  Necessities they have been told they need.  They need.  They need to have these things to function in the houses they live in.  To pay for the gas to put in their cars, built and made by the companies that ensure the continuation of the oil market. All of the products [necessities] are also part of this system, marketed as ‘conveniences’.

All this happens because Moon-day was stolen as the first day of the work week.  The depressing moon. 

Let me tell you something.  

The moon is not depressing.

The moon is magical.

The moon is the most beautiful orb of light.  It reflects the light of the Sun onto earth at night.  When it is full, it shines down on us and gives us precious moonlight.  Moonlight cannot be captured, but the plants and animals know its magic powers.  They absorb it like the rain, like the morning mist.  It is precious.  All of the plants and animals on this beautiful earth are totally in tune with the moons cycles and so are we, whether we know it or not, men and women alike are moved by the moon and her gravitational pull. 

If you want to drag science into this, it’s been proven that the moon pulls the tides. 

“About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water. But water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your dog.”  - The internet. 

Love that last bit.  What about cats?  Yep, cats too.  Anyway, the point is ~ the moon has been demonized. 

Monday = bad.  Friday = good.  Weds = eh. 

Tuesday and Thursday are just vehicles to Weds and Friday.  Although Thursday has in some circles, like the cities, become the new Friday.  Especially in Art circles.  There are many gallery openings on Thursday nights.

Anyway, so, what do you think of that?   Would you like your Monday de-demonized?  How about just Monized?  We get all our money?  Yes!  I would like that very much thank you.  I love Monday.  Since I freed myself from corporate slavery, I have my Mondays.  Oooh, that felt weird.  It felt like that was a bad thing when I wrote it.  Did you feel that?  Wow huh?

How are we going to de-demonize Monday/ Monize Monday?  How about demonizing Sunday!  No!  We can’t do that.  That day is reserved for Church.  It is actually the day of Leo.  Leo is a leader… of the pack.  But cats are not dogs.  Dogs move in packs right?  So it’s about pride.  They trick us with pride on Sunday.  We come out of Church having been brainwashed by the pastor who is just parroting the same ol’ same ol’ he was parroted by the guy above him and then we feel good, like we did that and now we are less sinful after drinking all night Friday and Saturday because that’s the weekend.  Makes sense right?  Let loose because come Monday…… it happens all over again! Oh no.

The pattern is work, work, sigh [hump day ;0)] work, work, party, party church, repeat.

So are we dogs or are we Lions?   Which do you choose to be?  Obedient or a leader?  There are so many people who have pet dogs.  Dogs come from wolves which are in medicine wheels symbols of the teachers.  So what are you learning from your dog?  How to control it?  Or are you allowing the dog to teach you? 

More than once I have heard of dogs trying to commit suicide.  They steal their owners’ meds and chomp them down.   Are these happy pups?  Nope.  We think these animals are separate from us.  Put on a leash and they’re a good dog, obedience is the name of the game.  Same as the people see?   We project that which we are taught.

So, I am not inciting revolution here. No.  I am just trying to pry the crack a little wider so you can maybe see the big lie we’ve all been sold.

It’s a dupe been perpetrated for a long time.  It’s passed on down through generations worldwide. 

What’s it gonna take to change it?

YOU.  YOU.  and YOU.

One person at a time.  Freeing themselves from mental slavery.  [yep just like Bob Marley said, except this time there’s no joint needed because it’s as easy as saying no and trying something different.]

So how about it?

Do you have the courage?

What have you always wanted to do?

No time like the present.  The present is YOU.

Ok, that’s enough out of me.

It’s your turn now.

Go for it.

I’ve got your back.




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