Sunday, March 30, 2014

North vs. South

There is still a war raging within.  It cannot be ignored.  It is the battle between our dreams and our desires.  This mirroring travels through time with us genetically as we carry the DNA of our ancestors with us in our cells.  The imprints are there from long ago, even pre-empting written history.
In looking deeper, I see this is a challenge for integration between our inner bi-polar energetic systems.  It all has to work together on some level, but this duality has its purpose.  Be it for tension which catalyzes change, or simply for the inner jousting vital for the gravitational energy to move in and around our micro/macro system of life.   Be it what it will, it is ever-present and cannot be ignored.

Let us look first at the North: the land of Dreams, hopes and wishes.  This is where we set forth our intentions, imagining the world how we wish it to be.  It governs the top half of our bodies and is led by the third eye seated in the center of the brain, our pineal gland.   

This is where the connection with the Heavens and a Higher Mind takes place.  Where our Angels get in and give us those messages in the shower.  Air signs such as Libra, Aquarius and Gemini [and sometimes Virgo bc Gemini and Virgo share the quicksilver planet Mercury] have governed these lofty areas of *mind* for eons.  

It is also the cooler regions of Earth further instilling this idea of a cool mind, clear thought and clear thinking, speaking and intending.  Many countries in this region of the Earth have gone forth to ‘conquer’ the warmer more soft areas of the earth, in the idea of conversion and control.

The top 3 chakras ~ crown, 3rd eye, throat and overlapping into the higher heart or *Heart Mind* are the realms of the North.  

Looking at the South, we see something completely different.  The South governs the lower half of the body and usually the warmer climates on Earth.  The lower chakras govern our grounded natures.  The root chakra [sexuality, child birth, security and safety], 2nd sacral [the seat of the soul], and 3rd solar plexus [warmth, community, commitment & courage], along with the overlapping of the lower heart ~ LOVE.

As you can see ~ The Heart – the 4th chakra is the bridge between the North and South realms of the body, mind, spirit and of the Earth and all of her rich history/herstory.
The Heart chakra [governed by the sign of Leo, the Lion and leader] is the drum, the heartbeat, the rhythm and pulse of life.  This connects all things.  There are regions of the heart ~ upper, lower, left and right.  These 4 directions link to the medicine wheel as well and the seasons.  There is much to be said about the heart, but the most important thing to be said is of its spiritual power… that of LOVE and kindness and its persistent pulse which ultimately brings peace when balanced.

This is where the challenge lies for us in this new age we call the Ascension.  The following is channeled messages from Gaia as well as the Star beings we call the *Family of Light*.

“It is imperative at this time that you [earthkeepers] become mindful of this integration possibility.  It may seem to you that you are all very meaningless in this grand design we call the Uni-verse, but let us say this to you now:
In your world of science, you have discovered that the atom [sounds like Adam] is the most miniscule of things in your world, yet it is these atoms which make up your entire existence and the existence of the Uni-verse.  How then can you, who seem so miniscule in relation to the grand photo, be of unimportance?  The truth is, you are of utmost importance!  It from you that the emotive and mindful experience emits throughout the galaxy and its ripples [as mentioned in your song Ripple by famed guitarist, and now deceased, Jerry Garcia] affect everything!  If you listen to that song, it explains everything we are trying to say here. 

In essence, the goal of Love we have for you is the bridge between these very opposite worlds you live in.  Inside if each and every one of you lays a star seed.  It is planted in your heart from long ago when you were created in the center of the galaxy, where souls come from… all the souls, all the walks of life throughout the Uni-verse.  

You may ask now, and I sense you want to know, about the beings of Earth that take care of your eco-system?  It is for them very important that you know of them and for that topic we speak of the 2D Telluric realm of the fairies and magical beings which you see in your 3D as insects, bugs and smaller creatures such as the birds, rodents and the such.  As we integrate and evolve through this energetic realm we decided to let you bridge these worlds ~ 2D and 3D with the animals of earth.  They have direct connection to 2D but exist in 3D with you.  They are still directly connected with the ‘magical’ side ~ 2D ~ so that you keep your connection with Earth and her living essence.   These are the messengers for your earthwalk and they are sacred guides.
What has happened is that you have broken some of the bridges by having too much fear and feeling a need to control and contain the magical animal essence which bridges this sacred and magical world with yours.   We are working with this implicitly now in many of the messages you receive about interspecies love and kindness found and fostered through human-animal communication between human and wilder animals.  You must pay attention to this now and start to embrace these ideas closer to your hearts.  These messengers hold the keys to your freedom on this planet and in the Uni-verse.  They have much to convey about your station ~ Terrapin ~ and the unity you so crave and desire with each other, through communication and relation with all that is around you.  You have been taught to fear the animals only means of protecting themselves, instead of seeing them as the whole beings they are, all that they do and bring to the earth.  They are more than their defenses and it is this mindset which you must walk away from for you are mirroring this in your wars and conflicts within yourselves and with each other.  Even and especially the bees are tiny but powerful messages of this.  Their sting is powerful, but their ability to create life and empower the planet is much, much more powerful!  Without them, the flower of life withers and dies.

So, now, we would like to address this duality Janice writes about.  It was guided by us as an opening for this dialogue.  Gaia has been very patient and still is with your collective consciousness, but now it is time to hop to the next level with this.  You are all very aware by now of the power of Love.  The only way we see this solution to the separation and split dividing you in all of your ideas, beliefs and out of balance projected realities of power, insecurity and greed, is to focus all of your attention as much as you can inside your minds, inside your hearts, inside your homes and outside your homes on one thing:  LOVE in the heart and radiating it inward, upward, downward, outward and all around you.

From this heart wisdom you will find what you seek externally.  By dropping into the space of your lower heart you will find the way through and the way to healing of this split into dualism you experienced oh so long ago. Your cells remember, even if in this lifetime now you may not be aware of it so consciously.

When you go too far north, it gets too cold [brittle and frozen] and when you go too far south it gets too warm [hot and sticky], but in the middle it melts together.  
This is our message to you today:  Melt together.  

When you do this, you begin to see there truly is no duality and there is no separation.  It is a challenge we know!  But just you reading this and us speaking this is making this happen… is making this so.

So, in this ~ be in this ~ be one with the idea of possibility!

~ Your Angels in Light

Fear not, the Kingdom is at Hand… and Heart…”

So, this is interesting to me.  Very many messages in this message, but this last one stands out now especially strongly ~~~ the heart meridian runs from our breast nipples [where babies feed] up and [both sides] across our front shoulders [shouldering] and down the inner arm out the ring finger [marriage finger] symbolizing love.  In focusing here for a moment we can see together that creating and using the energy of the heart this way ~ through our hands ~ is the utmost gift we can give the Uni-verse as the *Family of Light* phrased it.

And, thinking more on the breastfeeding element, I learned back when I was nursing Thea, my daughter, that the breast milk comes straight from the heart chakra.  The energy is directly linked to the breast chakras.  [There are many, many chakras all over the human body.  The 7 main ones up the core channel are just the ones most speak about.  I also heard we are receiving new chakras now and have been since the start of 2014. These are in the outer aura.  The clearer – less toxic – one is the more one can achieve and utilize these levels.]

I am always interested in how the duality became to be, but I think now after hearing their message I am much more interested in creating how we can heal this rift.   It must begin on a personal and intimate level. 

Over time, as a collective, we have spiritually created and physically manifested our ideas and projected them into our world.  We can see the recent evolution of this in the creation of all the enticing modes of communication we have now: the TV, the personal computer, and all of the apple i-pod, i-pad, i-phone products.  We are truly connected!

This manifestation of our desire to reconnect is embodied in our world now.  These are simply mirrors of what we can already do when we are passionate about something.  The fact that so many have accepted this as a way of being marks the turning of the collective wheel toward this rebonding.

Inside the human eye, the lens, the window to the soul, lays us.  We have the wherewithal to bring to light all this love now.

It is true that where energy goes, attention flows.  The more of us who desire to create a positive, fearless world, can now.   It feels like taking a first flight, stretching new wings.

We just adopted an unwanted and emotionally abused budgie last week.  He is teaching us about this freedom, the air and taking flight.  He returns home when he is hungry and is beginning to trust us more and more.   This world of patience is a tester!  We cannot force anything now.  It will be allowed when it is time.

In the duality of North vs. South I challenge you to look within yourselves this day and see where you are part of the projected duality.  Where can you soften the lines and merge your opposites… blend…. ‘Melt’ as the *Family of Light* termed it?

Where can you begin to feel safe in the peacemaking within?   If you are so resistant to this idea then maybe, can you begin to entertain that the continuation of war and conflict is not necessarily a vital or essential part of the human conditioning… 
Can you go within your own heart and look at your family and see the seeds of love there… and maybe think about expanding that love and letting it out… to spread through breath… through the old paradigms of fear laid before you by your ancestors?   Walking over the fear like a soft carpet beneath your feet…  turning it into a beautiful tapestry of time, honoring it for what it has taught you… but that you no longer need to walk that path any longer…

Can you?

Can you at least try……… 

So, in closing I will say this…  The light in me, honors the light in you ~*~
Together we can…




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