Monday, July 4, 2011

The Truth, Perception, Portals & Gateways

Ok.  Let’s cut to the chase.  I am an Indigo Star Child from Orion’s Sun Belt and I am here and have come here to tell the truth and gift this dimension with some insight. 

We all have access to this whether we are aware/ awake or not.  We utilize portals and gateways daily through our television sets, computer screens, i-pods, i-pads and cell phones.  All of these devices are middlemen to what we can actually do all by ourselves in our own ‘spacesuit’ of skin we call a body.

To understand this concept we have to first examine the idea of perception.  Awake or not, we can become aware of a certain knowing about things as they are and things as they seem.  Things as they are depict our 3-D world and all the things in it.  Things as they seem depict that which is transmitted through these tele-portal devices from outside sources designed to control the flow of which we receive data.  This goes for media of all kinds.  There are a huge number of people who work in media and advertising who have been aware of this construct of flow of attention for many years now.

There is no accident that we are all being ‘guided’ along some kind of path.  Don’t for one minute think you are immune to the affectation of this ‘flow’.  

Being an aware/ awakened being means that you are aware enough and can detect the matrix.  We can all affect it when we become mindful and strong on the inside due to this ‘knowing’ place within.  

This was the idea in The Secret.  The idea that we can, when aware, create and change our reality through thought and intention.  The Celestine Prophecy also dealt with the levels of this.

When we remove the screens and the idea of separateness; then we can begin to discover the infinite possibilities that our minds and bodies through intention holds.  The mere idea that we can change our reality with a thought is a revolutionary one.  

We have all heard of the Butterfly Effect.  It is a chaos theory which says that when a butterfly flaps its wings in the rainforest it can alter the course of systems which in turn can cause or deter a weather change, such as a hurricane or tornado.   

Similarly, we can affect the entire Universe with a thought.  One person meditating can make an impact on crime in areas of population condensation.  It has been studied that areas of cities where people are meditating more, there is less crime and more peace. 
It has also been shown through Quantum Physics that we affect water with our thoughts.  Dr. Masuro Emoto  [referred to in the film – What the Bleep do we know]  showed scientifically that our thoughts and feelings do affect water and if we are made of 90% water then we directly affect each other.  [I recently tried laughter yoga and smiling for long periods of time… my whole life changed!]

We are all portals.  When we step away from the portals that tell us how to think, or suck our brains out with their manta rays – radiation, and we get into nature and absorb and transmit our true essence vibration – that of sound, love and light – we feed the matrix with that energy instead of being directed puppets at the whim of others who tell us [tell-a-vision] what to think, do, buy or be.

It has been shown that one can live on less food and less belongings in a healthier way spiritually.  It has been shown that plants can learn to sing when hooked up to a midi amplifier and sung to.  They sing back!  [It's on YouTube -]

Everything is alive here!  Even the rocks!  Everything has a pulse.  I have found many gifts when holding feathers… Meditating with a feather is an amazing thing.

When we can find that space in-between the spaces and turn off the gadgets and feel the wind, heat, breeze, rain or snow on our skin… we can come alive!  Be in that moment. 
Change the channel.  Don’t buy those lies… how do you know it’s the truth?  Question it.  If a child sits in front of a news show for hours and hours, do you think that child would be a happy child?  Do we want a reality full of lower vibrating energies or do we want to raise that frequency?  Your choice.

It is time to think for yourself.  If you were to design a world… would you design it like this?

I think I would change quite a lot of things myself… 

Think about it…   NOW.

Protect your mind.  Screen your portals.  Clear and clean your gateways…  shut off the screens and go outside – LOOK AT THE STARS…  Feel them.  Be with them.  They are your brothers and sisters shining down upon you… twinkling in love & light.  Be with them…be them… you are them… a star.

Stand on the Earth without your shoes on.  Feel the temperature of the Earth. Beneath your feet – is it grass, dirt or sand?  Feel that and be with that feeling.  Let it rise up your spine and into your cranium.

Look at the animals.  Are they happy?  Sense them… what do they need?  Ask them and listen.  Don’t run to the TV, the phone or the computer.  Look, listen & learn.

Feed what is good… prune what does not serve that good. 


Namaste ~*

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