Wednesday, July 13, 2011


It has been said in spiritual circles that Fear is the absence of Love and you cannot feel Fear if Love is fully present.  Love blasts Fear right out of the water!

A friend recently wrote me about an insight she had where Fear created a spiritual awakening in her process of spiritual evolution.

Most people live with a lot of fear.  Religion hounds it home, telling us to be afraid of God and that if we are bad, perform badly or act out in ‘bad’ behaviors we will be punished.

Our society runs on it actually… we have jails, institutions and wars to show this forefront ideal.   

And… it all starts in childhood.  We are told that if we do ‘this’ we get rewarded and if we do ‘that’ we get punished.  The world of duality creates this love and fear tactic; acceptance vs. rejection…

Later in life, hopefully, when we as humans have evolved emotionally and spiritually, we begin to see this forefront ideal.  The duality begins to thin as a veil worn over time.  One can begin to see through this veil and if very lucky, sweep it aside and see the light underneath it.

When we get to a place where this light is, we can begin to see that this light is actually all there is and that this light is Love.  It actually permeates everything; all of the time.  We just have to lift this veil to see it.

The air can be filled once more with Love.  The frigidity and smallness of Fear can actually be blown away like sand covering a mirror.  Tiny fragments of particle physics known as the illusion to some and reality to many.

We are blinded daily by TV sets telling us what to see.  A television screen used to be glass which is actually melted sand.   Nowadays it is some fancy plasma created screen so that more pixels can permeate our vision than ever before.  So much so more real don’t you think? 

Think about it… the TV is so real and so lifelike to watch, how does the brain know the difference?  The answer is simple… it does not.

Quantum physics shows this clearly in that the brain does not even know the difference when we truly laugh and when we fake it. 

In the rooms of recovery they even have a saying “Fake it ‘till you make it.”

I recently went to a Laughter Yoga class at a friend’s house.  The same friend who had the spiritual awakening around Fear and she told us that scientifically it has been proven that laughter heals us and that the brain actually does not know the difference between real laughing and fake.  It emits certain chemicals into the body which heal the body and raise the frequency of the immune system and lower stress.  One of these chemicals is cortisol.  Cortisol helps the brain and body communication be more fluid and thus allows for more ease of the organic system we inhabit while on our earth trip as spirits in the flesh.

It’s wonderful!  What an amazing thing!  To be able to heal ourselves by laughter!

Now TV and Fear, namely the News shows that permeate TV every hour now; show and make us afraid.  The News is not Comedy.  It does not make us laugh.  It makes us afraid and thusly ill.  It ages us where laughter makes us younger, or at least keeps us where we are supposed to be.

So, in order to change our reality we really need to stop feeding into the Fear system and shift gears into the Love system.

I got a wonderful email a few days ago from a fellow healer which said:  “Love is the new Religion.”  I love that!  It’s perfect and great!

I am not professing to have this nailed, but simply to state that as a part of this collective consciousness as we are, that I fully intend to - as much as I am capable of as a human being and as a mother – give my full focus and attention whenever possible to this idea of LOVE and to steer [WAY] clear of anything resembling Fear.

Fear simply does not compute… It has worked as a motivator and a controller, but there must be a kinder way to do that. 

How about shifting to doing deeds I want to do, so it is not as much of a ‘I have to scare myself shitless to do it’ deed?  That sounds like a good idea to me.  To become a Creator ~*   That is what I desire… To get into that flow of creating… being an open channel so that the Love of the Universe [One-Verse] can flow through me and I can positively affect the Matrix and contribute to the flow of that ONE LOVE idea.

The more we all can do this… the better off the future will be.  If we teach our children fear, that is what they will be – afraid.   If we teach them Love, then they will feel secure in that and that is the biggest gift we can give them.

The juvenile halls are filled with kids who have gone astray [WAY] due to parents who use drugs and alcohol and never knew real Love.  They are empty vessels waiting to be filled.   Sending Love to these pained places in our own souls can heal the ones who have lost so much already.

There is a way out.  Meditation and emitting a Love vibration can heal geographic areas.  This has also been proven scientifically.  In areas where people meditate and are mindful and conscious of this higher Love vibration – there is less crime.

So… think about it… FEEL IT… Open to the idea that YOUR HEART has a wisdom greater than your HEAD.  It even speaks its own language… and usually… it is between the Lions.

Namaste ~*


  1. Lovely. May we all take these words to heart. Namaste.

  2. The word that came to my mind was also "lovely".
    Very nicely put, J.


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