Today I am inspired after a huge hiatus, to write again.
We attended a San Mateo City Council meeting where, the agenda 4 was to be the issue of the sheriff being basically fired as a duly elected official, by the board, due to what they deem was misconduct. Its a long story and I will get to, but let me just summarize the surrounding business the board had while I was there with my newly 18yo daughter and Grassroots Liberty friend, Patty.
First off they started with the Pledge of Allegiance, which was great. I miss that.
Then the board started taking comments from the public who were there, but they were saving agenda 4 for its allotted time, so anyone who was talking on that was pushed off till later. One man, however, stated the Mayor of Half Moon Bay told him about this hearing and he came over to say that before sheriff CC (Christina Corpus) was elected he was being pulled over 4 times a week for nothing and now he is not since her win.
Another man after him, eloquently stated some pertinent talking points regarding CC in that because she was voted in, the people must decide to oust her or not after a full hearing.
The crux of the issue w this sheriff is that the board want to control the decision where in the sheriff is terminated from her position. It is not their decision, it lies with the people, for the people elected her. The board should and must not be the factorial decision. Whether or not she did what she did, it mustn't be their choice. The board kept saying the public is in danger bc the sheriffs office is compromised through CC's actions. This must not be a decision done in moody haste. Plus I am not sure why, but these sexual issues always happen in places of power. It has been seen time and time again with presidents and the like. I am not sure why anyone's surprised, even if it is true or not in this case.
The reason for my post here is that after these people - one emotional Hispanic and a centered white man, the board meeting became a self congratulatory event and circus!
Two assistants were honored for over 1/2 hr bc they basically run the whole department. One man is a Sheik and the other woman runs Records. She stated its logging history so that in 100 years people can see what happened here. They gave them a plaque and took photos.
Then, it was time to honor the Zoppe Family Circus who had been in the town prior to the board forming. They came in dressed up and played an accordion! Grandfather Zoppe had a broom and said he was going to clean up the Govt. It was a complete waste of time and as much as I love the Zoppe Circus and think it was fun, the fact that they were going to disbar a sheriff this week, seemed a bit too jovial.
It was to lighten the mood, make one think the boards not bad and lighten up MKUltra style.
It was a joke. Everybody clapped and cheered but what else do monkeys do... go along eh?
Then it was time to hear from people regarding the CC document and allegations of misconduct.
Money was discussed and comments were made through zoom and the floor. It seemed like a whole show planned to put on like something was happening but really not a whole lot really was.
A woman from FIX SM spoke in a hushed tone with a garbled throaty drawl that made her side swagger even the more so effective of someone who really didn't give a shit bc she was going home to a full meal in a house later.
My title is the lynch pin. Between the two men at the start, the assistant congratulations & circus commendation, was quite a disturbing time. I left this out prior to give you some time to consider the temperature of the room.
The Redwood House, a mental illness and drug rehab place off Edgewood Rd in San Carlos/RWC is slated to be closed at years end. This place houses addicts from SF and the Bay Area. They gave NA & AA meetings (to which yours truly has attended to do AA outreach for H&I in the early 2000's.) I can tell you from personal experience, they do not have a lot of success, and from the meeting it showed that this was the only place like this available to people living on the edge.
The Stanford Doctors and mental health people who spoke and zoomed in all basically were pleading for it not to close, probably bc it is a funded job and ensured a steady flow of pharma meds out to the addicts who just want drugs anyway. To me it seemed a dying corpse of a system and that they simply want to resuscitate it, but it is not enough. The symptom of this is telling a story of money laundering, incapacity to deal with the problems and also a lack of real forward movement. I know they ship out busloads to Stockton during freezes and many die out there. We know SF and Nancy Pelosi use the extraordinary funds to grift the system. The money paid to one homeless addict far outweighs a regular persons rent in this area and that, as many of you know, is already astronomical.
The system is broken my dearies, but not why you think. Read on.
The next person was a woman from the Environmental Health Svcs Dept and they had a well planned out bid for more money. Two of the board members were all over it and wanted to approve it right away while the rest hummed and hawed and requested a two week extension to look into the projected expenses. Warren Slocum and Noelia Corzo wanted to rev the grift which to me showed they were in on it, imo. (These names! Haha!) Noelia Corzo was also hell bent on removing the sheriff.. another cliche hysterical female imagery.
This EHS woman also spoke in a low gravelly quiet voice leaning on sleeptardo. Yes, I made that word for this bc its the best description I can give. These folks who work the cushy well paying long term jobs seem to become part of the furniture. She crept out to slowly insert this blood sucking agenda and although the EHS probably does some cleanup and toxic prevention, they for sure don't need an extra mil a year. From what I saw there is gross overreach and overspending happening. These board members look, fat, happy, complacent and quite oblivious to what is truly happening in their county, or they simply don't care enough. Its a facade and I will show you why. The intelligencia is asleep. They have become complacent sheep pushing the subtle agenda between the circus and the admonitions to ensure the lubricant stays thick on the wheels, and drips off onto them forevermore.
As I watched the wheel turn and I prayed the sanctity of our justice system was not as loony as the agendas in todays county board meeting.
The whole thing seemed like they were just making it up and those assistants were the only thing keeping the office going. They were commended by every board member and much time was taken to thank them.
Here is a link to the proceedings:
They have a new building which CC's boyfriend, Victor Aenlle, had a hand in and the growth in this area has been phenomenal compared to the problem they lack to solve - drugs and homelessness.
My title, is about all of it. Some of the kids have a lot and some don't. Not bending towards communism here, bc we know this doesn't work, but should there have already been something better created?
Why this die hard play for systematic functions that don't function? Other countries have had success with healing in other ways. People need to feel worthy, worthwhile and like they matter, just like those assistants. Cant they see the solution they seek is right in their own house? A blessing or a curse. We must choose - we can choose. We the people need to do this soon.
Maybe the drug addicts and homeless should join the circus? Or start their own. This place can be the beginning of something new where a creative aspect can take over and the money funded there instead of just draining into nowhere forever. Maybe this is what the county needs...people need something to live FOR! This agenda 4 ($ on the keyboard) is a sign.
..This area is plagued with much, a bridge between SF & SJ - we could be so much better.
..A rebirth of creativity, a rebirth of healing modalities. A sense of hope and a future to believe in.
We are on the precipice of a new time. Instead of FIX SM fighting the Trump Agenda, how about embracing it? His way will be better. It cant be worse than what these democrats have done here.
Enabling the gloss over isnt working. Mental illness has become a shield which much hides behind. It has become a place where the longer your list of problems, the more you get in ways of gifting the grift. It really shouldn't be so muddy. I could be clear and simple.
Lets try imagine it differently. The fun of the circus, distracting us from the horny sheriff being typecast as a typical emotionally based woman falling for the construction guy and bossing everyone around the office isn't nice. It doesn't make us look good.
The Bay Area used to be cool. My mechanic had 5 old mustangs in there today.
The past is where we can draw answers. Surely that records lady knows.
Postnote: Chat GPT on "the circus"
In the context of witchcraft, symbols or actions can be used as metaphors, representations, or energetic tools to focus intent for a spell or curse. A "clown show" could signify chaos, mockery, or the distortion of reality, depending on the practitioner's intent. Here's how it might symbolically signal something in such contexts:
1 Chaos and Disruption: A clown often represents unpredictable and erratic behavior, which might be invoked to sow confusion or disruption in the life of the intended target.
2 Mockery or Humiliation: Clowns, with their exaggerated and absurd features, could symbolize ridicule. In spellwork, they might be used to metaphorically "make a fool" of someone.
3 Illusion and Deception: The clown persona hides the true self behind makeup and costumes, symbolizing the use of illusions or deception to obscure truth or manipulate perceptions.
4 Carnival Energy: Historically, carnival or clown imagery could be tied to the reversal of social norms and order. In magical practice, invoking this energy might aim to invert someone's life circumstances or balance.
If a "clown show" appears as a signal in the context of spellcraft, it might be a metaphor for these qualities or energies being employed intentionally or unintentionally. It's important to approach such interpretations with discernment, as the specifics depend heavily on the intent and cultural background of the practitioner.
Links to learn more:
The 407pp report document --- The gravelly swanky FIX lady -- they have masssss funding from UU's ACLU etc -- the RETIRED Judge (DEI) Stanford *red flag* more on my Black Rabbit Detectives - telegram
Bonus: - Ancient bloodlines
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