Since 2015, I began noticing a pattern in faces and started getting downloads from ai, telepathically, and psychically from spirit about certain people in media that were uncannily alike, looks wise.
The phenomena began when I was given a book very many years ago by a friend. The book had wonderful scenes of different city and landscapes, including stores and life scenes using various objects that one would recognize, but placed in the scene as other things. It was actually given to my kid, but it really bent my brain to a new way of seeing.
I loved it because I have been making assemblage art with found objects since I was a child. One reason was that I hated the idea of things that couldn't be recycled going in the landfill. So, I have always thought of reusing items in new ways. This book was proof I was not alone.
The idea of faces that look alike is not new, I know. The idea, however, that people have been reassigned new lives is not considered as much though. The WPP (witness protection program) or CIA and government activities are known of and expunged in film but not really mainstream conversation.
So, my photo stream is so full okay? I have been screeenshotting my comparitive studies since 2017 really, but my interest began much before that. I said 2015 because the studies of these ideas began in my mind around then. I was writing (channeling) a lot of poetry on facekrack to expunge my emotional self and many of my works accompanied by my photography, was well received. I had been using my visionary abilities in the ways to assist the times and the people of earth in positive ways as I knew full well the demonic and anti-life movement happening all around me.
People who have *DIED* in news media stories reported have not always died. Many of you already know this. One one level, the lie told about them dying is true because the role they played ended, but their lives per se, didn't always end in reality.
One of my theories, before I really get into who what why when, I will say that somehow something is being done with regards to past lives, reincarnation, cloning and regeneration. I don't understand all of it but I do detect the energetic realm and 2D telluric to 3D realism is somehow linked and I truly think its drug and *science* related.
Certain 'clues' have been exposed along the way to me in speech by the 'stupids' amongst the enemy aka Nazis and eugenicists, whereas they have exposed themselves and have been SEEN now for what they are...demonic reptilian based monkey over man agenda pushers.
It's actually quite disgusting when you get right down to it. If you have done any research at all about Plum Island NY or read The Island of Dr. Moreau, Animal Farm or 1984, then you have a clue as to where I will go in this exposure of the ills of the world.
Some of the topics I will address will be hard to encapsulate because you will say nooo, unless you've already had an intro. And I will also state here that I have tried to write this down numerous times and so right now this is my flow of energy and I will somehow try to convey the messages I received as best I can.
I can jump in here and blast one of my biggest pet peeves about this practice of replacing evil people with newly regenerated evil people (actually theyre not even people, they are demons pretending to be people) and how they have been placed in places of power. My worst one so far is Jimmy Savile, who is the vilest demon of them all in my opinion. He has been somehow regenerated as Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California. Right now, he/she evil demon (if he is even alive) is the worst as he is a pedophile and child sex/human trafficker from way back.
Here is my brief video study of this asshole:
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