Friday, March 1, 2013

Truth & Lies – Freedom vs. Fear

We live in a world of duality, where one side is at constant odds with the other.  We are forever in a battle of fighting off some kind of evil while striving for a victory.  This is the dynamic set up on this earthly plane. 

We succumb to its torment through many forms; be it media, food consumption, thought forms or just simply through the things we see or give our attention to.  All of these things come at us at an alarming rate; some too fast to detect.  We are inundated.

We are taught honesty is the best policy, The truth shall set us free.  But we are also taught that the Truth hurts.  But truthfully, what hurts more The Truth, or a Lie?  Pain is growth, unless it is consistently being met with adversity.  We make up our minds to be victims or to become victors.  Decide to walk in Victory.

Truth is freedom.  Truth reveals, while lies hide. Lies are told because we Fear being caught, found out.  We fear vulnerability and being revealed.  What is this fear about?

When I was a teenager, I remember living a double life.  The one my parents wanted for me, and the one I really lived.  My secret life was wrought with emotions, a flow of feeling unchartered by the structure of school or the rules my divorced parents tried to implement upon me.  My main focus was to be accepted by my peers, liked and included into the large group of what I deemed was Love; the moving tantalizing energetic soup of interaction.

But, as time went on, it was to be revealed to me that indeed this large group of ‘Love’, that I so wanted acceptance by, was actually full of other seekers, lost in their plight of finding some kind of public recognition; to feel as they belonged in society, a society really, that was not ready for their flavor ice-cream.

We were Indigos.  We came to change the world, not fit in it.  So all this seeking was really more about groundbreaking.  And in that nasty transition, we lied and lived double lives, because it was a survival tactic.  The only way we knew how to maintain and keep our inner life alive, was to live the lie in one form, showing we were obedient to a point, but then our honest life had to be hidden.

Today, it’s different.  We have grown up.  The lies we told back then, are passé.  The new lies are blatant.  We are living the truth, while the world around us is still stuck in the lies of the past.  The groundbreaking has begun, but there is still a ton of work for us to do.

When children tell lies, they are afraid of admitting that they have feelings which make them act ‘badly’.  Inside, they are afraid and it comes out in anger.  This expressed anger is societally unacceptable.  Society in fear believes that it must be admonished, so as to make a peaceful society. We all do want peace, on a deep inner level, but what of the issue of bullying.  Some call it a cry for help.  Some say, it is a virus running rampant in our youth.  In my youth, there was a punk rock.  Punk was a direct action stemming from a need to thrash; a need to rebel.  There is something innate about ‘getting it out’.  We need to teach the children from a young age, the idea of mindfulness and peace so they can have tools early enough to detect and protect themselves from energies which are around them.  So many kids, from a very young age are succumbed to ECT [early childhood trauma] that they get hardwired for aggression and this just comes out at a societal level at some point because the root issue is never addressed.  The kids get medicated and ignored, or worse, institutionalized.

The overwhelm on the parts of the parents is enormous.  They are expected to maintain the cash flow of income to support the family unit, while the children’s deep feelings get dealt with by school officials.  The family is torn apart and the children suffer.  They act out, in lies and sometimes sadly, violence.  This layers through the grades and unless the onion is peeled as it grows, the layers seat deeper and deeper covered up by adulthood.

In a world where most are seeking truth and freedom because this is the goal of a healthy soul, so many are still suffering under the dark cloud of ignorance, deceit and lies and are thusly trapped in a world of chains where it seems they can never get free.  So many grown up children have given up because they feel it is futile to even try anymore.  They have been beaten down on all levels, literally  had the freedom beaten out of them; be it by their parents, their society or simply their bosses on the job; fearful of losing the income which sustains them and their families. 

The ones who suffer most are the young children, because they feel and do not verbalize as well or as much as the adults or even the teens.  They really are little sponges who pick up the flow of energy all around them.  If the parents are consistently in fear, the child will be insecure; having nightmares and actually their tiny systems will innately push forward to grow up faster so they can be of more help; tiny adults not wired for the stressors they take on.  They will miss out on a childhood of real play, discovery and magic, because they have been pushed too soon into an adult world of do, be and perform.

Freedom comes from taking our power back, as parents and as individuals.  We need to protect our children from this machine of duality.  We need to foster in them the Truth.  The Truth means Love, Peace and Freedom.  The Truth is not as expensive as the Lie.  The Lie of ignorance, slavery, and fear is the root of the evil that belies the illusion accepted by the society that there is in fact a dualistic reality.

In Truth, there is no duality.  There is only Love, Peace and Freedom.  What we focus on manifests.    If children are led to believe that they need to lie to be ok, then there is a problem with the program.  What has to happen, and it is imperative it does, is that our children feel free enough and confident enough to allow failure, express surrender, feel humility and succumb to defeat. It needs to touch them on a deep soul level, so that they learn that it is simply the other side of the emotional spectrum and that by rooting and aligning their hearts with Love, Peace and Freedom, there really are no defeats, failures, surrenders, because only in a world of duality does this indeed exist.  In surrendering to these lower vibrations, it actually builds them up because this is where true strength lies, in getting back up when you fall; over and over and over again.  Whatever it takes!

In a positive family and societal environment, when one wins, everyone wins.  The need for competition on a soul level becomes good for the whole.  The word ‘represents’ comes into play and life can indeed become a win-win across the board.

To Lie is to Fear.  To tell the Truth is Freedom.  It feels harder to tell the truth because it builds your soul more, inside.  To forge ahead against adversity builds spiritual muscle.  But I am not speaking about bulk, I am speaking about honesty and the integrity that comes with being honest with oneself and with others. To lay the lies down and be honest is good.  To carry the burden of a lie is harder work.  Wouldn’t you much rather be free, light enough to fly?

I would.  I am living my life in truth now; forever finding more out about it.  It feels good to live in Truth.  Lies are too much work.  Lies make us feel like we are not living an authentic life.  Fear rules the Liar.  Fear of being exposed; but if he/she would allow the light of Truth to shine upon him/her, then surely he/she would be freed.  Surely he/she would become the winged one.  You can and you are if you believe it…

Blessings be,



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