I usually do not write political pieces but due to the course of recent events I have witnessed in the broadband media, the flow of comments through friends on Facebook and the general atmosphere of political opinion I see, hear and feel in this country I sincerely feel this needs to be said.
I am shocked and amazed at the downright verbal aggression from some of my ‘hippy friends’ on Facebook who continue to slur and slander Barack Obama. You’d think after 8 freakin' years of the worst political debacle in the history of the United States that at least the hippies would be ecstatic over having such an amazingly enlightened man, never mind a spiritually evolved black man, as our nations president.
Barack Obama has had to contend with the likes of the most insidious undermining right wing republican energy this country has ever known. He has had to balance and juggle continuous and numerous challenges in his first year as our nations’ leader.
I was in Target the other day shopping for a present for my daughters friends’ birthday and we were shopping for cards. I saw an anti-Obama card in the birthday section and just couldn’t believe the audacity. GW was an amazingly stupid man. I can see how this ‘humor’ has now gotten out of hand.
Target is obviously a tea-party supporter. I saw this in the product display and I also saw the RED theme continuous throughout the store. A color originally meaning blood and power initiated by our Red Brothers and Sisters whose nation this was originally. It is on their medicine shields and wheels and certainly signifies much more than capitalism and the drive for wealth trough any corrupt means necessary. I saw very clearly after this last visit, that this would be my very last visit to Target as I see that they are definitely Right Wing supporters.
I willingly and openly say to my friends who knock Barack Obama due to the fact that they want to whitewash all political figureheads as corrupt and back the ideas of David Icke as gospel that they need to put down the bong, pick up the remote and turn of the TV. Then they need to sit and think of how THEY would do this differently and please get up and do something proactive, whether its signing petitions online or anything that promotes positive earth conscious changes directed toward our positive movement of a cleaner more peaceful planet. Sitting on your ass everyday getting stoned and bitching that Obama is just like Bush isn’t helping. He is nothing like Bush and he never will be.
Barack Obama is an amazing person. We are blessed and lucky to have him in the Captain’s Chair. The amount of crap he has had to deal with has been astounding and the man is doing his darnedest to get this country on its feet again and in the positive energetic flow of LIGHT toward a Manifest Destiny we have been prophesized to walk into.
We all are in this together. There is an Ascension Process going on.
Being born in South Africa, I have seen the oppression of the Black races first hand. I knew even when I was a child that they held some incredibly deep and powerful medicine in their beings. Being painted as thieves and robbers was what the White people in power needed to keep recreating the vicious cycle of condemnation and oppression to keep their spiritual magnitude from rising above the mess. The simmering anger in the population was mediated with guns and murder. It was a sick place and I did not realize the magnitude of the situation until I was much older and living here in the USA.
Now, as an American Citizen and a Californian who has traveled to the East Coast and places like Florida to witness the ignorance and small mindedness of some of the people who call themselves Americans, I can honestly say that this country needs a spiritual enema. As a Nation we are children spiritually speaking. We have not evolved past a consciousness of the Savior. This consciousness makes us the spiritual child… the forever victim who needs saving.
It is time we evolve and step into the adult shoes that have been waiting for us for too long now. There is work to be done. Be it changing our mindset to one of a more positive note or even beginning more authentic grassroots movements toward the cleansing and clearing of this nations hand in the continuous pollution of the Earth and non-awareness of the effect we have had on the destruction of eco-systems and wildlife.
I say now that if you’re bitching about what Obama is doing or hasn’t done yet, then look in the mirror and see how YOU can help him achieve the goal that we are ALL set out to achieve and that is not to be the savior of everyone or the world, but instead to be a forward movement for peace and equilibrium of our worlds delicate balance of life.
This all begins with LOVE and acceptance of what is. No more denial of how things are. Instead we have to become brutally honest and get with the positive flow in our own separate intention patterns that we can set as individuals in our everyday existence. Don’t be deluded into thinking that you don’t matter. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. We ALL matter… for we are all matter.
Many wise men and women of our time and time before us have said things which reiterate what I am saying here today. Sitting on your ass pointing fingers at people who are going gray trying to help and heal the broken systems isn’t doing anyone any good.
Gandhi – “we have to be the change we want to see in the world”
JFK – “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country”
Scoop Miester – “If you don’t like the news, go out and make some of your own!”
So, there you have it. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it… We need more wise and enlightened people getting their hands dirty now more than ever. I think the weed can wait… it’s not going anywhere. Let others who have been working so hard get a break and let’s get this ball rolling.
Obama is doing a GREAT JOB. He is an amazing man and we are blessed and lucky to have him as our nations’ leader. He is a Gift to us from Creator… He holds the blueprints of our new world… He is to be honored and respected and he is not Bush. He is the anti-Bush :o) But, be not presumptuous… he needs our help. All of us… We as a nation need to combine our energies toward one goal – UNIFICATION and LOVE. The ‘them’ and the “spiritual children” need gentle guidance. After all, a flower cannot be opened with a hammer.
Many of us have been waiting patiently [and some not so patiently :o)] for all to arise to the challenge. It is easy to lay back and point the finger, but after all isn’t it YOU who needs to change too?
In light and honesty… Goddess Bless and Namaste ~*
That's some chewy, salty, bittersweet and tasty food for thought, Janz.
ReplyDeletePeace Sister~