[One night in the bathtub, I had this idea] (This is now registered with WGAW - all rights reserved)
The 13th Tribe
(Written in 2000.)
[Screenplay by Janice Meyer]
[Epic Film/Novel to be expanded into a TV series, video games, clothing line, toys & collectibles]
A tribe, called the 13th tribe, helps save the world, called Terra-X, from aliens called the Grays. They are called the 13th tribe because they are likened to the 12 tribes of Judah. They see the truth behind the lies, can read between the lines and have special gifts, which gives them the power to change the future. They are the heroes and heroines of the present connected by a common bond: Save Terra-X from the Grays. Each character in the 13th tribe has a uniquely individual talent, power or magical gift and in unison they unify Terra-X and create peace on earth and in the entire galaxy.
The tribe is closely connected because their gifts are their common bond. And their goal is the same: to rid the earth of the Grays who have infiltrated Terra-X. Some of the tribe has powers related to brute force, but others have more peaceful plans about how to solve the issue of the Grays on earth.
These others have a spiritual view of the solution and are trying to solve the problem in more gentle ways. The tribe has to work out these things between themselves as well as with the Grays. This makes for a more complicated plot line and also deeper character development. Each character has different levels of their power and they are also being guided by the spiritual teachers of the tribe in how best to use they magic gifts for the good of the universe.
The issue with the Grays runs much deeper than we see at first. The dilemma is complex in that the Grays have interwoven themselves over a long period of time into the lives of the Terra-Xian cultures.
The Grays are a group of aliens who have been with the Terra-X people and have subtly been intertwined with the humans on Terra-X since the beginning of time. Some of the evil Gray leaders have turned earth into a kind of farm to feed their own alien race. Most Terra-Xians are unaware of this and exist as usual. Amongst the Terra-Xians are synthetic people who are actually Grays in disguise. They have blended with all the cultures and have been doing so for some time now.
The Grays are an alien race of beings from the Sirius star system, in the constellation Caninus Major, [check this name in the book The Pleaidian Agenda!] also known as Dogstar. There two planets in this binary star system and they are [really] known by scientists and astronomers as Sirius A and Sirius B. While Sirius A is visible through strong telescopes on Earth/Terra-X, Sirius B is completely invisible and is known as the dark planet.
Not much is known about Sirius B, but there are many theories about it, such as this is where the souls or spirits of Terra-X come from. It has been recorded that the Dogon tribe in Northern Africa had known about the binary Sirius star system before scientists and astronomers had discovered it. The Dogon have long had a spiritual connection with the Sirius star system on a multi-dimensional level. They have a history, also known as the “Akashic records”, in the folklore and stories passed down through generations by the elders of the tribe. These stories tell the beginnings of this star system in great detail and remarkably it could be the story of the beginning of the universe.
The Grays have inhabited this binary star system for an extremely long period of time, and since they are much older than our solar system and they live lifetimes much longer than the Terra-Xians because of their planetary eco-system, this idea becomes quite a plausible one. The story is that they might have created Terra-X and kept it under their wing so to speak. They have watched and played a part in it evolving from its birth to the present time. Much like a parent, they have been the caretakers of the planet. Like a parent they have helped the growth and development of Terra-X. However, Terra-Xians are awakening and they are discovering that they need to define their own goals and directions as separate and they want to decide their direction toward the future.
The Grays have been on Terra-X from the beginning of the earth’s birth time and they have been working with and against us throughout this time line, molding and shaping our reality and existence as if on some kind of secret mission from the stars. There are good and bad Grays and the trick is to figure out what part of their culture is beneficial to the Terra-Xians and what part is not beneficial and is hindering our existence and more importantly our spiritual evolution.
This creates a complicated plot in that the Terra-Xians have to define boundaries and set limits with how much influence they want from the Grays and whom of the Grays they want to still deal with, because they are so closely tied in relation to their history together.
The Grays also control or have a stronghold over other planets in the universe and through Terra-Xians working their dilemma with the Grays out, also in turn help to free other star systems with similar issues relating to the Grays control over them.
The basic overall energy or temperament of the film is to be one of freedom, integrity and honor. The vibe is more like Star Wars or Dune and so are the colors, but a little more serious and definitely NOT cheesy. I want the audience to be a little scared that this might be happening for real in our reality, but that we haven’t become aware of it yet. I want it to educate the viewer at the same time as entertain them about the knowledge that has been covered up about the alien invasions since the 50’s and before. I want it to link up the mysteries and give validity to the truth. [Re: X-files, Matrix I, II &III, Sedona AZ, Taos & Roswell NM, Dogon tribe in Africa, the Pleiades star system, Sirius A & B, Folklore of the Druids, Orion, Starseed Transmissions and the magic of Terra-X which must be protected AT ALL COSTS.]
The color for Terra-X are to be of earth tones with hints of brash color and obviously shades of gray for the Gray planet scenes. [Please see next section]
I want the audience to relate to each character in a personal way and to identify with them spiritually in that they might remind them of someone that they know or have met before in their own lives. I want them to leave the theatre after having seen the movie and feel like they have magic powers themselves and that they can secretly save the world in their own way. I want the film to empower the audience in a soulful way. I want them to feel glow-full after they see the movie, like they have had a spiritual awakening.
The colors of the film are earthy colors, with many different logo symbols designed for each character. The logos are going to be bright, even neon, colors, sort of like the outfits professional motorcross athletes wear or snowboarders & surfers. Some characters will be tribal in nature with a dash of streetwear influence like puffy fighter pilot pants, but with some bone/ tooth necklaces. They will all look really good and physically fit. Some will have the ability to fly/ beam themselves from one place to another kind of like the X-MEN comic books. Some characters will have tattoos and body piercings. Some of the others will be more spiritual looking and flowing in dress depending on their character design. Sort of pirate meets the mermaid, pilot meets the urbanite, and space man meets the tree-hugger type of look.
I’m looking for a major blending of cultures, styles and designs. I want to cross-pollinate the cultures so that most cultures are represented and some new ones created. I want to stay away from the Japanese Pokemon look and concentrate more on the Pacific Islands and Native American looks with a dash of New Age influenced by the spaced out street wear shown in the snowboarder look. The closest I want to get to Pokemon is maybe a Rave influence in the styles and artistry displayed in the designs of some of the Urban tribal garb I’ve seen there. Maybe 4 main looks to cover the 4 directions. Terra-X style.
The overall tones will be earth like and natural with hints of futuristic and spacelike symbols, kind of like styles now. There will definitely be an influence of the magical realms of Faerie and Druidic culture or the Tree People. There will be modern style [sometimes amusing – depending on the character] stickers on their vehicles, but the design of the vehicles will be more like Mad Max style… survival style.
Their hairstyles will be cutting edge and their look will be very futuristic, but definitely with an earthy draw. Kind of like Bjork from Ork, but not as Japanese. There will be cross-cultural references and all walks of life will be incorporated. Definitely a lot of influence drawn form the Native American Tribal designs, ideas and spiritual ideology.
Their weaponry will be their individual gifts/powers, but some of them will have sophisticated armory such in the case of Dayyna who flies spacecraft and other various flight vehicles.
Gryphinn: Basically a woman who transforms into a Gryphon. She has the wings to fly and also the abilities of a lion. She lives in New York and lives in a skyscraper. She is vicious if she needs to be, but she has a very kind heart to those she cares about. No particular age. She is a Trans-time line being.
Sanora: Older female of the tribe. 37 years in age, she acts as a liaison between the spirits of the other side and links the future with the past through her ability to see that time as a Mobius strip. She sees how things overlap instantly in reality and she holds the keys to the instant karma factor. She believes a peaceful link can be created between the Grays and the humans if they learn to communicate clearly and work together for the betterment of Terra-X/Earth. She lives in New Mexico near Taos.
Berra: She has the power of the dolls. She can slip in and hide anywhere at will. She is a great little spy. She is 11 years old and from Siberia. She has survived the harshest winters and can withstand very cold weather. Her eyes are big and dark, her skin is very pale, and her hair is white, straight, very long and silky.
Berronna: She has the gift of love. She can infuse any situation with pure love. Where there is dissention, anger or anguish, she can send in love. With its healing power, love can warm the coldest heart. She is from Antigua and she is very soft and warm looking.
Collaura: She can see colors in the ethos and move shapes [circle, triangle square and all geometric shapes between] and colors [rainbow] in the air with the will of her mind and thoughts. These colors can heal and can help the tribe understand the Grays energy and thought processes so that they can help transform them to a kinder way of being. She is from the Netherlands. She has white long straight blond hair like Berra, only her complexion is fair, but not as pale as Berra is. She wears flowing dresses and is very beautiful.
Dayyna: She is a pilot. She can outmaneuver any Gray spacecraft and she has excellent vision. She is British. She also has a fantastic sense of humor and she can lighten up any situation with her joviality. She wears flight gear and has baggy clothes usually pants and flight jackets. She has short dark hair and wears goggles for flying. She is the most excellent pilot and she can outfly any Gray ship.
Leeya: She has the voice of an angel. She can strike any tone and sing any note. Her voice can cross dimensions. With Vykter and Terrombo, the trio can create the most amazing and powerful sounds that can truly heal any disorder in the energetic fields that guard and surround Gray strongholds in the farthest reaches of the galaxy. She is from Amsterdam.
Jannes: [pronounced: Janus/Janice/Janis] {a.k.a. a collective of the Jane’ spirits} She has the power of seeing in front and behind at the same time and she is the guardian of the doorways and gateways in the galaxy. No one can cross or slide through a gateway or doorway without her being aware if it. She was born in India. She has the power to travel through portals and actually transcend them by swimming within them to adjust them to the needs of the tribe. The portals act as doorways and through the vortexes of the portal she can beam into them and make necessary adjustments needed for interstellar travel. She uses a rainbow beam of light known as the Diaspora similar in color to that of Andromeda to beam into the portals’ vortexes. Along with Leeya and Collaura’s help she can hold open some of the largest portals and adjust them for the tribes’ travels through the Universe. Some believe she is a direct descendant from the original beings who created the Universe and who were actually created directly from Andromeda.
Stellar: She has the power of the color blue. [All the shades, but mostly the light and bright, she reserves the darker shades for very specific use and only uses them when absolutely necessary because they are very powerful] She also has direct connection to all the star systems in the galaxy through blue. She can communicate through the color blue to the systems and the tribe members to help direct communication connections related to be saving Terra-X. She is from Spain. She is shorter and has wavy black hair with bleached streaks in the front and underneath. She wears a lot of black and she likes to have her fingernails painted odd colors.
Verasuthra: Sister of Verathon, she has the ability of foresight. She connects all the tribe together through her interconnectedness with everyone in it. She is from Nepal like her brother. She is also very gifted in the art of healing and she knows all about the herbs, roots and grasses. She has been the shaman of the tribe for some time now along with her brother, who is more educated in the mechanical aspects of healing when it comes to Changeling for instance, who is part machine. Both her and her brother love in La Honda, Northern California Coast.
Wynnder: He has the power of creating windstorms and manipulating air currents. He can also fly. He is Japanese and Samoan.
Changeling: He has the ability to shape shift and change form. He is part machine. He is tall and wears a black trenchoat with a black hooded sweatshirt underneath. He is from Peru.
Sarco: He can unlock anything, and he has X-ray vision. He is from Afghanistan.
Bendinng: He has the ability to stretch and bend himself. He is from Morocco.
Neeklo: He has the power of light. He can will light from his body and project it. He is from Checkoslavakia.
Zarthron: He has the power of energy intent down to a science and he can project energy and intent anywhere to throw off the Grays plans. He is from Iceland.
Benito: He has the power of a bear, with razor sharp teeth and large hand claws. He also has the power of the color purple and this is highly effective with fighting grays. He is Cherokee, Native American.
Vykter: He has the gift of music. He can play anything on his electric guitar. His music is a language which they Grays understand and it might be the saving grace of the entire tribe. He is a Zulu.
Terrombo: He has the gift of drumming. He can drum up a storm and create amazing energy that can be used by any number of the tribe. From his collection of hand made drums he can find the perfect tones needed to break through the blocks and barriers that Grays create in the screens of reality. He is from Hawaii.
Varathon: Brother of Verasuthra, he has the gift of knowing what the grays are thinking. Psychic ability beyond his sister, he can actually hear voices in the air as if there were invisible phone lines that are crossed, and he has access to wherever he pleases. He is from Nepal.
Overall physical description:
They are a pretty ugly race/creed of aliens and they get their name from their overall demeanor, which is a grayish-green hue. They can however don a human space suit of their creation, which has actually allowed them to mix and mingle and even disgustingly enough, procreate with the Terra-Xians. They are not that tall and they have many ridges, shall we say, of layers of skin that cover their bodies.
Their heads look somewhat reptilian in nature, but wider, and their bodies look like a cross between a rhinoceros and a larger version of ET, except not as cute. Their face resembles many of the visions seen publicly of the typical almond eye shaped alien except their faces are wrinkled and they have antennae on their head like insects or snails. Their legs are short and their bodies are elongated, because they have a much more complicated internal digestive system than humans do. They have 5 stomachs and not a very long intestinal tract. They have one large heart with 7 chambers for pumping their greenish-gray blood. Their arms are long and they have very long fingers with suction cups on the end of their fingers for gripping anything and also being able to walk on the outside of their ships while flying in space. They don’t need oxygen, but they can breathe it by adjusting an internal mechanism in their brain.
This is controlled by their thought processes, and as well as being telepathic they also have total control over their bodily functions, which allows them to turn on and off certain processes at will so that they can survive in any system imaginable. The perfectly designed adaptable space suit. They can adapt to any environment in the universe, because they have had to since they are so ancient.
They don’t move very fast or very much because they don’t really have to. Much of their energy goes to their thought processes and a lot of their time is spent communicating telepathically. They can transport themselves through trance like states of mind and so they don’t really have much use for vehicles except when moving through space from one planet or star system to another. Most of their transportation happens telekinetically, by self-beaming or transporting their presence’s from one place to another, kind of like in the movie “The Fly” except without the machinery. All of the Grays have telepathic and telekinetic powers, but as they age, their powers increase in speed and their abilities to manipulate their force also increase.
Its almost as though they are our ancestors through space and time because they resemble us so much, but they are also in jeopardy of becoming extinct, because their star system is too overcrowded and it is unable to withstand the amount of Gray’s living there. In other words, their system is in demise because they have exploited nearly all of their resources and they are looking to other planets now to move to so that they can continue to exist.
Terra-X has been part of this long-range plan of theirs, but they have also played a large part in depleting Terra-X’s resources. This is the crux of the film right here, because the Terra-Xians have to figure out a WIN-WIN situation so that the harmony of the universe can be maintained and there can be a positive outcome for all beings involved. The only way this can be, as some of the spirituals believe, is if we work together and make an EVEN plan so that all involved can live in peace.
The problems arise when the bad Grays, only interested their own survival become greedy and through anger and destructive means try to take Terra-X by force.
They key lies in the magic power that the Terra-Xians have in connection with their planet that will create this win-win “soul-evolution” through inner peace on each Terra-Xians part FOR THE GOOD OF THE ALL!
I want the audience to leave the theatre with a feeling of their part in this. I want the audience to feel that they hold the magic. That they hold the key to the future, that if we all do our individual [but not small mind you!] part. That this will enable us, as Terra-Xians, to help to open the Grays' hearts and let LOVE open the door to the great healing of the universe.
Their costumes/appearance are varied in that their rank or placement in the culture determines the ridges or layers of fat. The fat isn’t really fat, it is the way their skin is formed and they way it grows like rings in a tree. [more ridges/layers, the higher in rank.] They don’t wear clothes per se, unless they are in their human disguises and then they have very elaborate gowns that they might wear to ceremonial gatherings. The older looking a Gray is determines their intelligence. Grays live extraordinary long lives; up to 1100 years at a time, and this is one of the reasons for their overpopulation.
Nauronne: The Queen leader of the Grays. She is very old, and nearing the end of her life cycle. She is 950 years old and she has many rolls of fat. She is the wise elder of the Grays and many Grays look to her for guidance. Her husband or mate, the King leader of the Grays often challenges her. This is where the story can get interesting in that she could be the one who opens him to the possibility of creating a win-win [Quan Yin] situation. Since she is closer to the creative side of life, she can temper his war-like tendencies and help him to see a more gentle solution for all involved. She could have connection on a telepathic level with Sonora, the female leader of the 13th tribe of Terra-Xians.
Brasha: The princess of the Grays. She is next in line for the leadership role and she is more like her father in that she is headstrong and vigilant for she has seen some of her closest friends captured by the Terra-Xians. She is very apt in battle and is one of the leaders of the fighting force of the Grays. She is only 440 years.
Teranna: She is part Terra-Xian and part Gray, but she sides with the Grays because she is more like them. She looks more reptilian than Terra-Xian, but her arms and hands are more human. She still has to don a human space suit to travel within the Terra-X realities. She has some of the Terra-X knowledge and because of this is a valuable source to the Grays for information regarding communication and understanding the minds of the Terra-Xians. She is very close with Brasha because of their passion for battle.
Shaunarra: She is the Queen’s right hand. She one of the chief advisors on the Board of Circles, and she is highly respected in the higher levels of the Gray hierarchy because she is one of the oldest Grays at 1005 years. She is loyal to Naurronne and she is almost regarded as her older sister.
Zennander: The King leader of the Grays. He is also very fat and has many rolls on his midriff. He is younger than his wife at only 910 years. He is more antagonistic than his partner Nauronne is. He has seen the horrible ways that humans have treated the Grays over time, [i.e.: the autopsies performed on captured Grays.] and he is vigilant to never have that occur again. He doesn’t yet see the mirror effect of what the Gray’s have done to the humans karmically coming back to slap him in the face. He believes that his interest lies in the good of the all, but he is mistaken because through violent means, nothing but more war and violence can be accomplished. He is to realize throughout the events in the film that war and fighting is futile and he has to learn to go within to heal the sad and angry sides of himself in order to find the mystical side of himself that was lost so long ago.
Xhel-han: He is the King’s right hand. He is one of the chief council members on the Board of Circles and he is highly respected because he is also very old at 979 years. He has ulterior motives though, because he has developed a taste for Terra-Xian flesh. He is very evil and needs special attention in character development. His character needs to be brought out slowly as the film progresses so the audience doesn’t figure out he’s the worst bad guy. The carnivorous side of him needs to be hidden until well into the film. He may as well be the catalyst in the catharsis that the Queen needs the King to go through to be swayed to her side. Once the King sees where the violent influence is derived from, he is lifted from his spell of anger and his heart is enlightened. He is reminded of his younger days and the plan of the original Grays created by his parents a very long time ago in that they were supposed to be a silent nurturer in the Terra-Xians development and not farm them for food.
*There should also be something brought out about this character in that he is behind the “needling” of humans/Terra-Xians. [Needling: drawing spinal fluids and other bodily fluids from the Terra-Xians to feed the Grays bodies so that they can walk amongst us in disguise. They are going to have to need to take something from us to exist amongst us. Without this, they could not be on Terra-X.]
He also must have a slew/crew of Gray workers at his beck & call to do this dirty work behind the backs of the main leaders and especially the Queen.
He also might have some other kind of alien mixture as well as Gray… maybe some other galactic species that is very evil or something and that’s why he’s so bad. This can be exposed later in the movie, or they could show at a galactic meeting a subtle similarity between him and another race of alien, that clues the audience to see that he’s just slightly different, if not in appearance, in character/mannerism. Maybe he’s just a little too hungry or something like that.
Quarlee: He is the brother of Brasha and is less like his father and much more like his mother. He is somewhat feminine in nature even, and he holds in high regard the beliefs of his mother about striking a balance of peace with the Terra-Xians. He does however have a strange addiction to the spinal fluids drawn from the Terra-Xians and finds them fascinating in that he sort of wants to be Terra-Xian rather than a Gray. He could end up going to live with the Terra-Xians at the end of the film, because he is younger and strikes up a comradery with some of the members of the tribe. Being more on the sensitive side he could have a telepathic relationship with Verathon and his sister Verasuthra.
He might also be the one to enlighten the Grays about Xhel-Hans exploitative endeavors.
Ben-Yaun: He is a younger friend of Quarlee and he has sort of been like a brother to him throughout. He has a thing for Brasha, Quarlee’s sister and in a Shakespearean way helps to soften Brasha’s heart so that she can open up later in the story and embrace the peace her mother has always wanted. He is also a fighter and sometimes fights alongside Brasha and Teranna. This allows him to build a relationship with her in battle and on Terra-X, because they all have to go to Terra-X sometimes in disguise to set up programs and make sure the Gray’s plans are being carried out correctly.
Much of the Gray’s work involves highly complicated computer implementation and infiltration of the government and highly technical fields of the industrial marketplace. They have their fingers in everywhere. They are so ingrained in the Terra-Xian world that the only way out for the Terra-Xians is THROUGH.
Zara-Thrin: Xhel-Han’s first assistant. He is the one who does all the go between work for Xhel-Han and makes sure his crooked plans are set in motion. He is linked deeply in the Gray’s underground black market and he is very, very evil. He is very unkind and unfeeling. There could be a link in that he is part of another alien race, who are very evil and only interested in the Terra-Xians’ usefulness as slaves and for breeding. He is from an ancient creed of Grays that are close to extinction and who are hiding out in a secluded area of the galaxy, a difficult place to exist, but they can because they are so ancient. He looks very dark and sinister and doesn’t get out much. Xhel-Han keeps him on a short leash.
Movie opens with a view of space. It is very quiet and it preps the audience for the ride of their life. It is very quiet and peaceful. Nothing seems to be happening. The camera pans over the galaxy. We see the many fantastic things in space, the Andromeda galaxy etc. The audience is given a tour of space as though they are in their own private space ship. This goes on for at least 5 minutes, maybe 10. I want to show all of the major constellations up close. All the constellations relating to the story: Orion, Pleaides, Andromeda, Dogstar, Sirius A & B, Merope, Alceone [much research here], and then eventually our solar system. I want the audience to get the feeling of the distance in a very short time. After they have been taken to Terra-X, I don’t want them to land on it, just look at it and then all of a sudden I want them to be whisked away through a wormhole/black hole tunnel directly to the Gray planet – Sirius B, the dark one. They can go past Sirius A very quickly but be redirected to the B, kind of like a psyche out. The beginning will be like a ride at Universal Studios or something to that effect.
We will go slowly into the Grays city, which will be, of course, Gray mostly, with dark silver and lots of metallic designs like the designs in ALIENS. Floating Cathedral buildings with spires, flying buttresses and the works. Very Gothic. Maybe we can get that ALIENS artist to design the Gray’s city [or something to that effect]. It should be translucent and beautiful. Delicate, but strong. The gravity on Sirius is different from Terra-X.
We will aim toward the landing dock of the Imperial Palace.
The camera pans around out of the front of the ship’s window and as the ship lands. The camera’s eye finds the King, Zennander, it settles on his face, which eminates love. Then, from his perspective the camera turns around and then we see the space ship. We see the space ship we have been travelling in: A Gray space ship and it will be piloted by the Queen, Nauronne. She had been on a solo mission and that was why it was so quiet. She communicated telepathically the entire time, so there was no need for speech. [Music is playing the entire time, however, because the Gray’s love music. It is their soft spot, and this is one of the major things that they love about Terra-X and the inhabitants. This ends up being the saving grace of the Universe, as we shall see.] Then the camera zooms in on the Queen. There is peace and love emanating from her face too. She is glad to see the King.
This is when the audience will see the similarity and identify a kinship with the Gray King & Queen; they love, feel peace and genuinely care about the universe, kind of like big mommy and big daddy.
She will descend out of the ship levitating. Their rich gowns cover their anatomy and they glide over the floor. She glides over to him. The energy is electric. The audience can sense great power emanating from these two. They go to their palace bedroom and have alien sex. Lights flash and their energies mingle like in cocoon.
White flash of light takes us into the next scene.
From the white flash of light we are slowly brought into darkness through a series of gray hues, until the grays become black. Far off in the distance we see lights, stars, slowly appear and as the camera zooms in we see a small blue dot coming toward us. This is Terra-X, Earth. As we approach Terra-X it looks so beautiful, so peaceful, just turning so slowly on its axis as if it was serenity itself.
The scene changes quickly with great abruptness straight into a busy street scene. The scene is of New York City at a quarter to three in the afternoon. People are rushing about. Many business people and taxi cabs everywhere. It is in the future 2012. [Blurb at bottom of screen tells us the date and location] We focus on a woman with long black hair getting into a cab. She has streaks of white hair only around her face. This is the first introduction to a member of the tribe, Gryphinn. She is wearing a black vinyl fitted overcoat tied with a belt and black vinyl stiletto boots. She is incredibly striking. It is cold and she is holding her stuff very close to her, but she seems relaxed, even though one can see she is incredibly intelligent from her visage.
G: “Fifth and Lexington, the Juniper Building.”
The cabby nods and the driver pulls away from the curb into traffic. We see her in the rear view mirror from the cabby perspective. He is looking at her because she is so attractive. She glares at him, he looks away.
C: “So, going to see Sir Newton?”
G: “No, why do you ask?”
C: “Just makin’ conversation.”
G: “Well don’t.”
The cabby speeds along and before too long they arrive. Cabby pulls up to the curb, and G slaps a ten in his paw.
G: “Keep the change”
C: “Thanks! Hey, by the way… you are beautiful.”
G half smiles and slams the door. She walks in through the front door as the doorman opens it. Perfect flow. Her coat billows out behind her comic book style like in Face Off when Nicholas Cage gets off the airplane. Her hair mimics the flow of the coat. She walks up to the elevator, which opens exactly as she walks toward it. Perfect flow. She steps inside. The building is very Art Deco and has a Metropolis feel to the architecture. The elevator is old fashioned and has the dial for the floors and an elevator operator.
EO: “Afternoon Miss Phinn?”
G: “ Afternoon George.”
The Operator smiles and presses the button.
The doors close. There is a unique sound like a vacuum seal.
EO: “Any luck out there this morning?”
G: “ Still workin’ on it George, still workin’ on it.”
The doors open.
EO: “ Better luck next time”
G: “ Thanks George” exits with a smile.
She walks out of the elevator into a small lobby with a strange mirror and a little Italian table, The kind you see in hotels, except it looks very authentic, almost surreal. It is very quiet, except for the swishing of her clothes. She turns left and walks down a hallway lined with orange neon lights. At the far end of the hallway is a glass door. The design on it is sandblasted into it…a Griffin. She passes her hand over a small symbol on the door and it slides open. She enters.
In the far corner of a very large room is a sunken area, a place for comfort, but also contemplation. The upholstery is brown and velvety, soft like fur. There are pillows and throws to match. There are hints of black also in the color scheme. The carpets are dark brown trimmed at the walls with black. The walls are muted tones of brown and dark clay tones adorned with very fine art. The Mona Lisa could be one piece. Mostly fine art.
There are great big windows that open onto a very well built cemented Italian style terrace. The design of her nest is very much influenced by Italian architecture, but not as opulent as Liberace!
Built into her nest is a subterranean computer system that is voice activated. She merely has to speak out and she receives immediate response.
She takes off her coat and underneath she has on a dark brown body suit, with a body somewhat like 7 of 9 on Star Trek. She is a superheroine in the flesh. This is when she shapeshifts. She turns into a Griffin. She is part Lion, part Eagle, with the tail of a Dragon. She is tremendous. She is huge. She purrs and settles into the sunken seating area. There is a scent of an earthy incense. [Sandalwood] This is when she summons for Sonora.
G: “ Sonora…”
S: “ Greetings Gryphinn! So good to hear from you!”
G: “ Sonora, I have news for you from the front.”
S: “ Do tell Gryphinn, I have been anxiously awaiting your call!”
G: “ Well, it seems that our plans have been delayed. The X-underground is having trouble locating the Glyph you spoke of. It seems it is still veiled very deeply in the Mists of Illusion. Sarco and Berra have been trying for days and are nearly at their wits end. The Akashic records are going to be much more difficult to locate than we first believed. It looks as though we are going to have to make a special trip out to the desert.”
S: “ Oh, my…”
G: “ Yes, and we are going to need quite a few members of the tribe, maybe all of us, if we are going to pull this part of the plan off successfully. Everyone if we can do it.”
S: “Alright Gryphinn, I’ll summon the tribe…”
There is a pause.
S: “ Gryphinn…?”
G: “ Yes Sonora, I am here. I was just thinking, we might want to gather at the great headlands for a meeting before we venture out, just to make sure that we’re all on the same vision page.”
S: “ That’s not a half bad idea Gryphinn…when do you believe to be the best time?”
G: “ Well, the moon is at its highest point the day after tomorrow and that would give everyone enough time to make sure they can arrive…Also, I believe we are coming into the best phase of Jupiter so this will aspect the best trine conjuncture between Mars and Pluto. In turn, this will allow us to have a direct line to the subterranean low light energies in relation to dream-time. This could be greatly beneficial in our plans for seeing through the veils of illusion as we need to do so in order to access the map to the Pleaide star system in the height of the Auroras”.
S: “Very well Gryphinn, I’ll make the necessary arrangements and contact the tribe telepathically to let them in on the GM [grand master] plan.”
G: “ Excellent. I have to get some sleep if I’m going to lead this travel. I’ll speak with you soon.”
S: “ Fine Gryph, dream well…”
Gryphinn’s big eyes close and he falls asleep on the sofas purring, his large wings rustling as they settle in on his back.
Scene fades into what the audience will think is a dream sequence. [Really it’s just a reality shift of consciousness for G can transport his energy being by the will of thought.] *[See memo]
The sound of Gryphinn’s wings rustling fades across his back fades into this new scene as the sound of his wings flapping/flying.
He is flying through the air above New York City. The audience can see how magnificent, majestic and graceful he is as he swoops over the skyscrapers fast and stealthily. In the dark of night, he is unseen and unheard as he purveys the city specking out the goings on. He hones in on a couple of figures in a dark alley. They look suspicious, and they are breaking into a back door of an old warehouse. One figure he can make out is tall and definitely a man and the other is a small girl. They open the door and slip inside before Gryphinn can get too close to actually see them. [Us too, as the audience – more mystery]
The timing is perfect…as G swoops they slip in. This is all done in the dark, so we can’t see their faces.
The characters introduced here are Changeling and Berra. They are breaking into an old abandoned warehouse on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. This is a very dangerous area perused by thieves, junkies and other shady characters.
>Scene change to a close up of G’s face. We see his eyes light up as he realizes that he recognizes their shapes and flies away with a half smile.
>Scene change to an odd angle as C and B enter the abandoned warehouse. They sidle up a large wall lined with a metal staircase up the other side. There is a light coming in from the street on the other side through some broken windows. They slink up to a large open area where there are big I-beams supporting the very high ceilings. A big white rat scurries across the floor in front of them. B jumps and catches her breath as C grabs her mouth so she won’t make noise. They walk over to some lumpy shapes in the far corner of the large space. There are some grumbling sounds and some of the shapes start to move. They are people sleeping, and we hear movement and sliding cardboard as they sense the presence of C and B.
One of them speaks: “Who goes there? What’s your business?” the voice says out of the dark…
A flashlight comes at them immediately after that and blinds them right in the eyes. This is the first time we can see C and B.
Changeling is attractive and clean cut. He dons a long black trenchcoat with a black hooded sweatshirt under it to cover his nearly shaved head. He has angular features and deep sunken light blue eyes that are hidden by the hood. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are intense and focused. We can see from the muscle structure in his face and in his expression [even though he all covered in black clothes] that he is rock solid.
Berra is a small girl, very pretty, but sad looking more toward angry. She has white blond hair and it is very long with straight cut bangs across her forehead. She has on all black too, except she’s wearing a dress with tights and boots. She has on a cape with a hood to hide her hair.
Both have pale skin, except C is more ruddy in complexion and B’ skin is translucent like porcelain.
They both guard their eyes from the light beaming right at them and Changeling whispers loudly “Hey! Turn that thing down! We’re from the Tribe!”
The light drops and one of the lumps get up slowly.
“What’s your name then..?” the voice speaks.
C: “I’m Changeling and this is Berra. We’re looking for Neeklo and Benito; do you know where we could find them…?”
Quiet, then some whispering
Voice: “Yeah.. Hang on a minute…”
The two hear more whispers in the dark and they can’t make out enough to understand it… something about the Laser District and the drumming…
The voice comes back and says “Hey come on over here… my friend can tell you where they are…”
C & B walk over toward them as they shine the flashlight on the floor to make a path of light toward them. [This scene is directly foretelling because it will be repeated later when we meet Neeklo, who has the power of light…]
C & B approach a sophisticated set up of milk crates, cardboard boxes and giant wooden wire spools. To the amateur this would look like a bunch of garbage as first sight, but as we see it up close, we totally notice that it is very strategically designed and it is complicated with wires and stuff all over the place directly and purposely placed for specific use. It is like a bed of live wires all technical and beautifully designed, but totally hidden in the dark! Wires and stuff are coming out of the walls and the floor and from under layers of cardboard. It’s like a bird nest, except it’s a human nest. Its smells like old cheese and clammy human sweat… pretty nasty.
Voice: “ This is Changeling and Berra…Changeling, Berra… this is my good friend Vah, and oh yeah, my name is Zeron”
C: “Good to know you Vah & Zeron. What a nest! Quite cool man… Hey what’s this?”
As C grabs for something Zeron yells “ Hey man! Don’t touch that!”
Too late… C gets shocked and jumps back about 15 feet into a pylon. This is when we see his being… His body wraps around the pole and bounces right off it, so he’s standing right where he was next to Berra.
Z: “Wow man…that was cool, you guys really are tribe folk huh? Wow… he he”
C: “Whoo! Fun ride man! Yeah, so anyway Vah…?”
V: “Yeah cool man… he he… tribe folk … you guys are alright man… Yeah, so…Neeklo and Benny, they been haunting the Laser District lately. There’s been rumors of some trouble going down out there and they been creeping around trying to get the goods on a couple of spies word has it are lurking there too. They been keeping a real low pro [file] tho’ so it might be real hard to spec’ ‘em out if you know what I mean. You’ll have to lurk on the lower levels for a day or so just to get the scent. Then you might get lucky and run into ‘em, if you don’t see those freekin’ gray bastards first... they’re in disguise real good they say... lookin' all human an’ shit… fuck man they suck man…shit…”
[Berra hasn’t even spoken yet and now she chimes in…]
B: “Oh we’ll find them. We will…” Her eyes flash at him. The whites of her eyes light up and they shine as bright as the flashlight did! This startles Vah, and he jumps back a foot or two.
V: “ Fuck man! Jeezuz Chryst! Warn us already if ya’s gonna do that! My gawd!”
C: “ Well... I guess a dose of your own, ay freeks? Very cool set up here, by the way, sometime I’d like to spend some time here and see how all this shit works…” Changelling smiles and steers Berra by her back toward the door the came in on.
As they are walking away Berra sends a telepathic message to Zeron…
< Tell your friend thanx he was a great help, but he needs to floss, too many bad words…>
She also sends a telepathic image of her smiling to Zeron which also transmits immediately to Vah, just to spook him out a little more.
Zeron turns to Vah and his face is white after receiving her smile AFTER she left.
The Laser District, NYC. Changeling and Berra are looking for Neeklo and Benito.
View of them walking down a sidewalk at night with old-fashioned street lamps, only the lights in them are colorful lasers shooting off in all directions, like mini searchlights. [Underlying subtle symbolism for them searching for the tribe members]
They come upon a long queue along a dark street. All these really weird looking people, clubbies, are waiting to get into the club. There are two doormen. One is white and one is black. They are both huge and have shaved heads and goatees. The white one looks like the Rock and the black one looks like Mr. T. They are standing behind a black velvet rope, which guards a black curtain – the entrance to the club.
Changeling and Berra walk past the smokers and right up to the front of the line and amidst dirty looks from the queue, they are nodded to by the door guards and let right in.
Inside is a huge space, also like a warehouse, only this place is done up amazingly, like no rave anyone has ever seen before. The lasers are fantastic and the place is all decorated with silver and colored metallic shiny streamers coming from the ceiling. There is some fake smoke pumped out of hidden places and this enhances the mystery and the lasers in the room. The streamers wave in the wind and as the lights shine and move, light is reflected all over the place and on all the people. It is truly a sight to behold. There is a pulse of drums permeating the place and it directly goes to the heart. We become immersed in the fluid flow of the heartbeat of drums and the lights, like going right back to G-d and the womb all at once.
Changeling and Berra walk through the middle of the dance floor area and the people seem to part like the Red Sea for them in a perfect flow without even looking at them, and they close behind them in the same fashion… they just feel their presence. The dancers aren’t even phased by it, they just keep in moving…
They walk over to some metal stairs at the far end of the giant room, which they take to the upper floor. We travel with them and we see their perspective of the room in its entirety as we ascend the stairs. Its really too big to see all of, because there are adjacent rooms shooting off and there are more people in those.
Just then, as they are peering over the railing in walk Neeklo and Benito. They were in one of the other rooms and they walk up to some people in the crowd who get very excited that they have found them. They hug and kiss and walk over to a wall to talk. This is when Changeling and Berra take the opportunity to join them.
As they walk down the stairs they begin to notice the familiarity of the other people…more tribe members!
Neeklo spots Changeling from across the room and his face lights up.
N: “Hey! Wow!” and he motions for them to join them.
Changeling and Berra, who wasn’t visible at first because of her height, walk over. When Neeklo sees Berra, he runs over to her and sweeps her up with a hug and spins her around wildly.
B: “Whoa Neek! Easy bro’!”
C: “Yeah, easy man! She’s only little!”
Neeklo: “Yeah but she’s tough little!” and he puts her back on the ground, grabs her hand and walks them both over to the others. He’s smiling really big and he’s very happy.
The others they encounter in the club are Berronna, Collaura and Dayyna, also tribe members. They have been looking for each other since the telepathic messages started coming through from Sonora that they must gather in the next two days for a meeting of the tribe members.
They all hug and greet, eyes shining as the lasers are all around them. It’s like a big party just for them, or so it seems…
There is a wonderful aroma of fresh fruit and flowers as the love grows around them and in them as they are reunited.
Neeklo: “Seven found, and eleven more to go.”
Collaura: “We don’t have much time since Sonora wanted us to gather the day after tomorrow at the headlands site.”
Berronna: “It shouldn’t be too tough, since we are all synchronized by soul level connections. It’s just a matter of seeking and finding each other” she smiles happy to see them…
Dayyna: “ Yeah you guys, it’s been way too long since we were all together like this…I like it!”
Benito: “Ok you guys, let’s go over into the Ambiance room where it’s quieter and we can sit and talk.”
<They all walk over to another room that is not as brightly lit but still somewhat lasered out and the music is more mellow, but the pulse can still be heard from the giant room. There are tables and chairs on the far side of the space and they walk over and take seats around an odd shaped table.
[Many people sense their power and the tribe members seem to have an energy glow around them that the other regular people don’t have. The masses part so that they can get through, like waters parting for a ship …drama drama drama…]
Benito: “Alright, great…We have to come up with a plan to find the others, anyone got any ideas?”
Collaura: “Well, I know that Leeya and Jannes have been hanging out at Sumpter Pass on North Island and we’ll probably find them there. There’s some kind of major portal that Jannes has been interested in and I think Leeya has been helping her hold the energy fields open with tone so Jannes can do some prep work for the Passing.”
Benito: “Ok, any other ideas…?
Berronna: “ I’ve seen Stellar around here a few days back, but I haven’t seen her lately…so she could be around, but we might try Bendinngs’ dads junkyard over on the north east side… I know she likes the quiet nights up there …”
Benito: “Good idea Berronna… and with luck, maybe Bendinng will be there…”
Dayyna: “I know Wynnder and Zar have been lurking together lately and I have a fair idea that they are over at Zero-Grounds… Yeah... We should definitely try there.”
Benito: “Ok, cool…anyone else?”
Changeling: “I’m sure Sanora has contacted the V twins, but maybe I should make sure in person. They’re probably at the house in La Honda.”
Dayyna: “Well, when every bodies together, I can fly some of us!”
Everyone smiles at Dayyna. There’s warmth in the heart that connects them after that…
Benito: “ Well, that leaves…let’s see… Sarco, Vyk and Terrombo… Has anyone seen them?”
Neeklo, who has been quiet, chimes in…
Neeklo: “The music maestros Vyk and Terrombo are sometimes jamming at the Lost Spaces Jam rooms and we could ask around there…”
Benito: “Ok, cool…that just leaves Sarco…”
Changeling: “I think I know where he is… Last I heard he was staying at the Drifters Inn down at the Row… he likes those dive bars around there, don’t ask me why, he doesn’t even drink!”
Berronna: “He likes a girl down there… She’s probably one of us, but doesn’t know it yet… He’s been known to attract the special ones…I should know…”
Berronna winks at Collaura and Changeling smiles too. [Sarco found them when they were absolutely destitute.]
We begin to see a relationship between the tribespeople and a history/herstory of interconnectedness that we see has grown and will continue to grow and develop over the length of the film.
Through telepathic communication with Sonora, because she is always connected to all of the Tribe members, they are split into groups and they all separate. Some go in twos and others go solo.
This time Berra goes with Collaura. Dayyna goes with Neeklo. Beronna is on her own, and so are Benito and Changeling.
>Even though Sonora has telepathic communication/connection with all of the members, a direct connection always has to be maintained through direct personal contact; otherwise communication can be lost in the ethos. This is one of the major things that Jannes is working on because she believes that this communication can be permanently encoded through working with these particular portals and instilling the proper energy codes within them.
Benito suggests that they sit in the circle and hold hands to link up their energy fields. This way Sonora can hone in on them and give direct ascension images and information to whom she wants to find whom and where specifically.
This connection in turn leads to the derivative lines foretelling the next missions:
*Dayyna and Neeklo hop in her space jet on the roof of the club [she met the other two there…] and go and find Wynnder and Zarthron.
*Collaurra is given the task by Sonora to find Leeya and Jannes.
*Berrona is given Vykter and Terrombo to find and after she finds them, they are to go on to find Sarco.
*Benito and Berra go to find Stellar and Bendinng.
*Changeling goes to find The V twins, Verasuthra and Verathon.
The first scene of the sixth part here is of all the tribe members parting ways amidst the smoke and music of the club. The music is loud and the pulses move the heart. The music also mirrors the footprints to the paths ahead for all of them.
There is no need for further verbal dialog, because Sonora has connected with all of them individually while they were in circle, and they all know what they have to do. They all split up and get mixed into the crowd among the dancers and the smoke. This is also a terrific symbol of the color and energy fields again and how similar they are…
How we will see later that this is the way the Grays project and direct their control over the Terra-Xians.
Scene change: Daynna and Neeklo getting into one of her jets. She had arrived on the roof of the club and they are getting ready to go find Wynnder and Zarthron. [First the Zero Grounds & then possibly the Himalayas…]
Daynna’s talking, but all you can see is her mouth moving and Neeklo is laughing hysterically, slapping his thigh. The jet engines drown out the noise, and then you see her lift the plane off the roof like a helicopter [very futuristic stylized machine, part jet, part helicopter] and they take off in a sideways swipe across the night sky.
*Note: these next scenes are going to have to be interwoven very carefully… to show the interconnectedness and underground organization and stealth of the tribe. They are right on the money. [These can be mixed up later…but for now they can stay this way…]
The next scene is of Berra and Collaura leaving the club out of the front where she and Changeling came in originally. Berra half smiles at the door guards and the back one touches her back gently as they exit the club. This makes everyone in the line look and peer, which turns to mumbling chatter, like “who is she…?” wows and oohs.
Most of the people in the line are subterranean reptilian types – tattooed, pierced and in black, but some are enlightened beings in flowing robe garb.
Berra and Collaura are seen walking down the sidewalk, very similar to the view of her and Changeling earlier. The streetlights lasers beaming and the silhouette action.
The next view is of Benito saying goodbye to some friends in the club and walking away waving as he exits out a back door of the club to his car which is parked out back. He gets in and music is heard coming from his auto, rave type, but rock too. As he pulls out of the lot there is a lot of energy that leaves with him…
Changeling stays and walks back up the stairs to where he and Berra were standing to see the club. The last vision of this scene is of him leaning on the rails looking down on the mass of people pulsing with the energy of the music and flowing through the smoke and light filled room. His cloak like trenchcoat flows behind him, his face is pale and his hood is covering his head. His eyes are deep blue and he is magical. We see the light reflected in his eyes and the camera pans the room and then finally settles on his eyes. [*See memo]
Alien scene!
We come in on a scene in space of two ships doing high speed maneuvering in an asteroid belt. Very dangerous stuff! They are playing a game of cat and mouse. The flight patterning is marvelous and amazing! The are swooshing by each other vertically and horizontally and upside down… dodging asteroids that are moving to boot! They are smaller space ships for battle and they are similar to F-14 fighter planes, only they are space ships.
This goes on for a few minutes, maybe 5 or so, there must be an immense pleasure of battle and fight built up in the audience by this time. The audience must feel as though they have been taken on a wild ride! They must also have the sense at the end that they don’t know which way they are facing…they must feel all turned around and discombobulated.
I want them to assume that these are men doing these amazing flight maneuvers... the precision and daring and the amount of control must delineate the masculine excellence that we are programmed to assume is all male in our society today.
Then at the last moment I want the camera to zoom in on one of the pilots… who happens to be undoing her helmet and laughing hysterically throwing her head back, like she never had so much fun!
This is our first introduction to the daughter of the King and Queen of the Grays…the Princess Brasha. She is playing in the asteroid fields with her friend Teranna.
The next shot is of her friend Terranna, who doesn’t look as happy, because Brasha is a bit wilder than she is and she nearly slammed her into an asteroid a few times out there. She is using these play exercises as a lesson of sorts to help Brash get better at the battle ground when she will have to take over for her mother the Queen one day. She is her friend but she also her teacher and companion.
The two ships hover at each other above the asteroid line and then they shoot off toward the Gray’s home planet, Sirius B. Again, they swoop by the Sirius A and then make a sharp right for home on Sirius B, the Darkstar.
The ships dock in the same place as the first scene of the movie and this scene begins a longer vision into the Grays world and way of life. The palace is again very ornate with gothic spires and translucent designs and architecture. Mostly tones of Gray and silver, every shade from dark to light, but neither black nor white. Sometimes tones of gray can look like a color, so we must keep this in mind in the future of the film as when the grays mix with the Terra-Xians they take on some of the color hues, in the reflection of light.
They land their ships and climb out onto the floor. Brasha is still laughing and Terranna is still not amused.
T: “You almost killed me out there!”
B: “You’ve got to sharpen your skills!”
T: “It’s better to take fewer chances now, so you have more to take in the real battles! Brasha really! We are supposed to be learning how to navigate and deflect. We are to learn the art of war and this entitles me to show you that a good defense is sometimes more important than a good offense!”
B: “Yes, yes Terranna! I hear all that, but it’s so much more fun to just go for it sometimes! I get in this flow and there’s such a rush in it! I just love it!”
T: “Yes, well if you’re not careful, that rush could get you in a lot of trouble one day. I swear Brasha, if your parents knew how wild you really were out there, they’d have both our hides!”
Brasha just smiles at her and they walk down the corridor, which leads to the atrium of the palace. Brasha puts her arm around Terranna and they walk over to the gardens where they sit down for a breather. A servant arrives and asks them if they want anything in Gray.
[The language of the Grays is totally different and there are subtitles. Ex: Hingeblott arastream?]
Brasha says yes and looks at Terranna who nods and says, whatever you’re having.
B: “2 squid juices, thx.”
As we are waiting the camera pans around the room as we hear them still talking, but nothing succinct. We begin to notice the flora & fauna of the atrium and garden. The plants are not at all natural. They are copies of plant life on earth and from a distance they look real, but really they are made of a combination of glass, plastic and metal from various places in the galaxy. They have structure and movement like the real thing, and they are all …shades of gray!
A few minutes go by and the chatter subsides as the drinks arrive. They are tall containers of black juice, thick syrupy stuff that looks like thick oil. They sip on it as they chat some more.
T: “So, Brasha… what do you want to do for tomorrow’s flight?”
B: “I thought we’d go check out Terra-X, I’ve always wanted to go back there since my last visit, but I guess I have to clear such a long trip with the elders.”
T: “Wow that is far! Are you sure you’re up to it?”
B: “I figure with the light sensors reacting the way they are, it’s a better time than ever to go unseen. That way we can sneak in and spy on them hidden by the portals of time. Those stupid Terra-Xians haven’t figured out how to crack the codes yet and I don’t think they ever will! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”
T: “Geez! Brasha, I wish the elders could hear you sometimes!”
B: “well, you know I’m right!”
Terranna’s face grimaces and she looks away from Brasha, who is more attractive than her, but it is now we see that beauty lies within… not without.
Brasha’s face is smug and she is happy that she thinks she knows everything. She has a belief that things have been this certain way so long that things can’t change. She is going to be surprised sooner than she realizes.
The camera pans away from them and out a window in the ceiling out into the Grays City and out into space where we pick up another flight pattern going on in another area of the galaxy.
This time it is near Andromeda and it is with Quarlee and Ben-Yaun. They are there because Quarlee really enjoys this particular galaxy because of its colors and energy. Ben-Yaun accompanies him on these trips because he enjoys hearing Quarlee’s thoughts that are aspirational and intricate. Quarlee is a philosopher of sorts and Ben-Yuan enjoys being in the presence of such energy. Together they come up with some very enlightening conversation.
The camera arrives at Andromeda. It is now that we really see what an amazing galaxy it truly is. It is as though it is feminine in nature and it has the distinct imagery of being very much like what one might imagine the inner workings of a woman would be or feel like. The colors are mostly pink hues and there are flavors of yellow and purple and red and blue thrown in for the mix. It is really quite an epiphany evoking sight!
In the presence of such a vision, one really wants to weep. It is just so beautiful.
We arrive slowly at a very nice ship, all smooth and shiny and inside are the two friends.
They are peacefully talking, quite a different scene than the last one with the women.
Quarlee is seated on one of the seats of the space ship, which is designed by him for meditative illumination because he is one of the main facilitators of the spiritual aspects of the Gray’s influence in the universe. It’s his main job to study and explore these things to the nth degree, so that they can be explored later by the elders and put into practice on the corresponding planets. The Grays have much influence where spirituality is concerned and this is going to be one of the major saving graces and saving faces of the whole big picture, the grand master plan, the everything of all that is and ever was or ever will be.
He is seated in a meditative yoga like pose and Ben-Yaun is seated next to him on a separate seat. The seats are designed by Quarlee to be ergonomically acceptable to meditative states. They support the body, soul, mind & spirit. One can sit cross-legged and still be very comfortable. There is also on this ship the 60’s designer who made the crawl spaces where one can sleep/lie/curl up in a ball to rest. The designer linked with Roger Dean art? [*See memo]
We arrive in the middle of a heated discussion between them…so at first we are not sure what is going on really. There is a lot of technical talk and there is also a lot of spiritual talk. At first it doesn’t make any sense to us, the viewer. As the time passes we see that the conversation is point of the discussion … a conversation of connected but seemingly disjointed thoughts running between the two beings as an amorphic repartee which allows new ideas to come forth out of the nothingness and be created into the reality.
Quarlee likes to sit near these spaces, because they are centers of creativity…something out of what seems to be nothing, as we shall see.
Q: “The Andromeda spirals definitely depict the catharsogenic compounds found in the Gray matter on Terra-X, what are you talking about that they definitely don’t?”
B: “They don’t Quarlee! They’re nothing like the compounds found there, what are you referring to?”
Q: “All I’m saying is that the spiral itself is everywhere there, it’s imbedded in every cellular structure of that system, it even goes as far to have been duplicated in Terra-Xians DNA and in their energy patters. They live, breathe, drink and see it! Everything they touch has a spiraling effect to it in the light spheres, even if most of them can’t see it or receive it as energy, it IS there! They are it! They are made of spirals! They are nothing but it! I don’t know how you can even fathom to tell me otherwise! I can’t believe my ears Ben!”
B: “Ok, ok, don’t get so worked up, this is supposed to be a peaceful exercise you know, I realize you are passionate about this, but you have to see that there are definite differences here…look at the size for instance… these spiral patterns are much larger than…”
Quarlee cuts him off.
Q: “SIZE DOESN’T MATTER! Gosh Ben, I thought you knew that from our many lengthy discussions on this about numerous other things. Plus, they even know about it in their study of the vast sciences that they have delved into and it’s right there in the Fibonacci numbers theorem taught in their most basic math classes to their youngest Terra-Xians.”
B: “Oh alright, I guess you’re right… Ok, how about calming the energy now, the spirals are going a lot faster since your energy raised form earlier… I’m noticing…”
Q: “Yes, I guess you are right, I just had to get that point across… <breathe> It is really important if we are going to really study these things, we need to get certain things logically clear. We have to view this dynamic from all the different viewpoints so that the elders can work with what we have after we are done.”
B: “Ok, then lets get to work, shall we?”
The camera pans out of the space ship and pans over to the Andromeda star system again, only this time we see the ship from the star system’s perspective. Then we see that Andromeda seems to look back at the ship with a giant woman’s face [it appears and then disappears] and we realize that the star system is actually a living thing. [This might take a few seconds to sink in with the audience, so we give them a moment or two…] Then we see the lights of the ship light up and dive into the star system for a fantastic voyage of lights and sound.
The trip is somewhat like that of a roller-coaster ride or that of Space Mountain at Disneyland. The two friends are having the time of their lives and they laugh and giggle as they take the twists and turns. All the while they are seeing amazing lights and flashes of electricity as the swoop and fly around the system. The centrifugal force of the ride is apparent to the audience, like the other ride at Universal Studios where one is in a ship and it rocks around. It might be a Star Wars type of thing.
They aren’t just playing, but it seems like they are. Really the ship is picking up all kinds of information as they ride through specifically charted territories within the system as not to harm or disrupt any part of the system. The highly advanced computer system is finely tuned to charter its way through and decipher the correct information for the research they will later do in comparing and contrasting its interior chemistry to other star systems/galaxies.
Andromeda is unlike any other galaxy in that the colors owned by it are majorly of the pink and purple hues, bits of green, blue, orange and yellow thrown in for good measure. The major colors of pink and purple, though, hold true to its chemical contents and hold major similarities to their function also. This is where stars are born. The stars are created in the central areas of the galaxy/star system and then are rolled/sent through other portions or areas of the system to get “coated” or built up with other protective agents that aid in their longevity and life span. Then they [the stars] can grow sun systems or otherwise known as solar systems.
After the two friends complete their flight of the Andromeda galaxy, they also head for home and dock in at the main Gray station as the women Grays did earlier. Only this time this particular space ship dock is not like a fighter craft, but rather as a slower moving surveyor craft that it is. It settles slowly as if it is carrying important information that can’t be rattled.
The final shot of this scene is of the friends smiling at each other as they land the craft slowly on the floor of the docking area. [Mission complete…]
…Meanwhile back on Terra-X…
The next scene we see is of Dayyna and Neeklo in her mini jet plane flying over the city heading towards the Zero-Grounds, a local hangout for tribe members and undergrounders who want to re-link up with the net to stay connected to what’s going on.
The scene is of early dawn and there are palm trees and steam rising from the establishment. The sign “ZERO-GROUNDS” can be seen from the sky as we approach the area and there are a lot of people milling around/about…
Neeklo projects a ray of light purple light out from his eyes spanning the grounds area, this color is know by the tribe members as a signal for higher communication and also as a searching for other T-members to talk about something imperative. Daynna spots them at the far corner of the grounds area, they’re sitting at a table sipping hot bean juice with a girl who looks a lot like Stellar…
They see the jet and signal with a wave, Stellar beams a blue light on the pale side through to Neeklo, to let him know she’s connected, and also that she has received Sonora’s message.
Dayyna lands the jet and they get out to walk over to the three T-mems. Smiles appear as they approach except for Zarthron, he seems to be very serious and he keeps his head down as they approach looking into his drink. We can tell there’s something going on energetically and it has to do with what Stellar has been telling him about Jannes and Leeya.
Dayyna: “Hey peeps! How’s it going!?”
Then she notices Zarthron's expression and walks straight over to him and sits down. Neeklo notices to and they all sit around the table, after pulling up a few more chairs.
Neeklo: “Hey man, what’s up? Why the long face? Story?”
Wynnder and Stellar put their hands on Daynna and Neeklo’s shoulders [one each] as they sit down around the table. Zar starts to speak…
Zarthron: “Stellar here has been telling us some deep stuff about what Jannes and Leeya have found out around Sumpter Pass. It’s actually quite alarming and we might have to get over there sooner, maybe even before the gathering just so we can make sure the locks are in place before we set out on the uni-mission Sonora has planned for us all.”
Stellar: “Yeah, it seems the portal Jannes has been working on his some major main frame glitches. She’s aware that without the rest of us helping, you especially Neek, she won’t be able to hold it open long enough to instill the correct lay-plans so that we can have this extra strong site for the Passing. We need this portal for passing, Jannes says, because this particular one enables us to get through without disrupting any of our sensitive light powers, like yours Neek, Collaura, and me.”
Zarthron: “So, it sounds like we should really shoot on over there next huh? Since we have two of three parts, I have already beamed the info through to Sonora, so she knows to tell Collaura, because we are definitely going to need her help first to open the portal so we can work on this together. Wait… Sonora is sending me a message…”
An overvoice comes through and we see a tele-image projected above the table of Sonora with Gryphinn behind her…
Sonora: “ Change of plans people… we are meeting… at the Sumpter area known as Sumpter Pass, where Jannes is with Leeya…ASAP! We have to get this thing under control if this is going to work… see you all there in as soon as you can… this message is going out to all light worker tribe members... we need you there now.”
Neeklo: “ Ok boys and girls, we’ll meet you there!”
Neeklo and Dayyna turn and start toward the jet. Stellar follows them, but Neeklo has to turn and give her the thumbs down, she’s going to have to go with Wynder and Zar, there isn’t enough room in the mini-jet.
Zar winks and grabs Stellar by putting his arm around her shoulders…
Zar: “Come with us pretty, we’ll get you there…”
Zar and Wynnder climb into his black hot-rod car and the engine roars as they tear out of the lot heading for the Sumpter area.
The jet starts up and Neeklo and Daynna are off too.
The next few scenes are of each tribe member as they are heading for the area.
Gryphinn flying with Sonora on her back, the jet with Neek and Daynna, the black hot rod with Zar, Stellar and Wynn.
>Then we cut to the Sumpter area – Sumpter Pass, Collaurra is already there. She was called first by Sonora and she is standing on the edge of the cliff with Leeya looking into a massive swirling portal in which Jannes is swimming in the middle.
Dayyna lands with Neeklo and the black hot rod pulls up with Zar, Wynd and Stellar. They all get out and run over to the edge of the cliff where Collaura and Leeya are standing.
Jannes yells out over the loud sound of the swirling light and wind…
Jannes: “Hi you guys! We’ve got to get in here before this thing closes on me! I want you to project all the light you can right now… right into the center of this thing! Hear me?! NOW. Three of you should be able to do it! OK GO!”
At GO Neeklo, Collaura and Stellar all project their light rays into the center of the swirling vortex of the portal and Jannes directs the light coming in to the exact and needed areas of the geodesic shape that she has had Collaura create for her. The shape acts as a kind of diamond lens that gathers all the light and beams it out through and to the prospective areas of the portal that need that particular light ray/spectrum. Within minutes the portal is much stronger and we can see now how Jannes is instrumental in her directing of the light toward the correct places. Not only must the light be directed, but it must also be channeled with the correct patterns and designs and linked in and finally locked onto the prospective and correlating receivers inside the portal for this to work properly and at its utmost capacity.
Soon we see that the portal is in place and all the lights are spinning separately in a “yes” position [anti-clockwise] and the lights are mostly separate in that you can see the different colors spinning separately where as before they were all meshed together.
Jannes: “YEAH! We did it! All right my friends! Now we’re cooking!”
Just then Sonora arrives on Gryphinn’s back. Gryphinn lands and Sonora gets off her back with a graceful slide. She walks over to the group of T-mems and greets them.
They are all pretty happy because it worked and Jannes is returning from the center of the vortex to speak with Sonora. She glides over on a veil of illusion called the Diaspora, a moving carpet of light in the same colors as the galaxy Andromeda, mostly pinks and purples though. The Diaspora trails out from the center of the portal and it is Jannes’ link to the vortexes so that she can get in and out of them to make any adjustment needed for interstellar travel through these gates or windows to the other dimensions.
Sonora: “Well done Jannes, I see you completed the task and not a moment too soon. The window for the correction was almost closing, you made it just in time!”
Jannes: “I wasn’t going to tell them that! Hee hee, we did just make it though and splendidly if I might add. It’s going to work perfectly now thanks to Neek, Coll and Stellar. Thanks for your help guys and gals.”
The group stand at the edge of the cliff together smiling as the portal closes and disappears into nothing but a tiny star which then gets attracted into a small gold case Jannes carries around her neck on a chain. The door in the front of the small disc shaped case opens like a cuckoo clock and the star enters the door and then the door shuts.
Music plays and the scene changes as from Gryphinn’s perspective though, as though he is flying over the cliff and the T-mems and swooping us away to the next scene.
We arrive through the air above an open space. We see a dark figure walking with the trenchcoat waving behind him. Only this time, it’s not a city scene, but a country road and there are a lot of green fields and pastures with horses and cattle. The fences along the roads are old and they don’t look like they can keep much in or out. The sun is shining and the weather looks warm.
This is Changeling; he’s gone to find Verasuthra and Verathon, the psychic siblings. They are residing at present in an old farmhouse in the La Honda district of the northern California coast.
The scene is of Gryphinn’s view swooping over Changelings’ head and then the camera pans down in front of him and we see he is somber in his vigil to find the almost twins. Even though the sun is high, he still has his hood on, and he doesn’t look warm, in fact, he looks like he’s trying to keep warm. Then we see that he is pale and it seems out hero is a little ill. He shivers as he walks down the road with his hands in his pockets and the cloak like trench waving in the slight coastal breeze that surrounds him.
The hill arches up to the right and we see an expansive area open up before us where there sits a small house off in a distant valley with a small stream running nearby. The sound of water is soothing and Changeling cracks a half smile and his face brightens slightly. He has been walking for some time now.
There is smoke rising out of the chimney and as he approaches the house, a medium size, light brown dog galavants out to greet him.
Dog: “Arf waroof, woof woof!”
The door opens and a beautiful woman with long light brown golden hair is standing in the doorway. She is wearing a rustic dress and she looks like someone out of the Wild West times. In her left hand she holds a staff with feathers and leather tied on it. She smiles as she sees the Changeling approach the door. Behind her appears a man, who also looks like her. He has on a hat and he has some papers in his hand, he seems to have been reading or writing something when the dog alerted him.
Changeling: “Hi you guys, long time no see…”
Verasuthra: “Yeah…tell me about it…come inside. Sonora said you’d be coming. Please take a load off, have a seat, I’ll get you some mint tea.”
Changeling: “Thanks Vera, I need it…”
That’s when Verathon notices the pasty quality of his complexion.
Verathon: “Change, man…are you alright? I better get the thermometer huh?”
He looks at Verasuthra and she nods yes.
Changeling lies down on a cot in the far corner of the room. The house is kind of like a log cabin and it is very cozy with skins on the wall for insulation. There are some old guns in a cross over the fireplace and the kitchen is off to the left where there is a small stove and a pot of boiling water for tea. Shelves are lined with jars of different herbs and roots. We see now that Verasuthra is somewhat of a herbalist and she knows her stuff. Her brother also understands the healing properties of the herbs and grasses, but he holds a more medical approach in that he has a medical bag with all the necessary physical testing equipment needed for a proper diagnosis.
Verathon puts the thermometer in Change’s mouth and his eyes tear a little. It seems Changeling has arrived in the perfect place at just the right time.
As Vera peels off his trenchcoat, we now see that he is drenched. She gets up to bring him the tea and he gets up slightly to sip some. Verathon brings over a bowl of water with a washcloth and he proceeds to dab at his forehead until he looks peaceful and relaxed. Then he removes the thermometer and reads it.
Verathon: “Whoo boy, you gotta take it easy… you are burning up! Quick Vera, get the columbine and the chamomile compress, he needs it right away under his left arm. His glands are going nuts!”
They take off his shirt and as they are applying the compress Change passes out.
Verasuthra: “It’s ok, he’ll be alright, he got some of the tea in him, I didn’t tell him there was gentian root in there too, he’ll be fine, we just have to wait. I’ll get the fan, this boy needs some air.”
Just then there’s a squawk and the door flies open, there’s a young boy at the door and he has a hawk on his arm squawking wildly.
Verasuthra: “Shhh… quiet Sam! We’ve got a weary traveler, he’ real sick…what’s up boy?”
And he walks over to the door while Verasuthra tends to Changelings leg that has begun to shake.
She gets out some blankets and covers him as she takes off his clothes to allow his skin to breathe properly. It’s now that we see that Changeling isn’t like the rest of us. He has patches of metal here and there on his body, which shows us that he’s part machine and part human. He has implants, sort of, which allow him to adjust his body unlike the regular human, he is super human in many ways. That is why he needs extra-special care in healing his ailments today. They have to be specifically designed to work in junction with each other, that’s how come Verathon has his bag of tricks separate from Verasuthra’s medicinals.
Verathon is gifted in the art of mechanics and thus relates his medicinal virtues to these areas as well. In the case of Changeling, his gifts are a necessity and without his help Changeling could die.
While Changeling is sleeping, Verathon works on Changelings mechanics and electrical programs and helps his body relink itself with the neural pathways connected to his immune system functions and his bodies own specifically designed self-healing powers. As he is working on him he discovers that Changes body has some broken circuits and had somewhat we might tem as blown fuses. He fixes these right up so when Changeling awakens the next morning, he is as good as new!
>The next scene is of them getting ready to head out to the gathering at the Marin Headlands. Verasuthra is packing a bag and Verathon is helping her. Changeling is playing with the dog and the little boy from yesterday is walking up the path to stay and take care of the dog. He has the Hawk on his arm.
Changeling: “Almost ready? We should be taking off within the next hour if we want to pick up the others.”
During the night Sonora contacted the twins and told them of where to pick up Beronna, who had found Vykter, Terrombo and Sarco. They were at the dive bar/club called the Drifters Inn down on the Row, a seedy hangout frequented by artists, musicians and the like. Sarco has a girl with him named Avril, French for April. He’s calling her Avey [pronounced A.V.] for short. He and the rest of the members think she may be a gifted one, but we have yet to discover what her powers are. Sarco believes it has to do with her hearing. She has ultra sensitive ears!
The Headlands.
Sonora is getting the circle prepared and Gryphinn is napping in the background. So far only a few tribe members are there. Dayyna and Neeklo have arrived and we see the black hot rod pull up in the distance with Wynnder, Zarthron and Stellar.
Collaura, Jannes and Leeya are gathering wood for the fire and so they aren’t to be seen yet, but they are there. Sonora has just heard from Benito and it seems that Bendinng and he are also on their way after an interesting time at the junkyard with Bendinngs Dad. They will tell the story when they arrive.
The pile of firewood is growing as one by one the women arrive with their arms laden with wood for the big bonfire. The fire will be in the center of the circle.
Wynder and Zarthron meander over to the pile of wood and start talking with Jannes who has walked up with some more wood. Wynnder has walked over to Daynna and Neeklo and they are chatting in the background as Sonora is sitting by the big Tee-pee they had built there a while ago.
Leeya and Collaura walk up with more wood and they start to laugh as off in the distance Bendinng has pulled up with his father in one of the craziest contraptions ever seen.
Everyone turns around to see what Colloura and Leeya are laughing at and then we see this “thing”. Bendinng and his dad have made a travelling machine that is part flying machine and part land vehicle. It actually is quite a sight, and quite an inventive contraption. The wings flap and they are quite bulky. In the overtone of the conversation we hear Dayyna wondering out loud if “that thing can really fly”, she’d like to try it out.
Bendinng and his Dad pull up toward the other vehicles, not far from the black hot rod owned by Zarthron. Zar gets worried that the wings are going to scratch his precious, so he runs over and that is a sight to behold as well, because he’s not a small guy and everyone packs up at this.
The Dad gets out first and then Bendinng. They look quite tired as though the ride was more arduous than they realized. Maneuvering that thing down the road must have been treacherous someone says. At this point the conversation is a muddled and everyone is talking at the same time, so it’s hard to figure out who is talking. It is pure “over-speak” as I like to call it.
Then the helicopter is heard overhead and it looks like the tribe is getting together finally. Verasuthra, Verathon and Changeling are aboard and they land off in the field a little away from the other autos. The look on their faces is a sight too, when they see the contraption.
It’s all happening at once and then we see another car approaching off in the distance and its Terrombo, Vykter and Berronna, with Sarco and his girlfriend Avril riding in the back. They arrive in a big old pickup truck, like the ones you might see in the Rip-off Press comics as in the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers cousin down on the farm might have. You know the ones with the bubble headlights and the rounded out fenders, the trucks that look as though it has its own personality.
More wood is still needed, so the women request some assistance from the burly new arrivals and they set off in search for more wood. They are going to need enough to last through the night and it should be enough to heat all the members into the dawn of the next day. Not everyone will be able to fit inside the great Tee-pee to sleep. So arrangements must be made about whom will be sleeping where and all that.
Zarthron, Neeklo and Bendinng go off with Leeya and Sonora and the rest of them stay behind to build the bonfire and make other necessary adjustments like rocks for sitting in the great circle. There is much to do before nightfall and the meeting begins at dusk! Sonora has prepared food and it is stored in the great Tee-pee for after the meeting when they will have a feast and dancing around the fire.
The group is very well organized and soon they have enough fire wood to last throughout the night and well into the next day. The food is brought out and laid down on some blankets that Sonora has brought in her truck. The blankets are sacred cloths handmade by her Grandmother and she brings them to every gathering of the tribe. The food looks delicious and everyone is salivating at the sight of the spread. She has flat bread and other breads, salads, dried meats and fruits of all kinds. There is also a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and there are plenty of fruit drinks and water. Sonora has brought coolers filled with ice so the juices are fresh and the fruits are preserved.
As of present we have a circle of rocks created around a giant pile of wood, soon to be lit by the Great Fire Cane. We also have the food spread out beautifully to the right of the Tee-pee, which also looks very proud and magnificent.
The tribe is almost ready to gather, when we hear the sound of wings off in the distance…
It’s Gryphinn! The giant Lion swimmingly floats across the sky, gliding aloft above everyone’s heads. Silently the rustle of the giant feathered wings swooshes and swirls like paper rustling or like the leaves of a very big tree…
Everyone grows silent as Gryphinn lands to the side of the circle of stones and smiles a slight smile at everyone and then winks at Sonora.
The Gathering has begun. The almighty Trans-time line being has arrived. It is time for the ceremony to start. But wait…Off in the distance…A rumbling sound…a Harley Davidson motorcycle… With who, but one lone straggler…It’s Benito! Everyone cheers and Gryphinn smiles… The Bear has arrived. Benito parks the bike and walks up to the circle amidst cheers and laughs, the mood is good even though the reason for the gathering is quite heavy, the people keep light hearts because they know hope resides there and only there.
As everyone quiets down, Sonora calls the meeting to order. The tribe gathers in the great circle. The pile of firewood is in the middle of the circle surrounded by large rocks. It is wide and not too high, so that everyone can see. It is in the shape of a flat-topped Tee-pee.
Sonora requests silence as the ceremony starts…
Leeya starts toning and soon everyone is toning the song with her. There is an amazing power emanating from the group at this point as the sound carries and travels through the forest to all the animal and plant friends.
The song continues and then Terrombo starts drumming. He has brought some conga/bongo type hand held drums and they are stacked up against the firewood. Soon, everyone has taken a drum and is drumming along with the toning song. This is a truly majestic thing to behold, even the Gryphinn is toning, but since she is still the Gryphinn, she is not drumming.
“Umm Baa Umm Baa Umm Baa Umm Baa, Eraan Neyyuu… Va-ah sha leyya vehy-nu, See – eeroo Varey – nah-hoo, Sah - ah-ham berra nay-oo…”
“Boom da Boom da Boom da Boom, Boom da da boom, Boom da da Boom, Boom da Boom O Boom da boom…”
After a while the toning and the drumming melt off and there is silence once more. Night is falling and the moon is visible over the mountains off in the distance. It is big and orange and it looks like a giant fireball in the sky. As the sky turns from blue to black, all the colors of the rainbow rise from the horizon as we see dusk change the colors of the surroundings to a darker shade of pale. The moons’ light casts some shadows around the beings and the sound of the drums and the singing fading off into the distance adds to the murky mystery that prevails.
Sonora clashes a cymbal. With this motion, Changeling walks over to her to get the Great Fire Cane with which he will light the bonfire in 5 places to commemorate spirit. Each tribe member gets a turn at consecutive gatherings to light the fire, it is Changeling’s turn this time.
Sonora lights a match that she throws into a metal bowl of oil. This is the fire from which the cane is to be lit. Changeling leans the Great Cane down and lights the end of it in the bowl. The cane is beautiful and designed with feathers and strips of leather around its very colorfully painted staff. He walks over to the wood and lights it in five places around the base.
The fire starts to burn and the faces of all the tribe members light up with joy. The fire brings the magic of the spirit realms into the presence of the circle and it also allows everyone to be warm and to see, which is very important since the gatherings are always held at dusk!
Changelling walks back to Sonora and passes the lit Fire Cane to her. She dips it in another metal bowl filled with water and the lighting fire goes out with a sizzle. Changeling takes his place and the tribe is seated at Sonora’s request.
The rules of the Gathering are as follows:
Sonora leads the meeting, so all questions must be directed to her, even if someone else in the tribe has the answer.
If someone wishes to speak, they hit 2-3 time on their drum and then Sonora will request that they rise from their seated position and address the tribe.
If someone has the answer to a question or merely wants to interject an important idea, they only have to hit on their drum once and Sonora will request that they stand and speak.
The timing of the meeting is not an issue. It ends when it ends, when all that needs to be discussed is discussed.
When you are addressed directly by Sonora, it is ok to respond directly.
Sonora: “The first order of the meeting is to discuss the predictions of the portals that Jannes has been working on. Jannes…take it away…”
Jannes: “Well, as some of you already know, the Sumpter Pass portal endeavor was a huge success, with the help of a few of you, the portal is primed and ready for the Passing. There are a few others, smaller ones, that I have ready as well, but they don’t need the concerted effort that the major one needed. Right now, we have 5 portals available for the great Passing. We are going to need all of these and possibly a couple more if we are going to infiltrate the Gray stronghold successfully.”
Berronna: “Boom! Boom!” [drum beat]
Sonora: “Go ahead Berronna.”
Berronna: “Well, I was just thinking, what if the portal misfires, do we have a back up plan?”
Jannes looks at Sonora… Sonora nods.
Jannes: “I appreciate your concern here Berronna, but really this one is all set. I have programmed the receptors so the magnitude can be pushed to 10 times the capacity that we are going to need. That is why I needed all the help yesterday. The receptors are linked so specifically that the magnitude of the blasts from the separate individuals passing through are not going to effect it in the slightest because I have backed each one up 7 times from the usual standpoint that I work from. I know how important this one is, so I made sure that it is NOT going to fail.”
Berronna nods and smiles slightly.
Leeya bangs her drum, Sonora nods.
Leeya: “I saw what Jannes had done over at Sumpter Pass. I know what she did will no doubt stick because I made sure to put an 2 extra protective coatings of tone over each receptor so that there would be no chance of anything going wrong with the program. I know last time a lot of you had complaints about losing the magnitude of your powers, so that’s why we made sure this time to OVER protect the receptors so there would be no chance of that ever happening again.”
Most of the tribe nods and smiles…all except Berra, who is whispering something to Changeling.
Sonora: “Berra…please drum if you have something to say.”
Berra drums.
Sonora: “Go ahead Berra.”
Berra: “Well, its just that I remember last time and I actually had some physical pain in my neck from the last passing and I remember that it felt like someone hit me when I went through the portal. I am afraid something like that will happen to me again…how can I be reassured that this won’t happen?”
Jannes eyes open wide and she looks at Sonora.
Jannes: “Wow, Berra, how come you never said anything to me about this?”
Berra: “I told Changeling and he said it was in my mind, he said it was a physical reaction and he had had this happen before and to think nothing of it.”
Jannes: “Well, firstly, always get a second opinion, and secondly that is definitely not supposed to happen. It sounds like you might have hit a cross current of energy and bumped into a neander spirit trying to come through the other way. This can happen when the receptors aren’t protected as well as they are now. I am very sorry this happened to you Berra, but I can assure you this will NEVER happen again, Leeya and I made sure of it this time. AgaIn, I am so sorry, that can be dangerous and I am glad you weren’t hurt too badly. Please be sure to tell either me or Leeya, or at least Sonora about anything like this in the future ok?”
Berra: “Ok.”
Sonora: “Yes Berra, please, you have to come to us, because if we aren’t aware of these minor things we could be jeopardizing our whole project here. One little slip up can topple the whole thing you know! Wow, I wish I knew about that! Changeling, you said this had been happening to you too?”
Changeling: “Yes, everytime actually…I just thought it was me, because of my mechanisms and such, but then Berra here told me she had one similar experience and I started to have my doubts that it was a solo occurrence.”
Sonora: “Has anyone else had this happen to them?”
Berronna: drums… “Not to the extent of these two, but I have felt things whooshing past me as though I was in some kind of cosmic freeway and the traffic was bad.”
Jannes: drums…”Well folks, we really don’t have to concern ourselves anymore with this because I’ve fixed it so there’ll be no more unwanted traffic. If you like Sonora…I can create a test pathway after the meeting, for us all to give it a trial run?”
Sonora: “That would be great Jannes, thanks. Ok, onto other matters…Bendinng…what the hell is that thing?”
Everyone laughs and Bendinng and his father smile and look at each other.
Bendinngs Dad: [Louis Vega] “Allow me, Ben, I guess I should try to explain it to these kind folks who have let me come to this tremendous occasion. It is basically designed after the famous Leonardo da Vinci invention that he called the flying machine, with a few moderations of course.”
Terrombo: “A few! Ha ha ha ha….Oh sorry” realizing he didn’t drum.
Sonora: “That’s ok Terr, I was thinking the same thing” Smiles and motions for Louis to continue.
Louis: “Well, It has radar, tracking and a force field shield that can project up to one mile in length. It also has wind resistant wings and a double overtime steel slide projector to throw off attacking Grays. the weaponry is another story. I’ve installed laser beam projectile advances that can come out at any direction possible. Basically the whole project is controlled by the helmet that the pilot will wear and its tied into the thought process, but not quite to the extent where silly thoughts get in.”
Dayyna: drums + Sonora nods “I wanna try!”
Louis laughs a rumbly belly laugh.
Sonora: “Let him tell us more about it, Dayyna, and then we’ll see. You will probably be the one who’ll end up testing it and eventually flying it, but I believe it will behoove us to have as many folks familiar with it as possible, in case we need you for some of our more hi-tech machinery.”
Louis Vega: “Anyway as I was saying, it looks like a toy and that is the gimmick of it, it looks harmless, but really it’s a high powered stealth “toy” that has amazing powers. It has abilities beyond any Gray vehicles we know of and you might say it is a work of art. The wheels are made of non-magnetic alloy and the whole frame is made of non-carbide aluminum so it is extremely light. The wheels allow it to not be detected if it lands on any of the Gray detecting fields that they have implanted as we know under many of the street systems. Also, I have mechanized a special system which renders the vehicle invisible. It’s an alchemical reaction produced when two charges are connected and this also makes the helmet wearer invisible, so the whole thing is undetectable by Terra-Xian or Gray eyes. All in all, it is a vast and wonderful machine!”
Sonora: “Sounds so! Fantastic, we can really use this, and I hope it has the ability to travel through the portals?”
Bendinng: drums + Sonora nods…“The electromagnetic quality of the machine makes it easy for it to trans-travel through the time portal windows of illusion because it has been designed with this specifically in mind. So, yeah man! It can!”
Vykter: “Alright! Whoops…”
Sonora: “That’s ok, we’re all excited here, it sounds like a fantastic machine. Maybe we can have a demo after the meeting?”
Bendinng + Louis: “SURE!”
Sonora: “Ok, great. Now we should get onto the pressing business of our plan to turn the Grays.”
Scene 12:
Alien scene!
We find ourselves at the High Council meeting of the Grays on Sirius B. Everyone is there. The King and the Queen are seated in the middle of the floor like a futuristic Shakespearean set. The princess and the prince are on either side of them and all the people of the court are seating in a circle around them. [The scene is meant to show the reverence of the majesty and how the seating is designed in a protective manner around the thrones.]
We arrive and the meeting is already in progress. One of the high council members is reading from a text. The place is set up a lot like the Senate, with two sides [Republican +Democrat]. The high council member finishes and sits down.
The king calls someone else to speak. They get up and start reading from a text. The Queen interjects and Brasha laughs. The reader has read something wrong, and he is corrected. He continues. We slowly discover that this is a test. A test for Grays to pass in order to be “blended” into Terra-Xian culture. They are reading excerpts from magazines and newspapers to become more familiar with Terra-Xian ways.
Naurronne: “Would the gentleman in the back on the far left kindly stand up, turn to his right, and sit down?”
He does, and she says thank-you.
The reader keeps reading.
Zennander: “Please rise.”
The whole room gets to their feet. This is all while the reader is still reading.
Zennander: “Thank-you. You can sit down now.”
The whole room is seated.
This is a testing ground for Grays to infiltrate Terra-Xand blend in and keep the screens up on Terra-X. The screens are things like television, the news, all media basically and most religions. They call it propoganda on Terra-X, but basically it is a vehicle for which the Grays use the humans or Terra-Xians for their own means. While they are sucked into this screen, their subconscious minds are ready and willing fodder for the aliens to do with what they will.
“The sleepers shall awaken”: a phrase used by those who have awoken to this truth.
The problem or dilemma here is very insipid in that the only way to tell who the aliens are is to look into their eyes. The eye of the alien has a light in it that is not natural. At first it looks like a regular reflection, but then at closer look one can see that there is a machine inside that eye. The light is circular and large with a hole in the center colored very dark black. The pupil of the eye can open and close like a regular retina, however the pupil does change shape irregularly. It looks machine-like when it opens and closes and if one listens closely, very closely, one can even hear a whirring noise.
The reason the aliens have put these plasti-humans here is to help and guide us along our way. They want to help and they believe that they are helping us with technology and science. Without their help we would still be very, very backward and might even be closer to the animals from when we originally came before they started breeding with us to genetically alter our constituencies.
Naurronne: “Please rise and exit to your left. Thank you for your cooperation. There will be another training exercise after the next class, at 11:30. You are all dismissed for an hour and a half, enjoy your lunch.”
Brasha: whispers to Naurronne “Don’t you think they should come back earlier?”
Naurronne: “No, this is plenty of time, plus we need a little break.”
Brasha: “Yes, you are right, I’m almost bored to death!”
Nauronne: “Quarlee, take your sister to the waiting room, I want to have a word with both of you.”
Quarlee: “What did I do?”
Zennander: “Listen to your mother Quar, now go.”
The prince and princess retire to a small room in the back of the auditorium and the Queen Nauronne follow them there. As they enter the room there is music playing and Brasha does a little dance to show how silly she thinks this whole thing is. The queen comes in and frowns at the two of them. She thinks this not a joke, but serious business. She gets down to it right away after taking a seat on the green couch.
Naurronne: “Ok you two. I just want to say that you were very well behaved today and I want to see you both keep up the appearance that you are enjoying these testing sessions as much as I know you detest them… Brasha… because it is very important for me and your father to know that you understand the importance of these. As boring as these sessions might be, they are the backbone of our civilization here on Sirius B, and we need you to fully understand the imperative nature of each session, so that one day you can follow in our footsteps, however BORING that might be. Do you hear me Brasha?
Brasha: “Yes mother! Gosh, I never thought it would be this much of a drag though, can’t we design a more exciting way to train them?”
Naurronne: “This is the way we do it and have been doing it for thousands of years, and Terra-X is not the only planet that this works on. Terra-X just happens to be the most successful.”
Quarlee: “Brasha’s right though mom, can’t we design a more rounded and desirable way to train these mush-heads? I mean we are supposed to be a superior race/ creed of life here. We must be able to find a different more entertaining way to get them geared to go to Terra-X. Life there is fast paced and much more exiting than “Stand up, turn to the right, sit down, thank –you.”
Naurronne: “Ok, kids, well I guess you have assigned yourselves a project then, try to come up with a less BORING, more exiting way to train these ‘mush-heads’ as you call them. And your father and I will ok it if it follows the correct procedures and trains them in the right way, so that they learn how to function on earth.
Brasha: “You got it Mom! I’ll come up with a less boring way to train our people than this. I already have a plan! Set them up in front of telescreens and let them absorb the stuff even in their sleep, that way it will be imbedded in the subconscious minds and we don’t have to sit through these never-ending training sessions.”
Naurronne: “Brasha, we could have thought of that. The reason we never had them sit in front of telescreens is that we need direct input to when there needs to be a correction. With the telescreen there is no such interaction. Please come up with a more interactive and less boring program…you have one week.”
Quarlee: “Thought you were going to get off the hook easy huh sis? Well, we’ll have to put our heads together to get you out of this one. Maybe our friends have some ideas?”
Naurronne: “No! You are to do this on your own.”
Brasha: “Ok, Mom Geez. Don’t have a zingle-blat.”
With this Nauronne walks out of the room and the brother and sister are left standing there, mouths agape.
Scene 13:
Meanwhile, back on Terra-X.
The gathering is continuing and there is much discussion around the fire. The main meeting has adjourned and they are in now what they like to call the “Narander Time”. It is when whomever is seated next one another becomes your conversation partner and the members catch up as they are are inclined to do naturally. The converations are monitored by Sonora in that she listens to the ‘soulspeak’ or overspeak of the crowd. She gets a gist of the entire conversation and is in tune with the energy of the tribe.
The energy of the tribe is that of excitement and wonder over the new machine and also of great seriousness over the task ahead. Many are speaking in hushed whispers, while other are shrieking with laughter. There is a dichotomy occuring and Sonora is very aware of it. Vykter and Zarthron are speaking in hushed whispers as are Changeling and Benito, while Dayyna and Bendinng, and Terrombo and Bendinngs’ dad, Louis are laughing and having a good ol’ time. The others are a mix of inbetween sounds and tones.
Sonora is meditating on the Soul-speak and she is finding that she is picking up a strain of nervous tension within the excitement and the surrendered whispers. It is as though these sounds are masking the vein that runs between them and she calls the meeting to attention, so that she can address this topic, by drumming.
Sonora: “It has come to my notice through the soul speak that there is an air of nervous tension about us and I feel we must address this immediatetly because we are going to need ALL our wits about us if we are going to function through the plan properly.”
Berronna drumms: “Yes, I have noticed the love waning as well and I wanted to point this out that when this occurs, it means we must pay much closer attention to it because this is the glue that holds us together and without it we are pretty much nothing.”
Sonora: “Yes, this is a direct by product of the nervous tension. I want Terrombo to lead us in a drumming ritual to sooth our souls, and Vykter… did you bring your guitar? Please fetch it now.”
Vykter nods and gets up to go to the truck where his guitar lays. He picks it up gently and brings it back to the circle. Everyone has quieted down and Terrombo looks over at Sonora.
Sonora nods at Leeya and she starts singing a beautiful melodious song. Terrombo starts beating the drum. Then Sonora nods at Vykter and he starts in on the most melodious song you ever heard. It sounds like Jerry Garcia riffs.
Everyone starts swaying to the music and soon people are standing in place and dancing gently to the music. It is a beautiful thing and everyone is happy and smiling while they sway gently to the music. Sonora was right. This was just the medicine for them tonight, just the medicine.
The tribe swayed and rocked into the dawn. The music carried their troubled souls all the way through to the other side of the night. By the morning time they had found the inner peace that each of them so richly and rightly deserved. They broke the music with a big Hoorah and then they got ready for the feast.
Everybody hugged and kissed like they had fought the whole night. They did, but in a different way. They got ready for the feast and Sonora knew that discussion on smaller scales would go on throughout the feast. And that was ok.
The feast started with a ceremonial toasting with the tea. Sonora raised her cup and said: “may this feast be blessed and all the tribe members be blessed who feast here. May we go gently but with rigor into this our good night. May all be happy and serene and also know that we are here for each other through the thick and thin of it. Blessed be!”
With that the feast began and all were merry. Many tribe members grouped together around the fire and ate their meals. Many sipped tea and crowded around Sonora, for she was the great soothsayer of the tribe. There was an air of gladness and the worry had subsided. The pan bread was a big hit and Sonora was glad, for within the pan bread was many good wishes and blessings for all the tribe members to have within their being for the coming time ahead.
Many tribe members talked about the portals and many talked about the flying machine that Bendinng and Louis had brought. All seemed good. All was well. They all felt confident that the plan would work.
The plan was to enter the Gray fly space through the portals guarded by the mists of illusion. The ceremony continued well into the afternoon with the feast lasting, because of all the food available and also the plans needing to be talked out. The groups that would stick together were: Terrombo, Vykter and Leeya, Verasuthra and Verathon, Changeling, Berra, Sarco and Avril, Wynder, Bendinng, Louis and Dayyna, Neeklo, Stellar, and Collaura, Wynder, Zarthron, Gryphinn and Benito, and finally, Sonora, Jannes and Berronna. They would all stay in contact telepathically and the plan would go into effect in two days. This would give them enough time to ready all the necessary elements into effect.
The plan is that the groups with the ability of flight would travel to the desert to find the Akashic records. The Akashic records were going to be quite difficult to find because they are hidden very well, but with Bendinng and Louis’ new contraption, it might prove a tad easier than expected. The second part of the plan relating to the Glyph was going to be handled by the Sonora, Jannes and Berronna with the help of everyone else. The weaving will occur with Verasuthra and Verathon, Terrombo, Vykter and Leeya at the sacred conjunct between Mars and Venus in the fourth quadrant of Eupiphidies. This will enable the synchronistic elements to take effect and the conjunct to happen naturally. This way the timing will be perfect and the portals will work effectively in that the Zephyr will be alighted and aligned and the peripheral nodes will also be present in the convergence.
Sonora: “The Glyph is shrouded in the mists of illusion and is going to be very difficult to get to never mind get through the mists. We are going to need all our manpower and mind-power to break through here and we are going to need the portal windows without a doubt.”
Jannes: “The portals are going to be strong enough, but are we?”
Sonora: “I believe we are. We have been preparing for this for such a long time now, we are more than ready. I believe the portals are ready. They are going to hold much more energy than we anticipate. When the first team find the Akashic records and the V-twins beam the information through the main portal at just the right time, we are going to be so ready, we’ll all be jumping for joy at the sight and sounds that surrounds us. That will also be when I give the signals for the music to begin and then… LOOKOUT, coz we gonna blow this whole thing WIDE open!!!!!!! The neverending story will begin!”
Berronna: “We have to begin at the beginning though to get this right straight though, don’t you all think? I mean if we don’t do this thing in order properly then it’s never going to work.”
Sonora: “That’s right Berronna. It’s true, we have to do this thing in order if it’s going to work. Attention! Attention everyone I have an announcement.”
With that Sonora sent an all points bulletin out telepathically to all the tribe members. It said this:
“All members of the 13th tribe: We are gaging a full scale spiritual war right now. The two part plan must be put into effect in two days time. The plan is that the airborne group, along with Benito, is to go to the desert to find the Akashic records. The contraption made by Bendinng and Louis is going to make locating them easier, but it is still going to be difficult. The rest of us, backed up by the V-twins from here, are going to find the Glyph which is veiled in the Mists of Illusion. When we have located both items, the message will be sent telepathically back to the V-twins that the items have been found and then the signal will be given to the maestros to begin the music. At which point Vykter, Terrombo and Leeya wil start the music set up for just this time. This should start the change happening that we all have been waiting for. The change to change all changings. The big change. When this happens, we will know if our plan worked. Everything should become more brightly colored and the music should affect the cosmos in a way that will be very different from the way it has been. People will become lighter and younger and gravity will gradually cease to exist as we will finally be able to fly. Art will appear everywhere as people’s imaginations will lighten and brighten and there will be words coming out of our mouths like in the Yellow Submarine. This will officially be the end of the world as we know it, and we will finally see that the end is really a beginning. So, the beginning will begin and the last beginning will be a fading memory as we float off into our future.”
Terrombo: “Great! That’s just what we’ve all been waiting for haven’t we?”
Vykter: “Yes, this is when it all happens…and the walls came tumbling down!”
Dayyna: “Well, what I want to know is how are we going to fly if there’s no gravity? I mean aren’t we all jus going to float?”
Sonora: “In a manner of speaking yes…we are going to float. Our imaginations are going to lead the way. Actually it’s not going to be as we think as much as as we FEEL.”
Berronna: “So, the Beatles were right? Yes is the answer and Pete was right too? Love will open the door?”
Sonora: “Love comes through music, or music is the perfect vehicle for love. What we will experience will be like nothing we’ve ever experienced before. The God light and God love that has been foretold of for so long will become a reality. Love will rule. And with this all wounds will heal immediately. Miracles will happen at the snap of a finger. The telepathy and the words we use now will actually not be necessary.”
Berra: “We probably shouldn’t even talk about this, because we are jumping the gun. We haven’t even started the main plan yet. We don’t know if this will happen because we haven’t even put each plan into effect.”
Changeling: “Oh, Berra… mark my words… it will happen. It will, it has to.”
Sonora: “ Berra’s right. We have to start putting the plans into action. It’s all very well sitting here dreaming… Its time to act!”
Wynnder: “I’m ready when you are!”
Zarthron: “Me too.”
Stellar: “Blue’s a blazin’.”
Sonora: “Ok, lets get this show on the road then. We are going to break into our groups today and we are going to start this project.”
Vykter: “Ok Sonora, are we going to just assume that you know what’s going on due to Gryphinns telekenetic portal in the apartment?”
Sonora: “Yes, everything will now be opened and there will be no need for real time talk. We are all going to know what the others are thinking because of the portal that Jannes opened this will be possible from now on until we get this whole thing together for the great convergence.”
Changeling: “Ok Sonora, ok guys, I’m ready as rain.”
Sonora: “Fine, this is it then. We are going to split from here and start the program. You all know what to do and like I said we are all connected from here on out. Ok then, lets go!”
With this command all the tribe members split up into their prospective groups and went their separate ways. [See Memo notes right before THE PLAN.]
Scene 14:
We arrive at the Gray’s palace. There is a big feast on. All the Grays are eating very unusual foods. The camera pans over the table and it resembles a Viking feast only the foods are revolting. Basically all kinds of animals from the universe that are indigenous to the Gray palate. There are some growls and gnarls. Everyone is eating and there isn’t much conversation until the King speaks.
Zennander: “Xhel-han, how are the forefront troops doing on Terra-X?”
Xhel-han: “Fine sir, they are moving along very nicely. The second layer of battalions are getting ready as we speak to go in as well.”
Zennander: “ Oh good! That is very good news, I am sure you are overseeing the entire process?”
Xhel-han: “Yes I am sir, personally. Well actually since I am here, my second in command Zara-Thrin is taking care of things while I am here at the main table.”
Zennander: “Oh good, I have heard good things about him. He can handle all of this while you are away?”
Xhel-han: “Oh yes sir, he is very capable.”
Zennander: “Good, I am glad. Carry on then.’
And with that they continue eating. Then we realize that this table of Grays is mostly men Grays and they are also very similar to the Klingons. There are some women/female Grays there, but they are mostly just for show and the Queen Nauronne is not present.
Scene 15:
In the bathroom, queen Nauronne is getting ready for the after feast. She knows her husband will be tired and she is getting ready for bed. She is primping and preening and we see just how ugly their bodies are. The rolls of fat around their midriff resemble the Michelin Man and she is talcing them under like boobs. She sprays stuff all about her and she puts up her hair all sexy like as she sings while she looks in the mirror adoring herself. Her long flowing nightgown is see-through and she puts it on in layers over her rolls of fleshy fat. Remember, this is attractive in the Gray world.
Scene 16:
The King is walking down a hallway with Xhel –han and they are talking jovially after having eaten to their hearts content. They say goodnight and the King goes toward the palace through a very large courtyard. He walks up some stairs and over toward a giant door. He walks through the door that opens because it knows his presence into the main bedroom, the King and Queens’ entry room to their bedroom, a very large lounge. Then he walks through another open hallway along the edge of the castle/palace and he comes to some other very large silver doors. These open slowly and he walks into his and the Queens bedroom. She is lying on the bed reading a silver bound book with a ribbon as the bookmark. The décor is very ostentatious and we can see that they love luxury. He walks over to her and slides onto the bed next to her. She smiles and he leans over and gives her a kiss.
She smiles and he goes off to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Scene 17:
In the bathroom with Zennander. He undresses and we get to see his body. It is grossly layered with many rolls of fat. He washes his face in the sink and puts on a night gown of silvery material. This protects his skin and helps the fat rolls not stick together while he sleeps. He finishes and comes out to the bedroom where the queen is almost already asleep. He slides in bed next to her and slowly they drift off into sleep.
Scene 18:
Xhel-han and Zara-Thrin are meeting.
This is as far as I got. TBC -- NOW THIS IS all REGISTERED with the WGA
please see treatments and extra work pasted as one unit of data. if you are interested in this as product please contact me at 650-787-9231 or my email at lionart77777@yahoo.com
this is old from 2000 as you can see and its OVERDUE!
Exactly what is happening, HOW IRONIC!
I have illustrated the characters in a drawing folder. I didnt get as far as the Aliens. Just the Tribe - things can be adjusted and new characters can be added.
extra work:
Lincoln-head building/skyscraper on Sirius.
White elongated dream mask of Pleiadian creator.
Shield of honor given to tribe by the land of dreams. Shield is a picture of two figures holding hands with wavey lines to the right, Aquarius’ astrological symbol. The shield symbolizes unity and peace and the harmony of emotions when two sacred destined spirits are joined.
My dream about going to meet Sirius. Very important symbolism here.
Cats having special powers and ability to trace out Grays because they can see through the screens of illusion that Grays put up to control the Terra-Xians.
Tale about the light workers leaving in May of 1998 and returning in 2001 for enlightenment to lead toward planetary and universal unity. The dark and the light forces, the dark staying here to ground the light forces that leave and return in 2001 from seeking the multidimensional level information to educate the rest of the Terra-Xians.
Look up information about the Dogon tribe and the Akashic Records. Pp1-2
Flying dreams. How to fly, by willing, by wishing, and by breathing.
Scene IV – transition from III-IV – Gryphinn’s dream sequence/reality [ie explain/find reason…]
There is a lot of black and white in the beginning to show and to introduce the symbolism of the Grays… Colors are introduced later…
Scene V: pages 18-19 tell about the whereabouts of each character. The characters will split up and seek the others out in one night. They will plan to meet at Daynna’s plane at the aero-port/an underground airport built by the Underground Alliance, a group of 13th tribe supporters who have been around through the ages and are connected to the tribe through the dream time and 60’s-90’s drug use. [LSD thought based telepathic connection].
Scene VI: Even though Sonora has telepathic communication/connection with all of the members, a direct connection always has to be maintained through direct personal contact, otherwise communication can be lost in the ethos. This is one of the major things that Jannes is working on because she believes that this communication can be permanently encoded through working with these particular portals and instilling the proper energy codes within them.
See club scene page 20. Reference to color/smoke theory.
Jannes has very deep feelings for Changeling, but he doesn’t know the extent of her passion about him yet…he has an unusual attraction to her, but he hasn’t quite figured out what it truly is all about yet. Later we see their relationship unfold through their working together through the energy fields and the multidimensional levels.
On page 23 scene7, reference to a designer who made those curved shape chairs with soft cushions, like worm holes that adults could crawl through and sit on different levels. I have pix in my Roger Dean book, the artist from the YES covers.
The groups that would stick together were: [p56] PLAN EFFECT:
Terrombo, Vykter and Leeya - MUSIC
Verasuthra and Verathon - TELEPATHY
Changeling, Berra, Sarco and Avril – SHAPE SHIFTING & LOCKS
Wynder, Bendinng, Louis and Dayyna – FLIGHT & FIGHT
Neeklo, Stellar, and Collaura – COLOR & LIGHT
Wynder, Zarthron, Gryphinn and Benito – WIND, ENERGY, BEAST
Sonora, Jannes and Berronna – LOVE, PORTALS, UNITY
The first part of plan is that the groups with the ability of flight would travel to the desert to find the Akashic records.
The second part of the plan relating to the Glyph was going to be handled by the Sonora, Jannes and Berronna with the help of everyone else. The weaving will occur with Verasuthra and Verathon, Terrombo, Vykter and Leeya at the sacred conjunct between Mars and Venus in the fourth quadrant of Eupiphidies. This will enable the synchronistic elements to take effect and the conjunct to happen naturally. This way the timing will be perfect and the portals will work effectively in that the Zephyr will be alighted and aligned and the peripheral nodes will also be present in the convergence. The Glyph is shrouded in the mists of illusion and is going to be very difficult to get to never mind get through the mists. We are going to need all our manpower and mind-power to break through here and we are going to need the portal windows without a doubt. The portals are ready. They are going to hold much more energy than we anticipate. When the first team find the Akashic records and the V-twins beam the information through the main portal at just the right time, we are going to be so ready, we’ll all be jumping for joy at the sight and sounds that surrounds us. That will also be when I give the signals for the music to begin and then… LOOKOUT, coz we gonna blow this whole thing WIDE open!!!!!!! The neverending story will begin!”
Message from Sonora : All members of the 13th tribe: We are gaging a full scale spiritual war right now. The two part plan must be put into effect in two days time. The plan is that the airborne group, along with Benito, is to go to the desert to find the Akashic records. The contraption made by Bendinng and Louis is going to make locating them easier, but it is still going to be difficult. The rest of us, backed up by the V-twins from here, are going to find the Glyph which is veiled in the Mists of Illusion. When we have located both items, the message will be sent telepathically back to the V-twins that the items have been found and then the signal will be given to the maestros to begin the music. At which point Vykter, Terrombo and Leeya wil start the music set up for just this time. This should start the change happening that we all have been waiting for. The change to change all changings. The big change. When this happens, we will know if our plan worked. Everything should become more brightly colored and the music should affect the cosmos in a way that will be very different from the way it has been. People will become lighter and younger and gravity will gradually cease to exist as we will finally be able to fly. Art will appear everywhere as peoples imaginations will lighten and brighten and there will be words coming out of our mouths like in the Yellow Submarine. This will officially be the end of the world as we know it, and we will finally see that the end is really a beginning. So, the beginning will begin and the last beginning will be a fading memory as we float off into our future.
Resolution to 13th Tribe
Last scene: Brasha was leading the Grays in a class about magazines – ok… magazines & newspapers have CODE for the Grays - They have to do certain exercises to activate the alien receivers in their human brain once they’ve been disguised on earth – infiltration beyond humans wildest imagination –
ACT II: Full scale war! Aliens are discovered and revealed/uncovered by back wood people, this time the human media CAN’T cover it up – it is everywhere - Broadcast on PIRATE TV.
Tribe related: The truth is now known – WORLDWIDE
Governments around the world react badly – in FEAR - CODE RED
Aliens are scared too – the jig is up. No more FOOD. CODE IS BUSTED + all is revealed – Aliens have been psychically feeding on humans negative emotions – generated by the media, TV, FILM, newspaper, Magazines – communication with Aliens is through these too – telepathically and in code.
13th Tribe – knows how to cure to cure it all –
Portals in place – inter-dimensional Gods get/set Akashic records open – Mists of Illusion lifted – Light beings once dormant awake from AVALON, LEMURIA & ATLANTIS
The veil is off. Full scale world war starts – Blam! Blam!
Atomic bombs in space
Massive attax with space shuttles – Earth is no match for the Grays
Brasha fights dog fight style
Brother – prays and meditates
Queen – worries / King is angry & fearful
Bad Gray is happy gets to kill! EVIL ALIEN.
13th Tribe - SAVES SPACE
everyone who is light beings gather at sacred sites around the world, sing, make music, dance dance dance sending light prayers up and strengthening the gaias aura. The 2 dimensional world of fairies, gnomes and pixies come alive and get seen… all the light beings work together to strengthen the love on the planet and send it up so that the grays cannot stay in the space… the love melts them its too painful for them… they cannot hold that energy….and they have to go back to Sirius – where they starve and die.
opens aliens + humans charkas with LIGHT OF GOD MUSIC
all illusions are removed
the world management team are exposed, FIRED, put on trial and sentenced to live on SIRIUS C / Nibiru where they will be taught to be nice
all conspiracies that were kept under wraps in the government are exposed and the TRUTH IS TOLD. JFK, all the WARS, the OIL deals, the TSUNAMI, all the conspiracies and people involved are revealed and caught.
THE SLATE IS WIPED CLEAN & just in time because GREAT SPIRIT was gonna wipe this earth clean and START OVER!
on earth – the animals are sooo happy. Nature comes back and everything is magical. Faeries show themselves and mermaids & Neptune dance on the waves.
All magical creatures are freed and the magical people don’t have to be afraid anymore… the BOOGIE MAN IS DEAD!
The whales and dolphins scream & sing in JOYFUL parade
people can fly and are always smiling – swinging from treetops and laughing their heads off
all thoughts are all good and they create the world GAIA back to her essence of healing power
no negatives
ALL Aliens back off & leave earth / DIE
And all animals vegetables minerals and other living things
A tribe, called the 13th tribe, helps save the world, called Terra-X, from aliens called the Grays. They are called the 13th tribe because they are likened to the 12 tribes of Judah. They see the truth behind the lies, can read between the lines and have special gifts, which gives them the power to change the future. They are the heroes and heroines of the present connected by a common bond: Save Terra-X from the Grays. Each character in the 13th tribe has a uniquely individual talent, power or magical gift and in unison they unify Terra-X and create peace on earth and in the entire galaxy.
May 20, 2006
Dear Mr. Steven Spielberg,
Here is a story I wrote stating back n 2000. I have been working on it for 6 years now and I have turned the first 18 pages into a screenplay format after taking a college course. I have written about 60 pages and in 2004, I figured out the ending, which is attached in story format.
I completely appreciate you reading this or one of your counterparts because it was divinely inspired around the turn of the century. As you probably get this a lot, as well as an inundation of scripts, ideas and screenplays, I have been enjoying your creations since you started making films with DUEL.
I apologize for the haphazard format of this mailing, but I am a newly married mom with our first baby on the way – a girl named Yaira [Hebrew meaning “to enlighten”] and I don’t have too much time or money to put to perfecting the format of this idea.
My husband is in the trades and works his butt off 10+hour days 6-7 days a week and he is amazing. I really want to help him with money and so I am finally getting my gumption up to send this to you with no strings attached other than the prayer that I will get some kind of positive response and my idea will be swept up and made into a major motion feature film – THAT’S ALL! ☺
I realize this is the dream of millions, but heck, I thought, “it’s worth a shot right?”
I am a South African born Jewish girl and I have traveled many roads… survived many hardships and have a very extensive creative talent too, which hasn’t reached the heights yours has YET! I am a painter, sculptor, writer, conga player and poet. I am also a movie buff to no end and I am so appreciative and grateful for all the wonderful films you have made over the years to enrich so many lives including my own.
As you can see I am a Sci-Fi fan, and loved E.T., A.I, and all the “out there, but oh so real films you have made in this genre.
I hope you can find your way through the muddle of my pages to find it in your heart to choose ME and make MY IDEA into FILM.
I must say here, that I am completely OPEN to changes, rewrites and/or any adjustments [dialog - My father, Neville Meyer, made some films in the 70’s – GOLD & Shout at the Devil – he said my dialog needed some work!] that you feel would be beneficial to making THE 13th TRIBE a reality and positive force on the big screen. It truly is a dream of mine for the story to affect people and hopefully “enlighten” the world… There is a much bigger picture gong on to which I am sure you are aware… let’s keep the dreams alive!
Thank you in deep Gratitude and Fortitude in the fight for enlightenment!
Peace & Blessings,
Janice Kirkpatrick [nee: Meyer]
301A Oak Avenue
Redwood City, CA 94062
A galactic story
By Janice Kirkpatrick [nee Meyer]
PITCH [1 page]
TREATMENT [4 pages]
SCREENPLAY [till pp.18 then in story format till pp. 35]
STORY – as originally written in 2000 – 60+ pages [apologies for the convoluted references to other films, but I am a visual artist exposed to many great works!]
MEMO NOTES & RESEARCH [i.e.: Sirius Star System, Pleiades, Dogon tribe of West Africa, Galactic Gateways open 2003, etc…]
RESOLUTION [2 pages]
>> SUMMER of 2003
>> On the morn of July 23, 2003 the star Sirius rises before the daystar,
>> our sun, issuing a declaration to all that the
>> This is a doorway of unprecedented opportunity to swim foreword
>> with the stellar surge of awareness that precedes the day-light.
>> Since ancient times Sirius has been known and revered in many cultures.
>> In ancient Atlantis the mysteries were based on information received from
>> the Sirius Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian
>> mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 bc the Egyptians
>> started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this
>> the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion,
>> in the month of Leo.
>> Sirius is the home of Christ Consciousness not only for our planet and
>> solar system but also for this entire One Galaxy. Sirius has always
>> been a spiritual prototype for earth and played a vital role in earth's
>> early evolution. Spiritual energy streams forth from Sirius into the heart
>> chakra of our Sun and then comes forth to earth through the sun's rays.
>> As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun on July 23, pre-dawn,
>> we will have another opportunity to activate the 11 Christ seeds within.
>> These are dormant DNA encodings that await stellar emanations and
>> configurations in order to open sealed soul records/truths of each Light
>> Being held within the human costume.
>> On July 23, 2003 go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether
>> cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you.
> Asking
>> you to move your awareness into the galactic storehouse of knowledge that
>> has quietly awaited this time. The emanations will begin on this day and
>> lend
>> themselves until the time of 9/9/2003. It is in the quiet times
>> in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks
>> what has been unseen until now.
>> On August 8, 2003 we are given a rare opportunity to walk through
>> another Doorway of Accelerated Awakening', the 8:8 LIONS GATE. This
>> Awakening
>> will occur within the cellular records of all beings. These cellular
>> records are held within a crystalline code in the form of a tetrahedron
>> (3 sided pyramid) which exists within the codon of each strand of DNA,
>> which resides within each cell of the body, as well as each cell in
>> the Universe.
>> In ancient times the 'Records of Remembrance' were hidden deep within
>> the earth physically and dimensionally, under, above and around sacred
>> sites.
>> The Mother Matrix of these encodings lives within the Great Pyramid of
>> Egypt guarded by the Sphinx. When the ancient skies were aligned in a
>> specific stellar alignment an energetic doorway was opened to the sacred
>> sites. Allowing entrance through these sacred encodings.
>> We all carry within us cellular awareness of every sacred site ever
>> issued to earth, from the beginning of time on earth through out time in
>> our immediate solar system. It is just a matter of fine tuning our
>> intention to receive these energies.
>> The only way earth can move forward is through the heart (anagram for
>> earth). Every tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one
>> moves into direct contact with the heart. Since the Universe knows we are
>> stubborn of nature it has aligned some stars to shoot that cosmic cupid
>> arrow our way. Activating a doorway of love so vast one is automatically
>> included within, without any effort.
>> The stars that come to us to lead us down the aisle of the 8:8 LIONS
>> GATE are ALHENA (constellation of Gemini), ROSETTA NEBULA (constellation
>> Lyra) and Quasar OH471 in the star system Auriga.
>> ALHENA is marking stone for what is ahead. It inspires us to act on our
>> greater soul truth and purpose. It indicates a turning point that has
>> been reached and announces to us it is time to leave the fence of
>> indecision. ALHENA energetically creates a specific geometric seal,
>> which allows a starseed link of communication. This star requires
>> transfiguration. Asking us to embody our true galactic light coding,
>> issuing a command of waking to the dormant coding within.
>> The ROSETTA NEBULA is a powerful pulsing magnetic field whose rhythms
>> extend into unknown dimensions of aetheric space. This is a broadcast
>> energy that affects all ferrous matter (iron) and magnetic substances
>> on earth. Humans are receiving energy emanations from this nebula, which
>> affect the molecular spin within the blood. This nebula houses a vast
>> repository of galactic historical information, which is being made
>> available to humanity through the blood. Images of powerful upcoming
>> changes will be made available to many, allowing the prophecies to be
>> dispersed alleviating negative outcomes and possibilities.
>> QUASAR OH471 brings the image of the souls mission and purpose into
>> view in a most unique and magical way. It stimulates and mobilizes our
>> fragmented parts into a unified morphic field of inquiry. It ignites a
>> unique unexpected and magical turn of events. Quasars are the signatures
>> of distant galaxies housing multi-spectral emanations outside our sphere
>> of consciousness.
>> These stellar connections and dimensional bleed throughs will serve to
>> open us to unique possibilities not part of our cellular awareness.
>> Whichever way you look at it or shake it up the ancient Nu (the
>> birth/seed sound of ancient Egypt) becomes the New. Leading us unto the
>> street of free will, up and down the path of personal choice with a
>> large helping of the sacred and a sprinkling of the divine. We are
> destined
>> to become more than we know. This new mirror reflection will give to us
>> what we have been seeking for eons.
>> August 8, is a Natural doorway. Nothing forced, nothing prodded,
>> nothing stressful. Just a natural downloading of remembering from the
>> heavens
>> initiating our dormant light codes. Lifting us up to a place where we can
>> see the parade of light that is yet to come. Set your intention as you
>> set you watch on August 8, 2003. Allow the floods of the ancient Nile to
>> fertilize your soul with Nu-trients that are needed for your growth. See
>> behind the curtains to the new (NU) you that exists beyond all space and
>> time and body.
>> Time has quickened and in August the Time matrix shifts into unknown
>> areas. In the time of August 2003 what was named the Philadelphia
>> Experiment (August 12, 1943) is opening up again to birth another Time
>> transformation. Time, as we perceive it will shift. TIME known and
>> unknown conjuncts itself, as the timing chain of the universe pauses to
>> lick its past wounds. The 'Time Gates' open on 8/12/2003. All that was
>> hidden is seen all that was seen is now clarified in the light of a new
>> knowledge imbedded within the codons of a dormant seed chromosome. The
>> past and future walk hand in hand in the now as forlorn lovers.
>> Revealing all possibilities to a newly birthed remembering. Gather what
> you
>> may
>> along this path; fill yourself, as the fruit from this tree does not
>> fall to earth again until 20 years have passed. The energies rises from
>> 8/8/2003 to 9/9/2003 spend them well as molten Mars reaches down to
>> touch earth with the moist breath of ancient healing.
Stars dot the black background of space.
In the center of space is ANDROMEDA. Gaseous waves undulate and appear to roll within it. Softly changing amorphic forms of pink, fuchsia, blue, purple, orange and yellow flex within the nebulae. ANDROMEDA looks alive as if it creates something from within itself.
Traveling through space, a black hole off in the far distance has light pulled into it through a twisted funnel. The light sinks in a spiral motion in the funnel and disappears.
White Dwarves and Red Giants glow off in the distance.
The constellation ORION sparkles.
The seven stars of the PLIEADES light up in gradation of intensity.
Asteroids of various shapes, sizes and textures and colors in an ASTEROID BELT float and drift down, around, and above.
The blue planet, EARTH glows in the distance.
The small lavender planet called PLUTO appears.
Five more planets appear: URANUS, purple in color, JUPITER, orangey-yellow, SATURN with its rings, MARS, the red planet, and MERCURY, a small quickly spinning green planet.
EARTH glows a tremendously beautiful blue glow. The planet spins slowly on a tilted axis. The moon revolves around it as it looks as if it is held by space in a beautiful floating aura of light.
QUEEN NAURONNE, Queen of the GRAYS, an alien race who come from SIRIUS star system sits in her space ship and looks out toward the planets. She looks longingly at EARTH/TERRA-X. Tears form in her eyes and roll down her greenish-gray cheek.
The Queen’s space ship hovers and then drops down and speeds off away from EARTH/TERRA-X through space back toward SIRIUS.
Traveling toward Sirius, the stars speed past on the way back.
SIRIUS star system approaches in distance and gets closer.
The ship approaches the bright star, SIRIUS-A, and then redirects toward darkness.
Out of the dark appears SIRIUS B, a smaller darker version of SIRIUS A.
SIRIUS B looks mostly gray with accents of black and silver. The gothic buildings appear very surreal. The main palace looms with huge buildings whose tops look like spires atop churches in Italy. Long and winding roadways stretch all around the place. The vehicles hover just above the roads and defy gravity.
The ship approaches the IMPERIAL PALACE of the GRAYS, the alien race who created the universe.
The Queen’s ship approaches the landing dock and slowly glides into the Palace’s entry door and lands.
The Queen sighs and looks out of her ship as she sees KING ZANNANDER gliding over toward her ship as it lands.
She smiles and looks on him with love and caring. He looks back in the same fashion.
She exits the ship and descends the ramp out of the ship. She moves toward the King and they do not speak. They communicate telepathically. All we see is the knowing looks they give each other through their eyes.
Greetings Dear. I have seen TERRA-X.
She is well, but I sense
great tension from her people.
Yes. Welcome back my Queen.
We have much to discuss.
I felt your sorrow from here.
They walk quietly together out of the landing area and the King puts his arm around her lovingly as her head hangs down in sorrow.
The King and Queen float down the hall arm in arm as their robes flow around them. Their silky translucent clothes hang on their grayish green skin. The clothes bear tones of royal blue, purple trimmed with fuchsia and black. The rolls of fat on their unattractive bodies show right through the robes.
They descend some stairs and cross a courtyard filled with strange looking plants. Some alien animals mill about. The moonlight shining upon them comes from their neighboring star, SIRIUS A., the only source of light for both their night and their day.
The King and the Queen ascend another small staircase toward a hallway along the edge of the Palace gardens toward their bedroom. Arches open to the right of the hallway along the garden.
They float to the right and down the hall toward a huge door at the end of the passage. The doors open automatically and they enter their bedroom.
They enter their bedroom and float toward the majestic bed. Inside the amazing room, opulent furniture fills the space. Ornate tapestries line the walls. Everything seems to have a life of its own and the furniture and the artwork resemble the plants and the animals from in the garden.
A flash of white light fills the room as they approach their bed.
NEW YORK CITY, 2012 - 2:45PM
Cabs and cars fill the street and people of all sorts walk hurriedly along the sidewalks.
GRYPHINN, a sleek woman dressed in black vinyl exits a large building and get into a cab. She wears stiletto healed high boots and a long black leather coat. Her long, black hair with two long streaks of white bleached hair
frames her face. She clutches a black attaché case close to her as she enters the cab.
5th and Lexington, the Juniper building.
The cabby nods and the driver pulls away from the curb into traffic. The cabby looks at her in the rear view mirror. Gryphinn looks inside the attaché case. He looks at her because of her attractive appearance. She gives him a glare and he quickly looks away.
Going to see Sir Newton?
Gryphinn glares at him again.
Just makin’ conversation.
The cabby smiles sheepishly.
Well, don’t.
The cabby speeds along and pulls up to the curb. Gryphinn slaps a ten on the back of his seat.
Keep the change.
Thanks! Hey, by the way
I like your hair.
Gryphinn looks over the top of her sunglasses at the cabbie and he sees that her eyes are like a cat. She shuts the cab door and walks toward the building. The cabbie speeds off as if he’s seen a ghost.
She walks in through the front door as the doorman opens it. Her coat billows out behind her. Her hair mimics the flow of the coat. She walks up to the elevator, which opens exactly as she walks toward it.
She steps inside. The Art Deco building contains beautiful and artistic designs on the walls, with inset tiles. Draped curtains frame the windows. The old fashioned elevator has a dial inside for the floors and an elevator operator named GEORGE.
Afternoon Miss Phinn?
Afternoon George. How are you today?
George nods at her with a smile. He presses the button to the Penthouse. The doors close. The doors make a unique sound like a vacuum seal.
Any luck out there this morning?
Work in progress George,
Work in progress…
The doors open.
We’ll get there Miss Gryphinn.
Thanks George. I know we will.
Patience is definitely a virtue.
She exits with a smile and a knowing glance.
Gryphinn exits the elevator to a small lobby with an antique mirror and a small Italian table on the far wall. Her clothes make a swishing sound as she walks toward her penthouse apartment. Orange neon lights trim the ceiling down the hallway. She walks toward a glass door with a symbol of a Griffin sandblasted into it. She passes her hand over a metal plate on the wall to the right of the door and the door slides open. She enters.
The entryway opens up into a sunken lounge lined with brown velvet soft like fur. Pillows and soft blankets in black and brown hues adorn the lounge. The black edged light brown carpet covers the floor and dips down into the sunken area. Dim lights accent the intriguing artwork on the walls. A large glass table sits in the center of the sunken lounge with gold supports.
Great big windows open onto a wide cemented Italian style terrace decorated with beautiful tiles.
A state of the art voice activated computer system hovers from the ceiling like a scoreboard in a sports arena.
She takes off her coat and underneath she has on a dark brown body suit. She has an amazing figure and she walks toward the lounge and sits on the couch. She lights some sandalwood incense and places it in a ceramic raku incense holder in the middle of the glass table.
She shape-shifts into a Griffin. She has a Lion’s head, Eagle’s wings and the tail of a Dragon. This powerful figure personifies a tremendously huge energy. She purrs and settles deeper into the sunken lounge. The smoke from the incense rises into the air.
She calls out in a deep roaring voice for SONORA, the leader of the 13th TRIBE.
Sonora, an elderly woman who has Native American Sioux and Choktaw blood in her veins, holds the responsibility of being the leader of the 13th TRIBE. She has long dark brown hair and a tan complexion. Large in stature, she has a very strong demeanor and if one were to see her, one would sense her presence as a person of great wisdom, experience and immeasurable telepathic capabilities.
Good to hear from you.
Sonora, I have important news for you.
I have been waiting to hear from you
Our initial plans for the portal alignment
may have to be delayed.
The X-underground is having
some problems locating the Glyph.
It is veiled too deeply in the
Mists of Illusion. The Akashic Records
are also more difficult
to locate than we first predicted.
A journey to the Sinai seems imperative.
Hmm… I see.
Yes. Many of us will be required
to extend our talent to pull this part of
the plan off successfully.
Everyone if we can do it.
Alright Gryphinn,
I’ll summon the tribe…
Sonora pauses to send a telepathic message. We hear a slight murmur and whispering O.S.
Yes, Sonora. I am here.
I was just thinking.
We might want to gather
at the great headlands
for a meeting before we
venture out, just to make
sure that we’re all on
the same vision page.
That’s not a half bad idea
Gryphinn. When do you believe
to be the best time?
We are coming
into the best phase of Jupiter
along with the moon being at its
highest point, so this will
be the best trine
conjuncture between Mars, Jupiter
and Pluto. We will have a
direct line to the
subterranean low light
energies in relation to
dream-time. Our plans for seeing
through the veils of
illusion will access
the map to the Pleaidian
star system which we
need to adjust the portals.
Very well Gryphinn, I’ll
contact the tribe telepathically
and fill them in.
Excellent. I’m off to sleep. I’ll
hear from you soon.
Fine Gryph, dream well…
Gryphinn’s big eyes close and she falls asleep on the sofa purring, her large wings rustling as they settle in on her back.
Scene fades into what the audience will think is a dream sequence. Actually it’s just a reality shift of consciousness. Gryphinn can transport her energy being by the will of thought.
The sound of Gryphinn’s wings rustling fades across her back fades into this new scene as the sound of her wings flapping.
She flies through the air above New York City. Magnificent, majestic and graceful, she swoops over the skyscrapers fast and stealthily. In the dark of night, unseen and unheard, she peruses the city inspecting silently under the dark of night.
She hones in on a couple of figures in a dark alley. They look suspicious. A tall man and a small girl open the back door of an abandoned warehouse and slip inside before Gryphinn can get too close to actually see them. With perfect timing, Gryphinn swoops as they slip inside with their faces hidden.
Gryphinns eyes light up as she realizes that she recognizes their forms as CHANGELING & BERRA and she flies away with a half smile.
Changeling has the ability to shape shift and change form. Part machine, part human, tall and wearing a black hooded sweatshirt covered by a long black trench coat, he usually smiles a half smile. Even though he is originally from Peru, he looks Caucasian.
Berra has the power of the dolls. She can slip in and hide anywhere at will. A great little spy, and being 11 years old from Siberia, she has talents far exceeding her age. She has survived harsh winters and can withstand very cold weather. Her big dark eyes contrast her pale skin. Her long, silky straight white hair falls all around her little face.
Changeling and Berra enter the abandoned warehouse through an old door covered in graffiti.
Changeling and Berra walk closely along between a large wall and a huge metal staircase. A light comes in from the streetlights on the other side through some broken windows. They slink up to a large open area and large I-beams support the very high ceilings. A big white rat scurries across the floor in front of them. Berra jumps and catches her breath as Changeling grabs her mouth so she won’t make noise.
Oh! Mmmmph..
They walk over to some lumpy shapes in the far corner. Some grumbling sounds and some of the shapes move. People sleep sliding cardboard as they sense the presence of Changeling and Berra.
Who goes there? What’s your business?
A flashlight comes at them and blinds them. They guard their eyes from the light beaming right at them.
[In a loud whisper]
Hey, Turn it down.
We’re from the Tribe.
The light drops and one of the lumps gets up slowly.
What’s your name then?
I’m Changeling and
this is Berra.
We’re looking for
Neeklo and Benito.
You know where we
could find them?
Some whispering.
Yeah… Hang on a minute…
Changeling hears more whispers in the dark, but they can’t understand it.
…Laser District…
…The drumming…
Hey come on over here…
My friend can tell you
where they are…
Changeling & Berra walk over toward VAH and ZERON as they shine the flashlight on the floor to make a path of light.
They approach a complicated set up of milk crates, cardboard boxes and giant wooden wire spools. This looks like a bunch of garbage, but it appears strategically designed. Wires come out of the walls, the floor and from under layers of cardboard like a great big nest.
This is Changeling
and Berra. Changeling,
Berra. This is my good friend
Vah, and oh yeah, my name
is Zeron
Good to know you Vah, Zeron.
Quite a place you have here.
Hey what’s this?
Changeling grabs a wire.
Hey man! Don’t touch that!!
Changeling gets shocked and thrown back 15 feet into a pylon. His body wraps around the pole and he bounces right off it back to where he was next to Berra.
Wow man! Are you alright?
Yeah, I’m ok. Phew!
That gave a supercharge
to my circuits though… man!
Changeling smiles a half smile.
Yeah cool man. Tribe folk, you guys are
alright man… Yeah, so… Neeklo and Benny, they been haunting the
Laser District lately.
There’s been rumors of some trouble going down out there and they been
creeping around trying
to get the goods on a couple of spies word has it are lurking there too.
Oh we’ll find them. We will…
Her eyes flash at him. The whites of her eyes light up and they shine as bright as the flashlight did. This startles Vah, and he jumps back a foot or two.
Fuck man! Jeezuz Chryst!
Warn us already if ya’s
gonna do that! My gawd!
Freak a guy out why dontcha
Well... I guess a dose of
your own huh?
Very cool set up here…
Hey, sometime I’d like
to check this place out
see how all this shit works
Changelling smiles and steers Berra by her back toward the door.
As they walk away Berra sends a telepathic message to Zeron.
Tell your friend thanks.
He was a great help,
but he needs to watch his
language in front of children
She also sends a telepathic image of her smiling to Zeron which also transmits immediately to Vah, just to spook him out a little more.
Zeron turns to Vah and his face turns white from receiving her smile after she left.
Changeling & Berra walk down a sidewalk at night with old-fashioned street lights. The lights in them beam colorful lasers shooting off in all directions, like mini searchlights.
They come upon a long queue along a dark street. All kinds of strange and weird looking people wait to get into a club. Two huge bouncers guard the entrance behind a black velvet rope. They have shaved heads and goatees.
Changeling and Berra walk past all the freaks and up to the front of the line. Amidst dirty looks from the queue, the bouncers nod to them and they get right in.
A huge warehouse covered with silver and colored metallic shiny streamers coming from the ceiling. Lasers beam in each room and smoke comes out of the walls and the floor from hidden places. The streamers wave in the wind and as the lights shine and move. Light reflects all over the place and on all the people. A beating of drums permeates the place and music pulses hypnotically.
Changeling and Berra walk through the middle of the dance floor area and the people part like the Red Sea for Moses. The dancers move in a perfect synchronicity and without even looking at them they close behind them, as if they sense them. Everyone keeps moving.
They walk over to some metal stairs at the far end of the giant room, which they take to the upper floor. We travel with them and we see their perspective of the room in its entirety as we ascend the stairs.
Just then, as they are peering over the railing, in walk NEEKLO and BENITO. They were in one of the other rooms and they walk up to some people in the crowd who get very excited that they have found them. They hug and kiss and walk over to a wall to talk.
As Changeling & Berra walk down the stairs toward them, they begin to notice the familiarity of the other people… more tribe members!
Neeklo spots Changeling from across the room and his face lights up.
Hey! Wow!
Neeklo waves at them to come over.
Changeling and Berra, who wasn’t visible at first because of her height, walk over. When Neeklo sees Berra, he runs over to her and sweeps her up with a hug and spins her around.
Whoa Neek! Easy!
Yeah, easy man!
She’s kinda fragile!
She may be small,
but she’s tough!
He puts her back on the ground, grabs her hand and walks them both over to the others. Neeklo’s smiling.
The others that are in the club are BERRONNA, COLLAURA and DAYYNA, also tribe members. They have been looking for each other since the telepathic messages started coming through from Sonora that they must gather in the next two days for a meeting of the tribe members.
They all hug and greet, eyes shining as the lasers are all around them. The lights spin and the streamers reflect on their faces.
Seven found, and
eleven more to go.
We don’t have much time
since Sonora wanted us
to gather the day after
tomorrow at the headlands site.
It shouldn’t be too tough,
since we are all synchronized
by soul level connections.
It’s just a matter of
seeking and finding
each other.
Yeah! It’s been way too
long since we were all
together like this… I’ve
missed you!
Ok you guys, let’s go over
into the Ambiance Room where
it’s quieter and we can talk.
They all walk over to another room that is not as brightly lit but still somewhat lasered out and the music is more mellow, but the pulse can still be heard from the giant room. There are tables and chairs on the far side of the space and they walk over and take seats around an odd shaped table in the corner.
Alright, great…
We have to come up
with a plan to find
the others, anyone
got any ideas?
Well, I know that
Leeya and Jannes have
been hanging out at
Sumpter Pass on North
Island and we’ll probably
find them there. There’s
some kind of major portal
that Jannes has been
interested in and I
think Leeya has been
helping her hold the
energy fields open with
tone so Jannes can do
some prep work for the
Ok, any other ideas…?
I’ve seen Stellar around
here a few days back,
but I haven’t seen her
lately… So she could be
around, but we might try
Bendinngs’ dads junkyard
over on the north east
side… I know she likes
it because it is quiet up
Good idea Berronna… and
with luck, maybe Bendinng
will be there…
I know Wynnder and Zar have
been lurking together lately
and I have a fair idea that
they are over at Zero-Grounds…
Yeah... We should definitely
try there.
Ok, cool…anyone else?
I’m sure Sonora has contacted
the V twins, but maybe I
should make sure in person.
They’re probably still at their
house up in La Honda.
Well, when everybody is together,
I can fly some of us!
Everyone smiles at Dayyna. She smiles back.
--------------------- break.
Benito: “ Well, that leaves…let’s see… Sarco, Vyk and Terrombo… Has anyone seen them?”
Neeklo, who has been quiet, chimes in…
Neeklo: “The music maestros Vyk and Terrombo are sometimes jamming at the Lost Spaces Jam rooms and we could ask around there…”
Benito: “Ok, cool…that just leaves Sarco…”
Changeling: “I think I know where he is… Last I heard he was staying at the Drifters Inn down at the Row… he likes those dive bars around there, don’t ask me why, he doesn’t even drink!”
Berronna: “He likes a girl down there… She’s probably one of us, but doesn’t know it yet… He’s been known to attract the special ones…I should know…”
Berronna winks at Collaura and Changeling smiles too. [Sarco found them when they were absolutely destitute.]
We begin to see a relationship between the tribespeople and a history/herstory of interconnectedness that we see has grown and will continue to grow and develop over the length of the film.
Through telepathic communication with Sonora, because she is always connected to all of the Tribe members, they are split into groups and they all separate. Some go in twos and others go solo.
This time Berra goes with Collaura. Dayyna goes with Neeklo. Beronna is on her own, and so are Benito and Changeling.
>Even though Sonora has telepathic communication/connection with all of the members, a direct connection always has to be maintained through direct personal contact; otherwise communication can be lost in the ethos. This is one of the major things that Jannes is working on because she believes that this communication can be permanently encoded through working with these particular portals and instilling the proper energy codes within them.
Benito suggests that they sit in the circle and hold hands to link up their energy fields. This way Sonora can hone in on them and give direct ascension images and information to whom she wants to find whom and where specifically.
This connection in turn leads to the derivative lines foretelling the next missions:
*Dayyna and Neeklo hop in her space jet on the roof of the club [she met the other two there…] and go and find Wynnder and Zarthron.
*Collaurra is given the task by Sonora to find Leeya and Jannes.
*Berrona is given Vykter and Terrombo to find and after she finds them, they are to go on to find Sarco.
*Benito and Berra go to find Stellar and Bendinng.
*Changeling goes to find The V twins, Verasuthra and Verathon.
The first scene of the sixth part here is of all the tribe members parting ways amidst the smoke and music of the club. The music is loud and the pulses move the heart. The music also mirrors the footprints to the paths ahead for all of them.
There is no need for further verbal dialog, because Sonora has connected with all of them individually while they were in circle, and they all know what they have to do. They all split up and get mixed into the crowd among the dancers and the smoke. This is also a terrific symbol of the color and energy fields again and how similar they are…
How we will see later that this is the way the Grays project and direct their control over the Terra-Xians.
Scene change: Daynna and Neeklo getting into one of her jets. She had arrived on the roof of the club and they are getting ready to go find Wynnder and Zarthron. [First the Zero Grounds & then possibly the Himalayas…]
Daynna’s talking, but all you can see is her mouth moving and Neeklo is laughing hysterically, slapping his thigh. The jet engines drown out the noise, and then you see her lift the plane off the roof like a helicopter [very futuristic stylized machine, part jet, part helicopter] and they take off in a sideways swipe across the night sky.
*Note: these next scenes are going to have to be interwoven very carefully… to show the interconnectedness and underground organization and stealth of the tribe. They are right on the money. [These can be mixed up later…but for now they can stay this way…]
The next scene is of Berra and Collaura leaving the club out of the front where she and Changeling came in originally. Berra half smiles at the door guards and the back one touches her back gently as they exit the club. This makes everyone in the line look and peer, which turns to mumbling chatter, like “who is she…?” wows and oohs.
Most of the people in the line are subterranean reptilian types – tattooed, pierced and in black, but some are enlightened beings in flowing robe garb.
Berra and Collaura are seen walking down the sidewalk, very similar to the view of her and Changeling earlier. The streetlights lasers beaming and the silhouette action.
The next view is of Benito saying goodbye to some friends in the club and walking away waving as he exits out a back door of the club to his car which is parked out back. He gets in and music is heard coming from his auto, rave type, but rock too. As he pulls out of the lot there is a lot of energy that leaves with him…
Changeling stays and walks back up the stairs to where he and Berra were standing to see the club. The last vision of this scene is of him leaning on the rails looking down on the mass of people pulsing with the energy of the music and flowing through the smoke and light filled room. His cloak like trenchcoat flows behind him, his face is pale and his hood is covering his head. His eyes are deep blue and he is magical. We see the light reflected in his eyes and the camera pans the room and then finally settles on his eyes. [*See memo]
Alien scene!
We come in on a scene in space of two ships doing high speed maneuvering in an asteroid belt. Very dangerous stuff! They are playing a game of cat and mouse. The flight patterning is marvelous and amazing! The are swooshing by each other vertically and horizontally and upside down… dodging asteroids that are moving to boot! They are smaller space ships for battle and they are similar to F-14 fighter planes, only they are space ships.
This goes on for a few minutes, maybe 5 or so, there must be an immense pleasure of battle and fight built up in the audience by this time. The audience must feel as though they have been taken on a wild ride! They must also have the sense at the end that they don’t know which way they are facing…they must feel all turned around and discombobulated.
I want them to assume that these are men doing these amazing flight maneuvers... the precision and daring and the amount of control must delineate the masculine excellence that we are programmed to assume is all male in our society today.
Then at the last moment I want the camera to zoom in on one of the pilots… who happens to be undoing her helmet and laughing hysterically throwing her head back, like she never had so much fun!
This is our first introduction to the daughter of the King and Queen of the Grays…the Princess Brasha. She is playing in the asteroid fields with her friend Teranna.
The next shot is of her friend Terranna, who doesn’t look as happy, because Brasha is a bit wilder than she is and she nearly slammed her into an asteroid a few times out there. She is using these play exercises as a lesson of sorts to help Brash get better at the battle ground when she will have to take over for her mother the Queen one day. She is her friend but she also her teacher and companion.
The two ships hover at each other above the asteroid line and then they shoot off toward the Gray’s home planet, Sirius B. Again, they swoop by the Sirius A and then make a sharp right for home on Sirius B, the Darkstar.
The ships dock in the same place as the first scene of the movie and this scene begins a longer vision into the Grays world and way of life. The palace is again very ornate with gothic spires and translucent designs and architecture. Mostly tones of Gray and silver, every shade from dark to light, but neither black nor white. Sometimes tones of gray can look like a color, so we must keep this in mind in the future of the film as when the grays mix with the Terra-Xians they take on some of the color hues, in the reflection of light.
They land their ships and climb out onto the floor. Brasha is still laughing and Terranna is still not amused.
T: “You almost killed me out there!”
B: “You’ve got to sharpen your skills!”
T: “It’s better to take fewer chances now, so you have more to take in the real battles! Brasha really! We are supposed to be learning how to navigate and deflect. We are to learn the art of war and this entitles me to show you that a good defense is sometimes more important than a good offense!”
B: “Yes, yes Terranna! I hear all that, but it’s so much more fun to just go for it sometimes! I get in this flow and there’s such a rush in it! I just love it!”
T: “Yes, well if you’re not careful, that rush could get you in a lot of trouble one day. I swear Brasha, if your parents knew how wild you really were out there, they’d have both our hides!”
Brasha just smiles at her and they walk down the corridor, which leads to the atrium of the palace. Brasha puts her arm around Terranna and they walk over to the gardens where they sit down for a breather. A servant arrives and asks them if they want anything in Gray.
[The language of the Grays is totally different and there are subtitles. Ex: Hingeblott arastream?]
Brasha says yes and looks at Terranna who nods and says, whatever you’re having.
B: “2 squid juices, thx.”
As we are waiting the camera pans around the room as we hear them still talking, but nothing succinct. We begin to notice the flora & fauna of the atrium and garden. The plants are not at all natural. They are copies of plant life on earth and from a distance they look real, but really they are made of a combination of glass, plastic and metal from various places in the galaxy. They have structure and movement like the real thing, and they are all …shades of gray!
A few minutes go by and the chatter subsides as the drinks arrive. They are tall containers of black juice, thick syrupy stuff that looks like thick oil. They sip on it as they chat some more.
T: “So, Brasha… what do you want to do for tomorrow’s flight?”
B: “I thought we’d go check out Terra-X, I’ve always wanted to go back there since my last visit, but I guess I have to clear such a long trip with the elders.”
T: “Wow that is far! Are you sure you’re up to it?”
B: “I figure with the light sensors reacting the way they are, it’s a better time than ever to go unseen. That way we can sneak in and spy on them hidden by the portals of time. Those stupid Terra-Xians haven’t figured out how to crack the codes yet and I don’t think they ever will! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”
T: “Geez! Brasha, I wish the elders could hear you sometimes!”
B: “well, you know I’m right!”
Terranna’s face grimaces and she looks away from Brasha, who is more attractive than her, but it is now we see that beauty lies within… not without.
Brasha’s face is smug and she is happy that she thinks she knows everything. She has a belief that things have been this certain way so long that things can’t change. She is going to be surprised sooner than she realizes.
The camera pans away from them and out a window in the ceiling out into the Grays City and out into space where we pick up another flight pattern going on in another area of the galaxy.
This time it is near Andromeda and it is with Quarlee and Ben-Yaun. They are there because Quarlee really enjoys this particular galaxy because of its colors and energy. Ben-Yaun accompanies him on these trips because he enjoys hearing Quarlee’s thoughts that are aspirational and intricate. Quarlee is a philosopher of sorts and Ben-Yuan enjoys being in the presence of such energy. Together they come up with some very enlightening conversation.
The camera arrives at Andromeda. It is now that we really see what an amazing galaxy it truly is. It is as though it is feminine in nature and it has the distinct imagery of being very much like what one might imagine the inner workings of a woman would be or feel like. The colors are mostly pink hues and there are flavors of yellow and purple and red and blue thrown in for the mix. It is really quite an epiphany evoking sight!
In the presence of such a vision, one really wants to weep. It is just so beautiful.
We arrive slowly at a very nice ship, all smooth and shiny and inside are the two friends.
They are peacefully talking, quite a different scene than the last one with the women.
Quarlee is seated on one of the seats of the space ship, which is designed by him for meditative illumination because he is one of the main facilitators of the spiritual aspects of the Gray’s influence in the universe. It’s his main job to study and explore these things to the nth degree, so that they can be explored later by the elders and put into practice on the corresponding planets. The Grays have much influence where spirituality is concerned and this is going to be one of the major saving graces and saving faces of the whole big picture, the grand master plan, the everything of all that is and ever was or ever will be.
He is seated in a meditative yoga like pose and Ben-Yaun is seated next to him on a separate seat. The seats are designed by Quarlee to be ergonomically acceptable to meditative states. They support the body, soul, mind & spirit. One can sit cross-legged and still be very comfortable. There is also on this ship the 60’s designer who made the crawl spaces where one can sleep/lie/curl up in a ball to rest. The designer linked with Roger Dean art? [*See memo]
We arrive in the middle of a heated discussion between them…so at first we are not sure what is going on really. There is a lot of technical talk and there is also a lot of spiritual talk. At first it doesn’t make any sense to us, the viewer. As the time passes we see that the conversation is point of the discussion … a conversation of connected but seemingly disjointed thoughts running between the two beings as an amorphic repartee which allows new ideas to come forth out of the nothingness and be created into the reality.
Quarlee likes to sit near these spaces, because they are centers of creativity…something out of what seems to be nothing, as we shall see.
Q: “The Andromeda spirals definitely depict the catharsogenic compounds found in the Gray matter on Terra-X, what are you talking about that they definitely don’t?”
B: “They don’t Quarlee! They’re nothing like the compounds found there, what are you referring to?”
Q: “All I’m saying is that the spiral itself is everywhere there, it’s imbedded in every cellular structure of that system, it even goes as far to have been duplicated in Terra-Xians DNA and in their energy patters. They live, breathe, drink and see it! Everything they touch has a spiraling effect to it in the light spheres, even if most of them can’t see it or receive it as energy, it IS there! They are it! They are made of spirals! They are nothing but it! I don’t know how you can even fathom to tell me otherwise! I can’t believe my ears Ben!”
B: “Ok, ok, don’t get so worked up, this is supposed to be a peaceful exercise you know, I realize you are passionate about this, but you have to see that there are definite differences here…look at the size for instance… these spiral patterns are much larger than…”
Quarlee cuts him off.
Q: “SIZE DOESN’T MATTER! Gosh Ben, I thought you knew that from our many lengthy discussions on this about numerous other things. Plus, they even know about it in their study of the vast sciences that they have delved into and it’s right there in the Fibonacci numbers theorem taught in their most basic math classes to their youngest Terra-Xians.”
B: “Oh alright, I guess you’re right… Ok, how about calming the energy now, the spirals are going a lot faster since your energy raised form earlier… I’m noticing…”
Q: “Yes, I guess you are right, I just had to get that point across… <breathe> It is really important if we are going to really study these things, we need to get certain things logically clear. We have to view this dynamic from all the different viewpoints so that the elders can work with what we have after we are done.”
B: “Ok, then lets get to work, shall we?”
The camera pans out of the space ship and pans over to the Andromeda star system again, only this time we see the ship from the star system’s perspective. Then we see that Andromeda seems to look back at the ship with a giant woman’s face [it appears and then disappears] and we realize that the star system is actually a living thing. [This might take a few seconds to sink in with the audience, so we give them a moment or two…] Then we see the lights of the ship light up and dive into the star system for a fantastic voyage of lights and sound.
The trip is somewhat like that of a roller-coaster ride or that of Space Mountain at Disneyland. The two friends are having the time of their lives and they laugh and giggle as they take the twists and turns. All the while they are seeing amazing lights and flashes of electricity as the swoop and fly around the system. The centrifugal force of the ride is apparent to the audience, like the other ride at Universal Studios where one is in a ship and it rocks around. It might be a Star Wars type of thing.
They aren’t just playing, but it seems like they are. Really the ship is picking up all kinds of information as they ride through specifically charted territories within the system as not to harm or disrupt any part of the system. The highly advanced computer system is finely tuned to charter its way through and decipher the correct information for the research they will later do in comparing and contrasting its interior chemistry to other star systems/galaxies.
Andromeda is unlike any other galaxy in that the colors owned by it are majorly of the pink and purple hues, bits of green, blue, orange and yellow thrown in for good measure. The major colors of pink and purple, though, hold true to its chemical contents and hold major similarities to their function also. This is where stars are born. The stars are created in the central areas of the galaxy/star system and then are rolled/sent through other portions or areas of the system to get “coated” or built up with other protective agents that aid in their longevity and life span. Then they [the stars] can grow sun systems or otherwise known as solar systems.
After the two friends complete their flight of the Andromeda galaxy, they also head for home and dock in at the main Gray station as the women Grays did earlier. Only this time this particular space ship dock is not like a fighter craft, but rather as a slower moving surveyor craft that it is. It settles slowly as if it is carrying important information that can’t be rattled.
The final shot of this scene is of the friends smiling at each other as they land the craft slowly on the floor of the docking area. [Mission complete…]
…Meanwhile back on Terra-X…
The next scene we see is of Dayyna and Neeklo in her mini jet plane flying over the city heading towards the Zero-Grounds, a local hangout for tribe members and undergrounders who want to re-link up with the net to stay connected to what’s going on.
The scene is of early dawn and there are palm trees and steam rising from the establishment. The sign “ZERO-GROUNDS” can be seen from the sky as we approach the area and there are a lot of people milling around/about…
Neeklo projects a ray of light purple light out from his eyes spanning the grounds area, this color is know by the tribe members as a signal for higher communication and also as a searching for other T-members to talk about something imperative. Daynna spots them at the far corner of the grounds area, they’re sitting at a table sipping hot bean juice with a girl who looks a lot like Stellar…
They see the jet and signal with a wave, Stellar beams a blue light on the pale side through to Neeklo, to let him know she’s connected, and also that she has received Sonora’s message.
Dayyna lands the jet and they get out to walk over to the three T-mems. Smiles appear as they approach except for Zarthron, he seems to be very serious and he keeps his head down as they approach looking into his drink. We can tell there’s something going on energetically and it has to do with what Stellar has been telling him about Jannes and Leeya.
Dayyna: “Hey peeps! How’s it going!?”
Then she notices Zarthron's expression and walks straight over to him and sits down. Neeklo notices to and they all sit around the table, after pulling up a few more chairs.
Neeklo: “Hey man, what’s up? Why the long face? Story?”
Wynnder and Stellar put their hands on Daynna and Neeklo’s shoulders [one each] as they sit down around the table. Zar starts to speak…
Zarthron: “Stellar here has been telling us some deep stuff about what Jannes and Leeya have found out around Sumpter Pass. It’s actually quite alarming and we might have to get over there sooner, maybe even before the gathering just so we can make sure the locks are in place before we set out on the uni-mission Sonora has planned for us all.”
Stellar: “Yeah, it seems the portal Jannes has been working on his some major main frame glitches. She’s aware that without the rest of us helping, you especially Neek, she won’t be able to hold it open long enough to instill the correct lay-plans so that we can have this extra strong site for the Passing. We need this portal for passing, Jannes says, because this particular one enables us to get through without disrupting any of our sensitive light powers, like yours Neek, Collaura, and me.”
Zarthron: “So, it sounds like we should really shoot on over there next huh? Since we have two of three parts, I have already beamed the info through to Sonora, so she knows to tell Collaura, because we are definitely going to need her help first to open the portal so we can work on this together. Wait… Sonora is sending me a message…”
An overvoice comes through and we see a tele-image projected above the table of Sonora with Gryphinn behind her…
Sonora: “ Change of plans people… we are meeting… at the Sumpter area known as Sumpter Pass, where Jannes is with Leeya…ASAP! We have to get this thing under control if this is going to work… see you all there in as soon as you can… this message is going out to all light worker tribe members... we need you there now.”
Neeklo: “ Ok boys and girls, we’ll meet you there!”
Neeklo and Dayyna turn and start toward the jet. Stellar follows them, but Neeklo has to turn and give her the thumbs down, she’s going to have to go with Wynder and Zar, there isn’t enough room in the mini-jet.
Zar winks and grabs Stellar by putting his arm around her shoulders…
Zar: “Come with us pretty, we’ll get you there…”
Zar and Wynnder climb into his black hot-rod car and the engine roars as they tear out of the lot heading for the Sumpter area.
The jet starts up and Neeklo and Daynna are off too.
The next few scenes are of each tribe member as they are heading for the area.
Gryphinn flying with Sonora on her back, the jet with Neek and Daynna, the black hot rod with Zar, Stellar and Wynn.
>Then we cut to the Sumpter area – Sumpter Pass, Collaurra is already there. She was called first by Sonora and she is standing on the edge of the cliff with Leeya looking into a massive swirling portal in which Jannes is swimming in the middle.
Dayyna lands with Neeklo and the black hot rod pulls up with Zar, Wynd and Stellar. They all get out and run over to the edge of the cliff where Collaura and Leeya are standing.
Jannes yells out over the loud sound of the swirling light and wind…
Jannes: “Hi you guys! We’ve got to get in here before this thing closes on me! I want you to project all the light you can right now… right into the center of this thing! Hear me?! NOW. Three of you should be able to do it! OK GO!”
At GO Neeklo, Collaura and Stellar all project their light rays into the center of the swirling vortex of the portal and Jannes directs the light coming in to the exact and needed areas of the geodesic shape that she has had Collaura create for her. The shape acts as a kind of diamond lens that gathers all the light and beams it out through and to the prospective areas of the portal that need that particular light ray/spectrum. Within minutes the portal is much stronger and we can see now how Jannes is instrumental in her directing of the light toward the correct places. Not only must the light be directed, but it must also be channeled with the correct patterns and designs and linked in and finally locked onto the prospective and correlating receivers inside the portal for this to work properly and at its utmost capacity.
Soon we see that the portal is in place and all the lights are spinning separately in a “yes” position [anti-clockwise] and the lights are mostly separate in that you can see the different colors spinning separately where as before they were all meshed together.
Jannes: “YEAH! We did it! All right my friends! Now we’re cooking!”
Just then Sonora arrives on Gryphinn’s back. Gryphinn lands and Sonora gets off her back with a graceful slide. She walks over to the group of T-mems and greets them.
They are all pretty happy because it worked and Jannes is returning from the center of the vortex to speak with Sonora. She glides over on a veil of illusion called the Diaspora, a moving carpet of light in the same colors as the galaxy Andromeda, mostly pinks and purples though. The Diaspora trails out from the center of the portal and it is Jannes’ link to the vortexes so that she can get in and out of them to make any adjustment needed for interstellar travel through these gates or windows to the other dimensions.
Sonora: “Well done Jannes, I see you completed the task and not a moment too soon. The window for the correction was almost closing, you made it just in time!”
Jannes: “I wasn’t going to tell them that! Hee hee, we did just make it though and splendidly if I might add. It’s going to work perfectly now thanks to Neek, Coll and Stellar. Thanks for your help guys and gals.”
The group stand at the edge of the cliff together smiling as the portal closes and disappears into nothing but a tiny star which then gets attracted into a small gold case Jannes carries around her neck on a chain. The door in the front of the small disc shaped case opens like a cuckoo clock and the star enters the door and then the door shuts.
Music plays and the scene changes as from Gryphinn’s perspective though, as though he is flying over the cliff and the T-mems and swooping us away to the next scene.
We arrive through the air above an open space. We see a dark figure walking with the trenchcoat waving behind him. Only this time, it’s not a city scene, but a country road and there are a lot of green fields and pastures with horses and cattle. The fences along the roads are old and they don’t look like they can keep much in or out. The sun is shining and the weather looks warm.
This is Changeling; he’s gone to find Verasuthra and Verathon, the psychic siblings. They are residing at present in an old farmhouse in the La Honda district of the northern California coast.
The scene is of Gryphinn’s view swooping over Changelings’ head and then the camera pans down in front of him and we see he is somber in his vigil to find the almost twins. Even though the sun is high, he still has his hood on, and he doesn’t look warm, in fact, he looks like he’s trying to keep warm. Then we see that he is pale and it seems out hero is a little ill. He shivers as he walks down the road with his hands in his pockets and the cloak like trench waving in the slight coastal breeze that surrounds him.
The hill arches up to the right and we see an expansive area open up before us where there sits a small house off in a distant valley with a small stream running nearby. The sound of water is soothing and Changeling cracks a half smile and his face brightens slightly. He has been walking for some time now.
There is smoke rising out of the chimney and as he approaches the house, a medium size, light brown dog galavants out to greet him.
Dog: “Arf waroof, woof woof!”
The door opens and a beautiful woman with long light brown golden hair is standing in the doorway. She is wearing a rustic dress and she looks like someone out of the Wild West times. In her left hand she holds a staff with feathers and leather tied on it. She smiles as she sees the Changeling approach the door. Behind her appears a man, who also looks like her. He has on a hat and he has some papers in his hand, he seems to have been reading or writing something when the dog alerted him.
Changeling: “Hi you guys, long time no see…”
Verasuthra: “Yeah…tell me about it…come inside. Sonora said you’d be coming. Please take a load off, have a seat, I’ll get you some mint tea.”
Changeling: “Thanks Vera, I need it…”
That’s when Verathon notices the pasty quality of his complexion.
Verathon: “Change, man…are you alright? I better get the thermometer huh?”
He looks at Verasuthra and she nods yes.
Changeling lies down on a cot in the far corner of the room. The house is kind of like a log cabin and it is very cozy with skins on the wall for insulation. There are some old guns in a cross over the fireplace and the kitchen is off to the left where there is a small stove and a pot of boiling water for tea. Shelves are lined with jars of different herbs and roots. We see now that Verasuthra is somewhat of a herbalist and she knows her stuff. Her brother also understands the healing properties of the herbs and grasses, but he holds a more medical approach in that he has a medical bag with all the necessary physical testing equipment needed for a proper diagnosis.
Verathon puts the thermometer in Change’s mouth and his eyes tear a little. It seems Changeling has arrived in the perfect place at just the right time.
As Vera peels off his trenchcoat, we now see that he is drenched. She gets up to bring him the tea and he gets up slightly to sip some. Verathon brings over a bowl of water with a washcloth and he proceeds to dab at his forehead until he looks peaceful and relaxed. Then he removes the thermometer and reads it.
Verathon: “Whoo boy, you gotta take it easy… you are burning up! Quick Vera, get the columbine and the chamomile compress, he needs it right away under his left arm. His glands are going nuts!”
They take off his shirt and as they are applying the compress Change passes out.
Verasuthra: “It’s ok, he’ll be alright, he got some of the tea in him, I didn’t tell him there was gentian root in there too, he’ll be fine, we just have to wait. I’ll get the fan, this boy needs some air.”
Just then there’s a squawk and the door flies open, there’s a young boy at the door and he has a hawk on his arm squawking wildly.
Verasuthra: “Shhh… quiet Sam! We’ve got a weary traveler, he’ real sick…what’s up boy?”
And he walks over to the door while Verasuthra tends to Changelings leg that has begun to shake.
She gets out some blankets and covers him as she takes off his clothes to allow his skin to breathe properly. It’s now that we see that Changeling isn’t like the rest of us. He has patches of metal here and there on his body, which shows us that he’s part machine and part human. He has implants, sort of, which allow him to adjust his body unlike the regular human, he is super human in many ways. That is why he needs extra-special care in healing his ailments today. They have to be specifically designed to work in junction with each other, that’s how come Verathon has his bag of tricks separate from Verasuthra’s medicinals.
Verathon is gifted in the art of mechanics and thus relates his medicinal virtues to these areas as well. In the case of Changeling, his gifts are a necessity and without his help Changeling could die.
While Changeling is sleeping, Verathon works on Changelings mechanics and electrical programs and helps his body relink itself with the neural pathways connected to his immune system functions and his bodies own specifically designed self-healing powers. As he is working on him he discovers that Changes body has some broken circuits and had somewhat we might tem as blown fuses. He fixes these right up so when Changeling awakens the next morning, he is as good as new!
>The next scene is of them getting ready to head out to the gathering at the Marin Headlands. Verasuthra is packing a bag and Verathon is helping her. Changeling is playing with the dog and the little boy from yesterday is walking up the path to stay and take care of the dog. He has the Hawk on his arm.
Changeling: “Almost ready? We should be taking off within the next hour if we want to pick up the others.”
During the night Sonora contacted the twins and told them of where to pick up Beronna, who had found Vykter, Terrombo and Sarco. They were at the dive bar/club called the Drifters Inn down on the Row, a seedy hangout frequented by artists, musicians and the like. Sarco has a girl with him named Avril, French for April. He’s calling her Avey [pronounced A.V.] for short. He and the rest of the members think she may be a gifted one, but we have yet to discover what her powers are. Sarco believes it has to do with her hearing. She has ultra sensitive ears!
Thats as far as I got because I had a baby and got cancer.
Thanks for reading. I need help. Help me finish and make it work. Make this happen.
Please God and the Angels. Please help me.