Miracles abound; small, medium, large and XL. From the smallest bird ~ Hummers, to the largest animals ~ Whales; we see miracles all around us.
Being trapped inside, as many of us are; to jobs, daily living, raising kids, schlepping back and forth from school or the store; it’s easy to forget that we are surrounded by miracles.
The magic of the world gets lost in the daily grind, especially if we spend our time seeking outside of ourselves to suffice our inner desires. Drugs, drink, pills, TV, social network all can detract us away from our own inner magic and the magic that is all around us. We become automatonic users instead of brilliant creators.
It’s when we take a break from the external world and just go for a walk in the woods or try a new trail on a hike, that we rediscover the mystery of Earth.
She, Gaia – as some call her – is an amazing being. She is shrouded in mystery and there are layers of ages upon her. There are places we haven’t yet explained like cities upon cities and the giant Moai statues at Easter Island. The Earth is wrought with mystery; but because we have created around us familiarity, we forget how amazing she is.
It is time to take a walk on the wild side. I dare you to go on an adventure!
Go and find a place you have never seen. Go and find a world where magic is alive. Get out of the box and live a little; even if it’s just a hiking trail near your home, even if it’s just around the block on your street. I will bet you don’t know all of your neighbors and someone out there can benefit from some gift you bring to this planet.
I bet you will find that you see things in a new way today. Create something while you are out there. Find some leaves and sticks and make a fairy house. Find a tree and hug it. Feel the energy of the tree. Change something no matter how small. Move a stick, a twig, but make something change.
If you go to the ocean you will see all the elements coming together; air, sun, water, earth, wood. You will feel the ions shift your body presence. Feel the sand and the water with your feet or hands, the way the two mix and also the sounds of the elements mixing. When the waves roll in and move the sand – it is a very distinct sound… Let that sound feed your spirit and cleanse and release away any unneeded baggage. Just breathe it away… Imagine the waves rolling over YOU as you lay on the beach by the water… ~*~
Try to feel the other worlds that exist on this plane along with us. Open your heart to this idea. Use your imagination and see into the Fairy realm. Imagine fairies and what they may look like, where they may live and what they may do.
Start to feel into the Spirit realm; where all the people who have ever gone before us have settled for their rest. See if, along your journey, you can open to this field of consciousness and send some love into it.
You may be surprised what you get back.
Ask Spirit to guide you and ask for what you want from it. Wait and feel. See if you get any visions while you are exploring; for the journey is not of the body or the mind, but rather of the soul and spirit. See if Spirit will show you your Angel guide[s]. Open to seeing what Spirit shows you in Love.
See if you can feel differently along your way. And then come back when you are ready and write about it.
Write about what you saw, felt, heard…
And then see how your life changes, unfolds and shifts…
Miracles really do abound. And, when we stir the pot of our consciousness we really can change the world.
Be in Peace ~*~