Here’s to the walking wounded and you know who you are. That’s everyone who’s ever been through hell and back and it doesn’t matter at what age you did it –you are all wounded warriors of the light.
Be you the father who’s slaved to provide for the family unit or the child who was neglected due to the father’s emotional absence. Be you the victim of a crime perpetrated and never admitted by the abuser or the abusers guilt for committing that crime and never having the courage to face that person and admit the guilt and ask for forgiveness.
We are all walking wounded in one way or another; all of us seeking love and acceptance from one another and thus from God, for does not God reside in every one of us?
One school of thought comes from the energetic vibratory levels of Chiron. The idea is that the wounded are warriors. Healers learning to heal themselves and on the way help others as they evolve along their own path; picking up the stones so that others need not trip over them along the path that is already trodden upon.
There are, however, perspectives to take into account. If we are all facets and mirrors of God, then as we walk our own individual paths, mustn’t we also acknowledge that one person’s lessons may not be learned in the exact same way as another? So in that, sometimes, ‘helping’ is more like allowing. One has to weigh these ideologies individually so that proper care is taken so as not to tip the apple cart.
It is up to each of us individually, in respect to the group dynamic, to still glean our insights alone as we also reflect back to the unity consciousness. A newness may emerge that might not be found through manipulation.
In that newness – a rebirth can occur - one that has not been experienced by any facet of God before. So, in the idea of this we thus feed the super dynamic and enlighten just in our ‘being’ alone.
One must then fail and fail again to be reminded that all is lessons and all is learning here on this plane. For to fall and fail is to be vulnerable and open enough to embrace that which will eventually enlighten us and make us stronger in the idea that we really are not alone, but one with everything always.
Here is the key: There is not good or bad. There is no duality. It is created in our minds, this idea, to challenge us to evolve and enlighten ourselves… To indeed come closer to God… To our own inner HEART WISDOM. For the Heart is much wiser than the head ~*~
Popular examples we have been given, such as Jesus Christ and the Buddha, show us what we can accomplish if we thwart the duality of the Ego mindset, relinquish manipulation and instead harness our innate God given power of positive intention. Our Community Heart knows this and knows it WELL.
It is a balancing act. The wounded warrior is the winner after all. We are ALL wounded – in one way or another – imprinted by patterning passed down through generations – challenged to break certain cycles and renew in the light.
When we become aware that that which does not serve us and the greater good NEEDS to be discarded; like sloughing off a dead limb as a tree does, so a way can be made for something that DOES bear life and WORKS in the PLAY.
I embrace each and every one of you who read this and attune to this vibratory message of LIGHT.
The War is Over. It’s Safe to Come Home Now. Peace is With-In and We are All Loved DIVINELY!
Namaste ~*~